Chapter 6: Alecia

After everything that has happened in her life. This is what it has all come to, imprisoned here with no hope of escape, no way to live her life like she wanted. Perhaps she deserves this, she has made dumb decisions in her life, decisions made while she was still in her youth, only a young teen would make dumb decisions, but was that an excuse? There's no excuse for what she's done in the past, she has helped destroy whole civilizations. It scared her to remember she actually enjoyed killing innocent people, they fought against her, but failed and died knowing they could not stop her, she was the last thing they saw before thier lives were snuffed out.

She stayed at back of her quiet cell, this time, unshackled, the smell of her own feces was constant, she'd have to wait for anyone comes to clean it all at the corner of the cell. However, she lowered her head, the smell was the least of her worries. She's been in this dark cell long enough for her eyes to adjust and see the layout, the walls were of the same metal as the floor which she slept, leaving the room in a constant cold temperature.

From the datkness, a silhouette formed within.

"Still in a depressive mood I see?" Eva's voice was heard it, giving Alecia a slight fright.

"What of it? Can I not be in a mood?

"I'm not saying you can't," Eva said, stepping forward.

"I understand when thinking of the the position you're in. At least they let you be without shackles now. Though there's no bed."

"It doesn't mean things are better," Alecia replied.

"Do you think you'll ever see your sister again? I mean, do hope you will?"

"I... I don't know," Alecia answered, lowering her gaze.

"I think this is my last stop. I doubt I'd see her face again. I think she's happy I'm gone, one less burden for her."

A pair of turquoise eyes glowed from Eva.

"Thrive on that, play that game too. You have before, haven't you? You never needed her." She took a step forward.

"Not really."

Just then the door to cell opened, causing Eva's figure to disappear.

Moving her face away from tbe light, she looked back, her eyes slowly adjusted as she watched the guard step closer.

The guard stood over her and shackled her wrists, and picked up her on her feet before escorting her out.

"This is new," Eva's voice was heard.

"The pattern is broken."

Being lead down the hallways of the prison, Alecia remained silent as she heard the inmates chatter and shouts on all sides and from the floors above her.

Eva appeared before her, walking backwards as she stared at Alwcia with a smurk.

"Things are getting interesting, isn't it?"

"If I could bet, I doubt I'd win with a small skinny thin like you." The guard stated, glaring down at her.

Eva titled her head, raised eyebrow.

"Betting? What do you think he means?"

"I hope you'll put on a good show." He said, giving Alecia a sadistic smile.

He unshackled her before shoving her into a small booth before closing it behind her. Looking through the window, she saw other cilinders, she figured the ones in view are at least a few hundred. After that she saw the cilinders fall, one row at a time, the inmates screams can be heard from them as they fall into the deep pit below.

Alecia gasped as her own cilinder fell with them. Along side her, she heard the screams of the other inmates.

Her cilinder slowed and a rod pushed her out, causing her to fall to the ground. All around her she heard the other cilinders opening and curses of the inmates in aliwn languages.

Picking herself up, catching her breathe, she looked around herself and the pit, it was all fogged out.

As hard as she could, it was impossible to see the other side,let alone above her. The sound of falling metal is heard all around her, until she saw an axe fall before her, the handle and the blade itself was made of onix.

Eva appeared before her, with her bavk turned.

"Great, I can see what's happening here." She turned to Alecia, and eyed the axe.

"That's good, I was going to suggest that."

"What's happening?"

Eva turned away, looking around herself.

"By the looks of it, I doubt we have enough time to ponder.

She looked over her shoulder at her.

"Be ready to defend yourself. Kill anyone you see."

Alecia shaked her head.

"No, Ican't do that, they don't deserve to die."

Eva tiled her head with her eyes narrowed.

"Don't be sympathetic. You forget where we are. Does it look like you have a choice in the matter? It's either them or you."

"Why are they doing this."

Averting her gaze, Eva turned away.

"Maybe it's Cthulhu's version of a death sentence."

Alecia moves into a defensive stance.

"I can't see them."

Eva let out a sigh, hands on hips.

"If only. Not to worry, I'll help you in anyway I can." She turned to her.

"We can do this, Alecia."

Alecia lwt oit a sigh.

"Despite everything. It's good to have you on my side."

Eva let out a chuckle.

"I'm flattered. Be ready." Eva disappeared in black smoke, leabing Alecia alone.

Remembering all her years of training, she tightened her grip around the handle of the axe, and narrowed her eyes as she focused on tbe unexpected.