
The kids also dragged the group.

However, before they can reach a boy with blonde hair. Riggs sighed and cast a magic circle on his feet and a gust of wind quickly took him to the orphanage's second floor. Seeing it, most of the kids quickly chased after him, yelling excitedly.

"Tch." Riggs was not fond of staying with the orphanage kids. When he noticed them drooling and had dried snot on their fingers and clothes, Riggs just doesn't like it.

"At least clean yourselves." He shouted.

"That kid is always shy." Aunt Hilda happily laughed as they entered the orphanage.

Malie and Huff also explained their circumstances. Huff would stay since no one was home and she would be lonely. As for Malie, because her brother was always away, she was practically a resident of the orphanage to begin with. She only left when the Wizard Academy offered dormitories.

Now that the graduation had finished, and they had cleaned the dorms and finished everything, the third-year students needed to leave.

"By the way auntie, where's Lock? Is he in his room?" Malie asked.

For starters, she did not see her come out at least once. It had been two days since the graduation and because there was a lot of responsibility she needed to do in the academy; she had only come home by now.

"I even cleaned his room. Both him and his dorm mate left without cleaning it," she added. Well, she could have chosen to not clean for them.

Aunt Hilda just sighed, "Well, that boy shut himself in his room these last two days. He hadn't even eaten properly. It seems like he still feels bad about what he did. When I saw her from the terrace earlier, he suddenly jumped through that escape route of his again."

"That escape route, huh? That brings memories." Build smiled with nostalgia. It seemed like he had a lot of memories escaping through the same route.

"Then where did he go?" Malie asked. She felt worried about him. She could not just answer what was just going on in that idiot's head?

"We saw him earlier. He ignored us, though." Build said as he started playing with a few children.

"I think he's heading to the East District." Huff said.

Malie thought hard, and after thinking, she chased after him. She was not aware of what was going on herself, but always felt worried about stupid people. First her brother and now even her friend.

She reached the East District in no time using her ice magic. In order to increase her mobility, she constantly poured ice magic to the soles of her shoes as it would allow her to skate at maximum speed. Of course, this was only possible because of the great magic affinity with the ice element that runs in their family's blood.

In no time, Malie felt her magic energy plummeting quickly. It was clear how much taxing was the skill she was using. However, it was all right. There, before her magic energy finally broke, she finally saw a jet-black-haired boy near the bridge, but so much for troubles.

He could hear three boys shouting taunts and insults at Lock. Lock was also holding a dagger in his hand.

"Mmmph." She ran forward, but she was slow. From a distance of at least 200 meters, she could only watch Lock and the boys fight. From the looks of things, Lock seemed to be very murderous, too.

It was getting bad.

As she watched though, she was confused. When did Lock just became so efficient and decisive in fighting. He basically passed two boys and knocked someone older down to the ground with only a few attacks. But she quickly dismissed the question and even shouted.

"LOCK! STOP IT!" she yelled when she saw him grab a boy's neck and lifted him in the air, and he was not letting him go.

"STOP IT!" she yelled again, but the strong breeze was sending her screams away, not making it to Lock's ears.

Malie felt so helpless. However, it seemed like Lock was still sane. The dagger in her hands disappeared with a small magic circle and he staggered backwards as he started walking away from the group.

Lock was slow on her feet and was only walking, so Malie caught up after a few seconds. She then appeared in front of him and looked at him with a probing stare. The wind brushed towards the surroundings as both of them stood five meters' distance against each other. Then finally, the clouds released its weight, and it started to rain.

Splash, splash.

"You again?" Lock asked without emotion and the rain drops quickly started to multiply, as it drenched his hair.

Both of them didn't care about the rain.

"What is this? I thought you've changed. What did you do earlier? WHAT IS WITH THAT LOOK!" Malie shouted angrily.

Lock did not turn his head away.

Instead, he faced her with a dead expression before he walked closer, straight ahead, walking past her with an expression that completely shooed her existence.

"Never approach me again."