Job interview

A few years had past since I left the orphanage and God am i glad I did, but life after that wasn't as easy as i thought. After a while of search I was able to acquire two paying jobs so I could pay for all my expenses, people didn't want to hire me because I was told I was too little, others say child labour and I also had to balance school and work. I would come back from school and go straight to the first job, then after I'd go to the next, I'd always reach home so tired and badly exhausted. I couldn't continue like this, after a month of search I was finally able to secure a job at a 5star cafe that pays double the amount of both my jobs. I called the cafe and was asked to meet up in a few days time, I prepared everything I needed for that day, from my clothes to my shoes. Luckily it was on a Saturday, I didn't have to worry about missing school, not like I cared.

Days felt longer , the time went by so slow as I anticipated for the day to arrive,finally the day of the interview finally reached. I woke up as early as 5am, to do what ever I had to do before I left. It was due by 7am, i didn't want to make a bad first impression by coming late. I took my bath,wore not to casual clothing and the right sneakers,I rode my bicycle to the place I needed to be. I got there at exactly 6:57am.

I walked in to see a guy sitted, he had his back towards me. He had dark brown hair with red highlight,he had this cool looking hair, what was it called ? Yeah Wolf cut. As I closed the door behind me, he turned sparing a little glance before looking away. Lord he had the most beautiful set of hazel eyes with green freckles, he also had this warm sand skin tone,he looked a bit older than i am so id say he's in his early teens. I sat on a chair opposite his, he looked as if he to was waiting for someone so I presumed we were both waiting for the same person. Waw too think maybe he was here before 6:30, I thought. Few minutes had passed but no one came, the silence around us was really loud, so I thought why not make a convo.

"Hey I'm Audrey", I said with an honest smile extending my hand forward. He turned to look at me and then faced back, I still didn't place my hand down. Waw, how rude. Or am I just prying in his quiet space, I thought about pulling my hand back. He breathe a sigh then received my hand, I was shocked but still followed through" Dean" he said in a low tone, I didn't hear what he said so I asked"huh?". He stared at me for a while, then said " my name is Dean". I cupped my might saying a silently 'O' then laughed awkwardly. He turned back facing the other side, and the silence fell back. The silence went on for about 20 minutes, Lord was it deafening. His voice was so sweet, I replayed it over and over in my head. I really wanted to hear more. My wish was answered, he spoke.

"So why is a little girl like you looking for a job?" still looking away. I was taken back by his question what did he mean a little girl?I don't even look my age. I might be little but still work as hard as the adults could, I thought. " little girl?.. I'm 13 years old", i said. "Like I said little", he said. " you look no older than fourteen, so who are you calling little?" I asked, it was already getting frustrating.

He finally sat properly, sitting face to face across me then said "16". just sixteen and he's looking down me, "Your just 3years older than I am", I said folding my arms around my chest puffing my lips. "3 years isn't just", he spoke laying his back against the chair. He spoke as if he counted his words, slow and steady. "So Why do you need a job?, don't your parents feed you or something?", He asked looking at me curiously. When he asked that question my mood changed, I felt as though i was thrown a bucket of cold water. I didn't like thinking back then, of my past or remembering lost memories. "if I did have them I wouldn't worry", I said in a murmur.

"huh?", he asked. "hmm", I replied, snapping out of my day dream. "What's with the down mood? did I say something I wasn't supposed to?", He asked, he spoke more and much faster than he usually did, I could hear the worry in his voice. "No. Is just", I said then paused, what do I want to say? What can I even say?. "Is just what?"he asked a little persistent. "Sorry. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to".

I let out a great sigh then said, "Speaking about them is something really hard to do, it takes courage and strength. Cause it just hurt recalling past memories, even though it's just glimpses" I said tears at the brim of my eyes, but I fought them back in. "Why? I'm so sorry for my impulse and prying of your personal life, but the way you put it just makes me want to know more. Maybe i could be of help?" he said with concern sitting up straight. What am I doing telling a stranger my personal life, i've always been one to keep things low key, always anonymous. But then it feels nice to have someone wanting to listen to me, to my side of the story. I could tell he felt so curious to know, but can I trust him?.

"you can't help me". "Why", he asked. "Cause there are no longer with me" I said as tears streamed out of my eyes non stop, i couldn't hold back the tears that forced their way out. Just the thought of them teared me up, sent cold down my spine, to think I'd never see them again. I tried badly to stop, but I guess I had reached my limit. Kept telling myself that everything would be fine, even when deep down I know it's a lie. I felt the space beside me sink down, and a hand rubbing my back.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have asked you such personal information, it was non of my business. Honestly we aren't so different you and i, understand what your going through" he said patting my head. What did he understand? Or is he just saying this to make me feel better?

"I don't have parents either",he said so causally, i guess he's already used to it. "My dad left me when i was little, I barely know him. While mom, she passed away few years ago, my relatives are complicated". "I'm really sorry" I said cleaning my moist eyes. "I've been fending for my self longer than I can remember" he said with a smile, like it didn't matter. Lord, his marble white teeth and gorgeous smile was a sight never to forget. Finally some one walked in,we immediately stood up leaving each other. The situation felt as if we knew were doing something inappropriate.

"I see you know each other", He said looking at both of us, neither of us said a word. " My name is Mathew, I'm the manager of this place", he said staring at me a little longer. I knew what the stare meant, what is a child doing here? I crossed my heart, I don't want to loose this job. He handed us both papers," read well and fill in the necessary details". when we were through we handed it back to him, he took the paper sparing me a long glance, then walked away. I let out a great sigh, the air felt so tight.

A week had passed, I felt anxious, scared and sad. Maybe I didn't get the job, the way the manager stared at me that day said a lot.

I laid on the bed, sad and half awake, then my phone vibrated. I reluctantly stretch to take it, as I unlocked the phone I saw I was hired. I jumped out of bed, screaming and jumping around. I was so overwhelmed with joy and happiness.