Pathetic Cry



The moonlight of the sanguine moon was relatively bright, shining upon a middle-ages looking town; the scenery was as though it was a painting displayed in a luxurious auction hall, depicting the state of living in the past.

The town was relatively huge, and from left to the right, dozens of tiny lights from one-story and two-story buildings shone.

Amidst all this lights that was seemingly coming from an average height of only below 20 feet, an exceptional light shone from a big castle-like building. This one of a kind building was situated on the North side of the town, giving a vibe as though it was a source of pride.

Down the big building, in a dark alley, two guys could be seen beating one guy to a pulp as an unnatural wind in the form of a human being suddenly brushed through them causing them to shriek and run away. The two guys left the poor boy alone.


The ominous wind continued circling the building until it ascended, passed quite fast enough amongst the numerous walls. The unnatural wind continued to pass the walls, sometimes glancing at the people who were sleeping in their rooms. Some were still awake as they giggled or talk, while some were also snoring in their beds.

Looking at the figures of these kids, one could tell that they were young boys and girls. Quite young. Just maybe around ten to fifteen years of age.

The ghost-like wind finally stopped.

In the room, looking at the boy who was sleeping in a bed and as though it finally sensed what it was looking for…the ghost-like figure struck the boy…

Shush….The light materials in the room started to shake as though it was haunted.

Shush…As soon as the ghost-like wind started to enter the sleeping boy's body as though it was finally going home, the shaking of the cabinets and sheets slowly disappeared, as though the phenomenon was finally ending. Right after that, it was as if nothing happened.

"What was that? A ghost…?" the voice of a boy asked frightened. This boy who was currently awake was shuddering as he just watched the materials in the room suddenly started shaking earlier.

When the sounds started, he apparently woke up.

Gulped. He then noticed that nothing was actually happening. "It was a nightmare…" he then heaved a sigh.

After calming down, he looked at the other boy who was in the other bed, piles of different brands of empty alcohol bottles were scattered near him. No daring to suddenly wake him up, he then tangled himself with his sheets and slept again.


In the next morning, the student wore his uniform and excitedly walked out of the room, not daring to even attempt to trouble his dormmate. It was only a day ago that he got punched in the face for simply trying to wake him up.

Gradually, Harold's black eyelashes started to flutter open. He touched his head and felt the unfamiliar 'toughness' of his now jet-black hair. As he decided to lift himself up, the hairs resting on his forehead revealed his emerald eyes. Strangely, it was glowing unnoticed and he began to feel dizzy.

'What is this? This is painful. My head hurts. '

A similar feeling to nausea and vertigo were violently shaking his vision.

'Ouch! Stop it!'

He ordered hard to stop the violent swaying but before he could sense any positive results, the disgusting and unfamiliar feeling in his head caused him to vomit in the red carpet on the floor. His stomach felt so painful and his lungs felt so deprived of oxygen.

'Arrghh! Help!' He shouted.

No one was hearing him though. His temples twirled as he felt like it had been pierced by a heated metal rod and someone was mercilessly twisting it in a forced clockwise motion.


Harold cried and shouted loudly. But what he did not know was that no matter how loud he cries, no one would hear him. He was currently deep in his mind. The pain was sinking deeper and deeper in his spine and was becoming unbearable.

He cried for his royal attendant's, 'HELP! JAMES! RETH! SIMPSON! MARIA! HELP ME! IS ANYONE THERE?'

Harold's vision was now too blurry and violent. And his back felt so damn painful as if huge weight was pushing it with a painfully slow and merciless humor. He felt like the pain was reaching its peak and he cannot stop it no matter what. He attempted to wriggle violently and stomped on the floor but to no avail.

'Please help me…' he cried pathetically.

Due to what was happening, Harold was unaware that he was in an another body and in another room all alone. As time goes on, Harold could only suffer. If anyone can see him, all they would think would probably to help.

Then as if the pain had allowed him to think of his whole life, the image of the violet teenager smiling at him appeared in his mind.

'That lavender shit!' he cursed in his heart.

Harold now felt drowned as if he was dying endlessly in a deep black sea of pain and confusion. He was unable to move his limbs no matter what. The pain was especially massive around his nape like it settled and connected all hell to his spinal cord.

His vision cannot escape the shackles of darkness and confusion.

Not long after, he started to involuntarily close his eyes.

'I'm dying…Everything I did…is all gone.'

He pictured the violet haired teenager which had taken him. Then all the sacrifices he made to form a good reputation.

'Oh my god! What did I even do all those?'

At the same moment, Harold felt the waves of tears sliding through his cheeks. The pain was too much to bear—both physically and psychologically. Then finally his eyes closed and brought with it a flood of strange memories.

He fainted.

Moments later, his tears had dried and became invisible.