
The steam from the hot springs swirled around Nicole and Jasper, creating an intimate cocoon that blocked out the rest of the world. Nicole leaned back against Jasper's chest, feeling the warmth of the water soothe her aching muscles, but there was a heaviness in her heart she couldn't shake. The memory of seeing Jasper with Lizzy haunted her thoughts, and though she tried to push it aside, it gnawed at her, pulling her deeper into her sadness.

She finally broke the silence, her voice soft and laced with pain. "Jasper... I need to talk to you about something."

Jasper, who had been absentmindedly tracing patterns along her shoulder, stiffened at the change in her tone. His hand paused, and he gently turned her to face him, his dark eyes searching hers. "What is it?" he asked, his voice low.