Chapter 7: Alecia

Sounds of shouts and cries were heard within the fog, along with the clashing of metal. Light headed and nervous, Alecia took a deep breath and took her first steps forward through the fog covered area.

The fog was too dense to see around herself, all she heard was battling and screams.

"Behind you!" Eva's voice shouted in her mind, and within that moment, she turned to that direction and blocked, sparks flew, staring into the black eyes of the Gray scale covered face.

"If you're going to do something, do it now!" Eva's voice shouted.

Gritting her teeth, Alecia's irises flickered, a blue glow before she knocked his blade out of his hands and slashed his throat open with her axe, leaving him to die as she walked, black blood splatter on the one side of her face, the look of aggression etched on it.

"That's one down, good job," Eva said from within.

Figures are seen ahead, walking closer towards her, different types of weapons in their hands, ready to kill.

"All going for you I see," Eva's voice saud.

"Perhaps they don't see each other."

The figures spoke in another language between each other, urging Alecia to ready her axe, a frownful state. The two of the ran up to her, their weapons up and ready.

Alecia dodged the one attack, a large blade, barely away from her face. She slashed his chest before dodging the other's attack and swung upward, green blood splatter flew up in the air.

"Your right!" Eva's voice.

Alecia looked right and blocked another attack before jamming the axe into the woman's head, blue thick blood flowed down her face, before pulling it out. She picked up her blade and ran through the fog, hopefully to lose them. The loud screams of the inmates can be heard all around her, collaborating with those that spoke the same language. It is then drowned out by the clashing of metal and flesh being sliced open.

Ahead of her, a foot ran through the fog and kicked her, causing her to collapse, face first.

She opened her eyes with a grunt, and saw Eva standing before her, eyes glowing turquoise.

"Get up Alecia, don't forget your blade," she said, pointing at it before fading again.

The blade was then kicked away from her, before seeing an inmate raise his weapon readying for the final blow, it was then, her eyes shimmered with a blue glow, she screamed and dived into him, before throwing her fists at his face, her eyes widened with gritting of teeth, growling as her fists smashed into his face, causing black liquid to splash across her face. She grabbed his hatchet and plunged it into his neck.

Looking up, she saw someone familiar, the man, full of the blood of his victims, he was out of breath, he looked her way with a nod before walking into the fog. It was Aven.

Alecia widened her eyes.

"Aven, wait!" She stood up fast, her hand reaching out, before running after him.

Eva appeared ahead of her.

"Don't be stupid, Alecia!"

She ignored Eva's warning as she ran into her, causing Eva to disappear into a fog. After a moment, she stopped, as she was unsure where Aven could have went to.

A white hot pain slashed her back, causing her to scream as she fell to the ground. Moving on her back, blood streaking out from under her as she saw another inmate readying his blade to attack, but was cut short when a small blade shot through the back of his throat and out the mouth, purple blood oosed out before he collapsed.

Alecia struggled to stand up, her back feeling the warm, blood seeping down. The blade she held, felt heavier.

"See! This is what happens when you do stupid things!" Eva's voice said.

Alecia looked around herself, frantically, ignoring the battles going on around her.

"Aven!" She called out.

"He's still alive. I need to find him." She started jogging slowly within the thick fog.

"You're being pathetic," Eva said, sounding disappointed.

"I see what you're seeing, I never saw him. Your mind is playing tricks on you!"

"No! It's a lie. I know I saw him!" Still, she looked carefully within the fog.

"Stop focusing on him! Focus on defending yourself! Behind you!

Alecia whirled and before she could defend, she was struck across her chest, causing her to roll across the ground, her blade sliding away from her.

Alecia started crying in pain, her arms crossing her chest, her knees against them.

"Is this the best you can do, Alecia?" Eva said, a sound of disgust in the tone of her voice.

"I guess that guard was right not to bet on you. You are a disgrace."

"No! I'm not!"

She slumped over, laying on her stomach she crawled towards her blade.  The inmate behind her licked the blood off his blade, clearly savoring this. It was not long before he stashed another wound on her back causing her to scream and cry out.

She rolled on her back, if this was the end of her life, then so be it. Alecia watched as the inmate prepared his attack, only for a blade to penetrate from his chest. The blade pulled out of him, leaving him to fall to the ground. She saw another inmate standing before her, he watched her for moment, his shadowed eyes within his grey scaled face. He kicked the blade to her side, and grunted before running into the fog.