principals office

The senior saw us through to the principal's office, blood stains all over our clothes. The nurse was able to treat few of our wounds, but the broken bones we were told to visit the hospital. We stood right behind the senior as we all face the door, with the name principal placed on it. The senior stretched out his hand, then knocked 3 times. "Come on". The senior open the door taking the first step, while we both still stood outside, neither of us wanted to walk in. "Sir, are you busy right now?", the senior asked. "How may I be of help?", the principal asked scribbling someone on a paper, his full attention was on the his work. "Sir I want to report a case of fighting, 2 middle school students were involved in one", he explained. "Alright, bring them here", the principal said looking up at the senior. " Both of you come in", the senior said, but still neither of us took a step. "Do you need a special announcement?", the principal asked, we both gulp then walked in.

"Holy mother of granola, what happenned here?!" the principal asked in shock. "To the extent your covered in blood?".

"It is nothing sir" I said as I held my mouth cause of the pain I felt. "What do you mean nothing, look you can barely speak", he said gesturing to me.

"Sir, I'll tell you what happened", the senior said . "I and some of my mates came to their block due to the noise we heard coming from it, we were directed by some students to their class only to meet them both deep in fight. We were able separate them, on our way to the school's clinic,Lucy tripped Audrey down Making her fall on her face which affected her teeth and lip, that's why you see Audrey is having cuts around her mouth and before that she was bleeding from her head and nose with some other bruises".

"In retaliation Audrey kicked Lucy and stepped on her palm and also kicked her face, that's why you see bandages around her nose which is currently broken and also has a fractured palm" he said gesturing to Lucy. As the senior narrated what happened the principal had so many facial expressions, from shocked to pain to pity.

 "This is a terrible act and can not be condole in my school, you are both getting a month suspension, but you still be coming to school for labour" he said furiously. Are you kidding me? He should have just left us with the suspension like that, now how will I be able to get to work, who knows till when I'd be released from this labour. "And if any of you skip a day from this duty you'll be added another week" he added.

"What are your names?", he asked pulling out a drawer from his desk. "Audrey Saphre" I spoke. "Lucy Caperman" she said. "Both of you will be written in the black book till your suspension is over" he said bringing out a book. I've heard a lot about this black book, never knew id be written in it. "And you both will report to my office everyday in the mornings once you come and closing hour for attendance to make sure none of you miss a day", he said.

"What is your name?", he asked, but the question was directed to the senior. "my name is Preston Miller" he gave a short reply. "Thank you for stopping the fight and for bringing both of them here" the principal said. "No sir, it's alright" Preston said. "Both of you would be sent home, your labor starts tomorrow", the principal said looking back at me and Lucy with a look of disappointment. "Preston you stay, I need to have a word with you regarding them" the principal said gesturing I and Lucy out. I and Lucy waited outside for a while, only God knew what the principal was telling that senior. Finally the senior came out of the office.

  "Did he tell you what our labor would be?" I asked. "Yes" he said. "He said he would relieve the cleaners from their duties for a month and make you too do it for that full month and I'm to watch over you". After everything the senior told us that we needed to know he left.

"See what you've done, I'm gonna make you pay" Lucy furiously said stormed off. I looked at her laughed and went the other way.