The big fight

  Disclaimer: a lot of violence.

The long holiday was over and school was finally in session. I normally go to school early as 6 am just to place my head on my table, enjoying the cold and silence of the class before the rest of my class mates shows up. Lesson starts by 8 am, I got to school by 6:30 am today. They were a few people in the class room, I walked to my table, sat down and placed my head on the desk. I was tired from work from the previous day, I didn't know when I was taken away by sleep. I woke up to the noise that my class mates were making, the screeching of the desk and the chattering. "Settle down all of you" the teacher said as she walked into the class. I looked at my watch, it was already 8:20 am. How long did I sleep?.

"How was your holiday", she asked. "It was fine Mrs Evelyn" the class replied in unison. " That's nice to hear", she said. She started saying a few words when someone walked in, "Lucy this is new session and already you're late" the teacher acknowledge. "I'm sorry ma, something important came up" she said. Or you overslept, I scoffed in my mind.

"Take your seat, I'll be leaving soon, I have alot to do",she said. "Alright children okay your text books to page 39 chapter 3". The class went on for a while, finally the bell rang. " That'll be all for today",she said closing her textbook, she packed up her things then left.

 I went out to my locker, I was so hungry. "Just tell the teacher you overslept, something important came up, lol " I said closing my locker, guess who was on the other side, Lucy. " What's your business? Beggars like you shouldnt be meddling in rich people matters" Lucy spat. I've always hated Lucy, she was this brunette rich kid that always looked down on me. Telling me how I belong on the streets or doing maid work. 'Beggars like you don't belong here'.

' my daddy took us on a family trip'.

' Are you hungry? Here's my left overs. You don't need to thank me, Im being generous'.

"Why am I not surprised, new session, new problems and attitude" I said while wiping my eyes, all I had in my head was how i was going to devour my food. "Watch it or you'll be sorry", she threatened. "Ooooh, I'm scared. Anything else? If nothing, can you leave my front. Unlike you I have better things to do" I said waving my lunchbox

"How dare you speak to me in such way" she snarled as she slapped me across the face. Every body across the hall saw what she did, so if I retaliate and we are reported to the principal, I can escape scort free. I held my face, lifting it up with a smile. Oh have I waited for this day, the day I'd beat the spoiltness out of this brat. This is going to be fun, I thought. I gave her a hard punch on her stomach, the impact was great that she fell to the ground. A fight broke out.

As she got up from the floor with great difficulty and tears in her eyes, I gave her a tight slap across the face. I won't let the slap she gave me go free like that. She fell to the ground holding her face, I picked up my lunch box and head to class. I was almost at the entrance, when she tripped me by pulling my leg. You got to be kidding me, I screamed in my head. My food would have poured in my lunch bag. She was able to get on me, she sat on my stomach and started punching me in the face, I was able to block some blows, i pushed her off me. I got up really quick and kicked her stomach, she has don't it now, i smirked.

The fight was so loud it attracted the whole classes in the block. The only reason teachers weren't around was because they had a meeting in the auditorium. And it was sound proof to avoid the noise of the students affecting the meeting.


" LUCY!".




"AUDREY!!", people chanted.

I was about to exit, when Lucy stood up and grabbed my hair backwards. She rammed my head to the teacher's desk, she didn't hold back. My nose and my head started to bleed, everyone in the class were shocked because lucy had gone to far. I felt so dizzy, but I got grip of myself. I elbowed her stomach, as she bent down in pain I used my knee to hit her face.

That's when a college student came in, I felt irritated because I finally got the upper hand. It was a guy that tried to settle the fight.

"Ooh my God, isn't he handsome?".

"Ohh they're definitely serving their whole school years in detention".

"Party pooper, I wanted to see which girl would win".

"Don't you know who he is? He's part of one popular group", so many comments.

"Look at your selfs, young ladies fighting like thugs. what caused this terrible fight?" he asked. I looked up to see a dark haired Asian guy, his long hair covered part of his dark brown eyes, he had this natural tan skin tone, he was really tall and a bit muscular it showed in his uniform. I had no intention of replying him, what was on my mind was to beat nonsense out of Lucy.

"Look at both of you covered in blood" he said gesturing at our uniform. "We could hear the fight from the college block" he added point out the door. "She was being a brat and wasn't minding her business" Lucy said in a calm voice, irritation clear in her voice. "Says the girl who slapped me right across the face, for no reasons at all!" I said grinding my teet. "Excuse me?", Lucy asked. "You punched my stomach,!!".

"Only after you slapped me and I won't deny giving that blow in the gut felt good" I said and Lucy slapped me again this time harder than the last,I felt her plan was to disfigure my face. I lifted my head and spat the blood that built up in my mouth and smiled then looked up at her, the senior just stood there in shock. I held Lucy's face side by side with both hands then head bumped her nose. She move back holding her nose,screaming as tears ran down her eyes.

"Look at what you've done, you broke my nose" she said while sobbing. "Stop whining, I didn't hit it that hard" I answered her.

She was about to attack me when two other college boys held her by her stomach, they held both our hands. A few college girls stood by the door watching everything, some where terrified, some held face of disgust. "That's enough! both of you are going to the principal's office right this instant!", he said in a cold and angry tone. "Cool down I can hear you", I said cleaning my ear, was he trying to deaf me?. I shrugged my other hand out of his hold. "He's in a meeting", I said looking him in the eye, does he think reporting me to the principal would scare me. "The meeting should be over by now" he said. " No please not the principal, daddy will be furious", Lucy whined. As we both walked out of the class, Lucy shoved me and I fell to the ground. I looked at her with a chuckle and stood up from the floor.

As we walked to the principal's office, no one spoke. I could feel Lucy's piercing gaze on me, but I didn't care. All of a sudden I fell on the ground face first, I hit my mouth on the floor. Lucy started to laugh hysterically, while the senior picked me up. I knew she tripped me, I won't let this slide easily, blood gushed out of my mouth cause I hit my lips and teeth. I spat the blood that built up in my mouth.

Lucy was far head of us, I walked till I was behind her. "Lucy", I called. she stopped and turned back to look at me,then I kicked her so hard in between her legs. She fell to her knees, both palm on the ground. With anger I stepped on her palm so hard that I heard a cracking sound, as she screamed, I kicked her face. She laid on the ground crying, I raised my leg about to step on her face, but the senior got to me on time.

 "ARE YOU MAD?! your not gonna kill any body today...or any day", he said pushing me away from lucy. He picked Lucy in his arms, didn't bother sparing me a look. We headed to the school's clinic first, to attend to all our injuries, the school nurse was shocked to see how badly we were injured.