
Lock hugged Malie and patted her back.

At the same time, he remembered how idiotic, and broken of a man the older brother that he had reincarnated into.

In his awakening ceremony, he was well-received with wide expectations, and everyone saw him being a sorcerer. With a confident gaze, almost like a winner, he went to the stage and placed his palms on an orb that would tell his powers. However, no matter how much he stayed there, he could only see a cold, almost emotionless, heart-shattering texture.

He could not feel anything anything as well, neither warmth, cold, just the normal texture of the glass-like orb.

Under the gazes of the public, his friends, and Owen, he turned around with a blank gaze, and cried right there and then. His sobs and cries overlapped with the laughter of the crowd, who had never seen someone possess no magic.

Since then, the boy known as Lock Axe acted like a broken toy. He got depressed, started acting unruly, rebelling, and drinking at a young age. He was a jerk.

"Let me go now." Malie then said, but Lock wasn't going to let her go.

"I'm sorry for all the things I did in the past, but now I'm a different person, and I won't ever hurt you again." Lock said, and enjoyed the hug, despite the girl wriggling from her cliniginess.

"...!" Malie stopped and stared at the boy who was nodding his head beside hers.

"Let me go now, or I will freeze you." Malie suddenly intoned, her lips twitching, and the temperature started to go down. Even Lock felt his cheeks had suddenly met a icy breeze, so he immediately let go.

" you really have to use your magic on me? Do you know how dangerous frostbite is?!"

Malie decreased the temperature briefly shocking Lock, before making it vanish in an instant.

"That's it. You listen." Lock said, but obviously scared.

At this moment, though, Malie put a smile on her cute face, and a sense of relief and happiness shone in her eyes.

"What are you smiling at?" Lock blurted out uncomfortably.

"Nothing." she said, yet she did not wipe her grin.

Lock touched the area around his buttocks and felt the blazers uncomfortably tight. "It looks good. But it's not very comfortable…" he said as he halfway spun his body around.

"What happened then? I thought you weren't going?" Malie suddenly asked, and there was some intense curiosity in her tone.

Lock ignored her question. Instead, he showed a slightly arrogant smile and moved his hands in the air like some cool hero, "Well, does it look good to me?"

Lock suddenly noticed her approaching closer. His smile had somewhat shocked the girl, as the thoughts she was thinking of saying didn't leave her mouth.

After a long period of silence, the girl opened her mouth as if she can't believe what was happening.

She asked, "You're really back, right?"

Lock felt like he needed to say something. He quickly opened his mouth and prepared to leave the room, "Of course. Well…I'm quite liking it now! It's the graduation after all. I should at least go."

The girl saw him trying to avoid talking with her, but she was yet to finish.

"Wait." she weakly echoed before the boy could reach halfway.

"What? There's only a few minutes left before graduation." Lock pointed to the clock. The clock's needles had indicated that it was already 7:30 AM, meaning the graduation was about to start already.

She shot him an expressionless glance and briskly walked over to him. Lock cautiously retreated.

"You didn't even fix yourself properly." She suddenly scolded and pointed at the unfashionable creaks in his clothes.

"That's because you're here. I can't wear it pro—"

"Here." She suddenly passed a newly bought uniform. "I don't know Cliff's size but that uniform is his, right? I know your size, so I bought this for you. The uniforms you threw were too dirty, so I washed them first. "

"Huh? You wash the—"

Before he could even finish speaking, Malie slammed the new uniform on his face and complained, "Just wear it!"

"Sigh, I understand. Close your eyes and I wear this quickly."

She showed a bit of embarrassed expression and walked out of the room. "I wait for you outside. So wear it quickly. Be sure not to run away, or I'll kill you the next time I see you." She said.

Lock quickly removed Cliff's uniform and wore the new uniform.

"Tsk. What's her problem?" he mumbled.

As he started wearing the new uniform, though, he found out that the new uniform was especially clearer and a hundred times more comfortable. The nostalgic fragrance of newly bought clothes was also wafting out of it. The uniform was a perfect fit.

He smiled in satisfaction.

Moments later, he randomly threw Cliff's uniform in the floor and made his move outside. But before he stepped out, he tilted his head and mindlessly stood before the door. He pondered about his situation while he watched the door.

When he finally went out there, he would be officially living a new life.

He was still unsure about what was happening, but he now found it a little interesting. He concluded that Prince Harold was dead, and this was a new life.

If he was to live in the body of Lock from now on, he decided he might as well make it worthwhile. He had halted before the door and couldn't help but ponder.

'Do newspapers even reach this place?'

Although this was a new life, he still wanted to know what happened in the Kingdom of Lethora. That was a natural reaction.

Moments later, he walked out of the room and found Malie waiting.




The Wizard Academy was a combination of an immense castle-like buildings with many spacious floors. The Academy hall was on the ground floor while the dormitories were on the third floor.


The elevator went down. After a few moments of silence, they finally reached the ground floor and walked towards the hall.

"The graduation for Junior Apprentice Sorcerers is starting in five minutes. Please go to the Main Hall now." A girl announced in the speakers.