Derrick, Daisy and Becky third day training

Richard assembled objects to act as cover, he created a corridor to act as a battlefield, and he removed pistols in the armory and gave them.

"I want you to load the pistols in the shortest time possible" Richard instructed.

They held pistols and loaded very fast with rubber bullets.

Richard entered the middle of the objects he placed a plastic image for them to shoot as a target.

He moved to where they are.

Becky, you are the one starting to shoot take that image as if it's the enemy" Richard instructed.

By using both hands with pistols he shot the image.

"Wonderful!" Richard shouted

"Now, I want you to shoot the image and take cover on the objects," Richard said.

"Can you demonstrate how to do it?" Becky asked.

Richard took the pistols with two hands and shot as if he was engaging a shooter.

"OK I see let me try," Becky said.

She shot and did exactly what Richard did.

"Daisy it's your turn to do exactly as Becky did," Richard said.

Daisy did exactly as Becky did she shot the image as she take cover.

"Finally Derrick it's your turn," Richard said.

Derrick did as instructed.

"I want you to engage one another using rubber bullets I want one person to act as an enemy while the other two are combating" Richard instructed.

"Derrick you are going to be the one who is being combatted, go with your pistols to the other side of the training bay," Richard said.

Derrick went to the other side of the training bay with two pistols, Daisy and Becky took their positions.

"Derrick start engaging them" Richard shouted.

Derrick shot them and took cover, Daisy and Becky in retaliation shot and took cover.

"If the rubber bullets hit you, you are out of the game" Richard advised.

They did it repeatedly Derrick shot Becky on her hand it was painful.

Becky dropped her pistols in pain.

"Don't shoot one another despite that you are using rubber bullets, it's dangerous if you can shoot and avoid shooting directly" Richard advised.

They stopped shooting, Richard nursed Becky's hand it was very painful.

"I didn't know that rubber bullets can injure a person," Derrick said.

"It can kill avoid shooting vital organs" Richard advised.

"I hope you've learned something today?" Richard asked

"Yes it is very interesting to pass through this kind of training, it will help for self-defense" Richard reiterated.

"At this stage of training, if you had pistols when Johnson was kidnapped, you could have engaged the kidnappers without panic," Richard said.

Becky thought for a moment she held her Pistols tight in her two hands and shot the target angrily.

Richard realized how she was desperate to find Johnson her boyfriend, Daisy and Derrick looked at her, and she shot the target after finishing the bullets she sat on the ground and cried in frustration.

"Take it easy we shall find Johnson, we already have a lead, immediately you finish your training all of us shall go for the mission to find Johnson," Richard said.

"Resume your shooting and do repeatedly what I instructed you to do," Richard told them.

They did repeatedly what Richard advised them to practice repeatedly.

Johnson remembered when he was in training at police headquarters in Nairobi, he had smart plans to build a good house have a nice car getting a beautiful wife to marry, but it seems everything is going into the drain.

There was a voice on Rasto's radio call that interrupted his thought, Johnson was very surprised when he heard the radio call, and he was very happy to hear their conversation very well through the radio call.

"Are you still in Kasugu?" Jacob asked.

"Yes sir" Rastro responded.

"Hallow sir we are still in Kasugu" Rastro responded

"How is the hostage?" Jacob asked

"He is doing good and he is cooperative, he has not given us hard time" Rastro responded

Johnson heard the conversation he felt secure and confident that no instruction was given to harm him.

"If the hostage is cooperative feed him well don't do anything that could harm him he is a trained detective and a very competent one be careful," Jacob said.

Johnson heard he got relieved from anxiety about what could happen next.

"I want you to take him to Solai about thirty kilometers from Kasugu, there is a self-contained house where he can get to relax outside and bask in the sunshine for him to get vitamin D, also to avoid taking him to the hospital because of minor ailments that can be dangerous," Jacob said.

Johnson heard he removed his phone and texted Derrick,

"They are now taking me to Solai a self-contained house" Johnson texted.

Derrick was busy training he heard the message from his phone he knew it was Johnson since he set it to a particular ring tone, Becky realized and both rushed to where the phone was.

"They are taking him to Sola about thirty kilometers from Kasugu," Derrick said.

Richard came rushing to see the text.

"I think Johnson is a well-trained detective, how on earth could he be having a phone without the kidnappers realizing?" Richard said.

"He was the best sharpshooter he was given an award when he was passing out from training" Derrick reiterated.

"I see he was the best in the country, but the problem is the system is very corrupt," Richard said.

"Even me, I was in the army our seniors could send us for an illegal mission, for them to get rich quickly, but it was a very dangerous mission, I had to resign though they are still coming for me to go back," Richard said.

"You mean you are trained, soldier?" Becky asked.

'Yes I was trained in Moi barracks Eldoret" Richard retorted.

"It's not far from here I am a well-trained soldier that is why I am training you" Richard responded.

I thought we are taking the hostage to Nyahururu as we were instructed before" Rastro said.

"Don't worry, that is the nature of this kind of mission, direction change to confuse the people who might be following us" Benjamin said.

"Okay I now understand why we change destination without notice,e" Rastro said.

They opened the door Johnson stood and went out without any fight the kidnappers realized that July Johnson gave in, Johnson entered into the vehicle and sat in between Rastro and Benjamin, the driver drove and closed the tinted Windows.

Rastro place something to prevent Johnson from seeing through the windscreen as the driver drove.

Derricks' phone rang it was an alert indicating that Johnson is being taken in a different direction. Derrick rushed to the phone Becky followed.

"They are changing position" Derrick shouted.

Richard and Daisy rushed to see through the app where they were heading to.

They are heading towards Solai as Johnson texted.

"I wish we were ready we could have followed them in that direction," Derrick said emotionally.

"No you can't just follow them that way, it's very dangerous," Richard said.

"They are using aerial cameras to follow them, and check if someone is following them" Richard added.

"If we have to follow them, we should use the busy road they will not recognize us easily because of the many vehicles" Richard explained.

"I see the whole process is very complicated it involves technology," Becky said.

"Yes it requires a very smart strategy, if Johnson is taken to a sparsely populated area, it will require us to use a vehicle reaching approximately five kilometers, it will require us to walk on foot," Richard said.

"Why isn't it going to be straining?" Daisy asked.

"Are you using government machinery to track two kilometers away from where they keep their hostages, I will show you when we go to the mission" Richard reiterated.

"At what time are we going to do the operations?" Derrick asked.

"If it day time we are going to check if that place is sparsely populated, we are going to split and leave the vehicle three kilometers away with the driver, then when we are done, we are going to alert him to come for us," Richard said.

Johnson followed the kidnapper's conversation as they drove him to Solai Nakuru county.

"What did the boss say?" Rastro asked.

"He said that we take the hostage to Sakai self-contained house to enable home has ample time and he can bask in the sun," Benjamin said.

"Who is the hostage do I know him?" Dominic the driver.

"Yes you know him it's Johnson the sharpshooter detective" Rastro responded.

Dominic laughed and stopped the vehicle and he looked at Johnson.

"Why can't you just join back the police rather than risking your life and your family's life," Dominic asked.

"Don't be naive, how many detectives have died because of being loyal to people in government" Johnson responded.

Dominic drove the vehicle through Johnson didn't know where he was taken to they reached the house the guards opened the gate.

The kidnappers opened the vehicle's door Benjamin lead to alight out of the vehicle Johnson followed and Rastro came holding Johnson's hands handcuffed.

Johnson saw the mansion was beautiful the perimeter wall very tall not possible for a man to climb.