First mission to rescue Johnson.

Derrick tracked the kidnappers they were heading to Solai as Johnson texted Richard looked at their position and the location kidnappers.

"It's barely a hundred kilometers from here," Richard said.

"You mean it's time for us to go for a saving mission?" Becky asked.

"Don't you know you are first learners imagine in three days you've mustered shooting techniques and martial art" Richard said.

"What is remaining now is to train you how to handle hand grenade, for you to break the wall to enter that is not accessible," Richard said.

"You mean we have already finished the training?" Daisy asked.

"Yes, I expected you to take at least one month in training, but I was very surprised you've done it in three days, the reason you are yearning to save your friend Johnson, he is in danger" Richard retorted.

"Now, I want to train you how to break the wall or perimeter wall using a hand grenade, we are mainly going to use pistols and hand grenades, this is the weapons easily carried in the pockets of your jackets," Richard said.

He went to the armory and removed the hand grenade and brought it to the training bay.

Richard came with hand grenades and placed them on the table for him to demonstrate how to use them.

What you do is hold the grenade in your arm, making sure the safety lever is held securely to the side of the grenade pull ring, remove the safety pin and hurl it to the wall or in the direction you want and it will explode.

"This way!" Richard said.

As he hurl the hand grenade it exploded and the sound was terrifying it can cause huge damage.

"Have you seen it?" Richard asked.

"Yes, can we try?" Derrick asked.

"Yes in an open area where there is nothing," Richard said.

Derrick did as instructed by Richard and hurl the grenade into an open area grenade exploded creating a ditch.

"It's easy but very threatening," Derrick said.

Daisy and Becky did the same Richard was very pleased with how they learned fast

"If you are in a situation where people have surrounded you, you can use a hand grenade or in a position where an enemy is hidden and you can't shoot, use a hand grenade," Richard said.

"That is an interesting demonstration that the skills we have are enough to go for the mission" Derrick reiterated.

Richard removed his phone and called Jack.

"Where are you please come to the training bay," Richard told him.

Jack rushed to the training bay to see Richard.

"Are you ready for the mission?" Jack asked.

"Yes", Becky responded in haste.

Jack looked at Becky and smiled he saw how determined Becky was.

"It's a very dangerous thing to do we are dealing with government machinery get prepared psychologically, physically, mentally, and spiritually," Jack said emotionally.

"Yes, it's a very dangerous mission my quest is have you made up your mind?" Richard asked.

"Yes!" They responded.

"Are you ready to die?" Jack asked

There is an eerie silence taken by emotions of sadness.

"Yes!" Becky shouted.

"Why do you want to die for that one person you could just leave him alone to die after all he is one person?" Jack asked.

"No!" Derrick shouted

"He is my only brother friend and family, if I lose him, it's like I have lost the whole world Johnson mentored me!"; Derrick said.

"He is my world he is the person I have ever loved, I don't think I will love another person," Becky said.

Jack looked at Richard and Richard looked at him in return, they realized that they are all determined to go on a rescue mission.

"Okay tomorrow morning we are going to go for the rescue mission, and we are going to Solai to rescue Johnson," jack said.

"It's already six pm let's assemble everything we need for the mission," Richard said.

Tomorrow morning they work early for the mission, Richard assembled pistols and hand grenades he made sure that there were six pistols for Derrick Daisy, and Becky. Jack hurriedly came from his house to the training bay.

"Is everything in order?" Jack asked.

Yes, we are almost done how about the vehicle?" Richard asked.

"It's in good condition I checked the Landover yesterday" Jack reiterated.

Jack went to the armory and removed his two pistols and placed them in his pocket Derrick tracked the kidnappers that were still in Solai.

That has not changed the location they are still in Solai.

"Make sure you wear tight clothes, you ladies it's advisable that you wear tight trousers to avoid being held by objects since we are going to climb and pass through tiny openings" Jack advised.

"Also your clothes should allow body movement for you to run" Richard advised.

"Have you checked their location?" Richard asked.

"Yes they are still in Solai, hope they are not going to change location now," Daisy said.

Don't worry even if they are going to change "location it's going to be easier for us to ambush on the way and rescue Johnson" Jack said

They boarded the land rover and beaded to Solai to rescue Johnson.

Benjamin and Rastro took Johnson into the mansion Johnson was very surprised to see the beautiful house he was taken inside the house to one of the rooms underground downstairs the room was well varnished with a television set and locked him inside.

"Why can't you take me outside for sunshine?" Johnson requested.

"You are a fool why don't you accept to be back to police service and it will be well with you" Benjamin shouted at him.

"It's only that you are armed I could beat you up" Johnson shouted back.

Benjamin moved closer and wanted to fight Johnson, Johnson prepared to fight him.

"Put away your guns and dagger we fight using blows but not weapons" Johnson dared.

Benjamin recalled how Johnson was able to beat everyone when they were being trained in the police camp.

Benjamin turned back and closed the door behind him, Johnson remembered when he gave him a blow and Benjamin fell when they were undergoing training at the police training headquarters in Nairobi, he smiled when he saw Benjamin walking out of the underground room.

Richard and his colleagues traveled from Kacheliba to Solai about a hundred kilometers they approached Solai they stopped at exactly five kilometers Solai to track the position of the kidnappers. Derrick tracked he discovered that it was about only two kilometers away but not five he texted Johnson.

"We are in Solai coming for you" Derrick texted.

Johnson received an alert the phone was in vibration mode he checked the message.

"We are in Solai we are coming for you" on his phone text.

Johnson became emotional and ask himself several questions without answers.

"How are they going to save me in the most secured place," Johnson asked himself.

He replied with the massage.

"The place is well guarded and very dangerous, it requires combating mission with heavily armed people" Johnson texted

Derrick received the text.

"It's a well-guarded area and dangerous it requires heavily armed people," Derrick said

"OK, that is good information let's walk in that direction on foot," Richard said.

They walked on foot in the direction of the house like people doing business well-armed their pistols in their pockets no one could realize that they were very armed. Jack remained in the Landover to wait for them to reach the house and be given instruction.

Derrick tracked after two kilometers of work he realized that they are very closer to the building.

He received an alert from a tracking app that is only a hundred meters from the house.

"We are a hundred meters to the house," Derrick said.

Richard came and confirmed he realized that there are only a hundred meters.

"Does that means it's one of those two houses?" Richard asked.

"I think so" Becky responded.

Derrick checked in the aerial view he discovered that it is the house on the right side with a tall perimeter wall.

Beck became emotional she wanted to run towards the house Daisy held her.

"Be patient don't let emotions get the best of you" Richard advised.

"Let me go myself and check how the building is," Richard said.

Richard went alone he went round the building he realized that the perimeter wall was very tall he went past the gate he saw six guards guarding the building. He returns.

"We have no option but to force through the wall by use of a grenade" Richard reiterated.

"Can you check the police station if it is around here using the Google mam" Richard instructed?

"Derrick checked the police station near here is five kilometers away" Derrick retorted.

We have only ten minutes to complete the mission.

Richard lead the way to the building he saw around if there was someone around he saw some men coming towards the house he removed a pistol and pointed at them the men fled there was no one there.

"Cover me using pistols!" Richard ordered.

Derrick Becky and Daisy removed pistols and pointed to the wall Richard blasted there was an opening the sound of hand grenade made the guards panic, they entered through the opening and pointed pistols all round as they move in a V-shaped manner they found guards at the gate still in panic they shot all of them very quickly they lay down dead.

Rastro Benjamin heard the gunshot they held Johnson handcuffed and used the opening as an escape route and used Johnson as a shield.

"Don't shoot you will kill Johnson" Richard advised.

They passed through the opening in the perimeter fence and boarded the vehicle and escaped with Johnson.

Becky saw Johnson she was helpless but she could not do anything.