6.Paul joined the American University with an exceptional scholarship.

Paul finished his high school with good grades his average was 82 in all the subjects he passed his first challenge when he promised the principal to get good grades in order to allow him to continue his education at the school with full scholarship.

He graduated from his school at July 7th 1979.

The principal Mr. White was a very good religious man gave him a good recommendation in the end to the American University of Beirut for them to process his acceptance as a business student at their University for he proved at his school years to always be a very bright and very diligent in doing his daily work and in passing his final exams ; he was always considered at his school as an outstanding and well distinguished student in all his subjects especially during his last years of his scholarship studies.

Paul joined the university after passing Tofel exam and SQ with high grades at Fall semester of 1979

Paul started his studies with full devotion and efforts in order to get a scholarship to continue his education at this great institute.

During the second semester, he got one year scholarship for the first year which led to reducing his fees to half.

Upon joining the second year he managed to raise his average to 81 whereby in some business courses he took 90 and some others 80's he received a large scholarship which was composed of big grant with minor loan which reduced his fees to an even lesser amounts.

Rima and Peter were happy for they were much relieved from the burden of his schooling fees Grace finished as well her classes with high grades and started working with one nearby Bank. She became popular and was very successful all the way in her business life.

Paul finished his third year at full blast and he graduated at 13 th. Of July 1983 with an overall average of 81 GPA 3.

Paul got another scholarship for MBA from the same University for one year he finished studying it all while working ,it was a bit harsh as his responsibilities grew with the financial company he found it difficult to continue studying so he left the university as the semester terminated.

Paul's mother and brother were so proud of him for commencing work at a big Financial company as an Accountant his early years were flourishing until he was fought viscously from one of managers and he left after two years of his struggle with them ; all what was done there was perfectly performed but the guy wanted to bring his people to the accounting department in order to cover the embezzlement that he was engaged in and was revealed later on after Paul's departure.

News emerged later on that three guys entered the company and had brutally hit that manager who was seriously injured and immediately afterwards he was summoned for the authorities for serious investigations which revealed serious accusations of embezzlement which led to his resignation with serious charges.

Paul could not find a job for sometime due to the country financial crisis and economic instability.

After serious search ,he failed to get any job right away especially after the civil war had intensified later on.

As a matter of fact , he called his brother who had started an industry of ball pens in one African countries so he decided to join him whereby he arrived at 10th September 1988.