
Name: Harold Don Letters

Level: 50

Race: Human

Job Class: Swordsman

Sub Class: Fighter

Title(s): 5

Skill (s): 10

Health: 150/150

Mana: (Unawakened)

Strength: 60

Agility: 70

Vitality: 50

Intelligence: 60

Dexterity: 72

From the gaps of the red curtains, the sunrays were beaming upon his golden dazzling hair making it glow complementary with the rogue lights.

After doing a lazy roll, the ten year old stared at the ceiling while looking at the moving along his vision.

System – this ability was something that he was born with. It had always been a part of his life. He thought it was something that all people can see and do, like the ability to hear, smell, touch, etc. but he was wrong.

Being born with this system, Harold believes he was incredibly special.

Just imagine having a system, won't one think they're special? Harold was still a child, so he extremely believes he was right.

The system was a necessary part of him just like one's soul. He believed it was something that he would never separate with.

"Hmm, would this system disappear to if I die?" Harold dismissed the wild thought and closed the system.

When he was still very young and obviously needed guidance from adults, who was the one who guided him in the right path?

It was only…him and this system.

His concubine mother died right after she gave birth to him. As for his father, he always thought being a King demanded a relatively high amount of time and dedication so he had never met the king more than three times.

Carrying an innocent mindset and genuine intentions, he decided to ease his father's worries and help him in a way he thought would help.

Deep down, he felt that his goodwill and actions will later reach his father's heart. Although his relationship with his father weren't close, he believed that he was not stupid and he was the king.

Sooner or later, the innocent kid of him believed that his father will be aware of his intentions.

At the age of five, he started to try to excel in everything. Such mindset from a kid was indeed wondrous.

At the age of seven, he already trained in martial arts. He always interacted with the royal maids and royal guards and soon after, made a wide social network.

All of this, he thought was necessary in order for him to become a good boy. Although he thought of it as business, he had to admit he enjoyed the company of everyone and developed interest for fighting.

Such a personality was indeed bright.

Not long after, the citizens of the kingdom received news about the third's prince's promising demeanor and talents. Everyone started labeling him as the greatest successor with the highest chances to become the next king…though they never met him.

His new title garnered many unwanted troubles. He had been visited by more nobles and even…assassins. He always wanted to become famous in order to make his father sleep better at night.

Not long after, the king finally visited him.

With the kid's experience of talking to his hypocrite uncles and aunties, the nine year old him was extremely disappointed when he observed the king's facial expressions.

The king was not hiding any of his dark intentions to the young kid.

Harold was so disappointed at his father.

However, what was the thing he felt?

Was it sadness?

Somehow, when he looked at the old man in front of him…the man was only a stranger. Harold hadn't felt any sliver of sadness at all. He was just utterly disappointed to the father of this kingdom.

The sunrays from the red curtains started to dim and not long after, the room was enveloped with nothing but darkness. In the king-sized bed, the ten year old slept peacefully.

The quiet scene continued until suddenly a dark human sized portal started to appear not far from the boy's bed.

When the portal stopped expanding, a teenager with slightly violet hair and earrings dangling on his ears slowly came into view.

Before the sleeping kid, it was an unexpected visitor.

The teenager casually walked out of the portal however although his entry was very silent, Harold's senses was very alert.

His golden eyes shot open and before him, he saw the teenager who was a lot taller than him.

Noticing how the boy whom he was clear was clearly asleep earlier, the teenager winked at him before he immediately raised his hand.


Harold's eyes glinted fiercely as he attempted to immediately stand forth from his bed. Knowing full well that a magic circle already started to form from the teenager's palms, he wanted to dash from the right and confuse him with an alternate dashing.

However, before his muscles can even do the job completely, his vision started to get blurry. He saw the magic circle in the teenager's right palms and he started to lose his consciousness.

His back was lying against the futon and he was unable to do anything. If he could grit his teeth, he would have done so but his jaw was unresponsive.

'A sorcerer? My enemies are going all-out…' He cursed while his golden eyelashes started to unwillingly close than he wished to.

The sound of light unhurried footsteps continued towards him.

'Is this it?' he thought before the remaining light in his vision began to fade.

"!" Suddenly, he was able to clench his jaw and open his mouth.

"Who are you? You shitty lavender! Who sent you?" he grumbled weakly. Although it was closing slowly, the pair of golden eyes was pulsating murderous aura as much as it can be.

"Don't be naughty. No one sent me…" was the last voice Harold heard.

The teenager cautiously poked the boy's shoulders and the spiral waves of green aura that had invaded the boy's head began to vanish in the air.

Suddenly, the teenager started to carry the young boy in his back.


With a click of his fingers, he summoned a creepy voodoo doll in his palms and threw it to the bed. The voodoo doll started to form flesh and hair as it slowly imitated the boy's every features in a very detailed and creepy way.

The imitation was flawless and very realistic—even better than wax figures.

The dark portal remained motionless until it disappeared without trace.