7.Life of Paul was a total Failure coupled with his sickness

Paul resumed his life with his brother first two years he-helped his brother there whereby he gave him from his shares a small salary as he resumed work for 8 hours daily in order to gain industrial knowledge and experience after two years lapsed Peter started his own industry and had dissolved his partnership totally.

Paul and Peter became partners in this new industry the first two years were very bright on both of them for they made a lot of money thereby harvesting all the money for ball-pen industry; Peter who lived and spent so many years in Africa was so talented he managed to conquer the markets of the competitive industries.

Unfortunately ,their old partner came out off no where and waged a big war with his cohorts against them reporting them to custom to all security organisations in order to stop their new industry building his claims on flimsy baseless excuses that had no solid grounds.

Peter was a shrewd business man; well organised and as well prepared to anticipate anything from his business competitors' and previous partner bearing in mind to expect the unexpected from them.

Being so much prepared ,he was well documented to fight his devious partner's flimsy baseless claims with documents at hand to prove him wrong all the way Peter's documented figure tallied to the dot.

Paul and his brother passed through crucial time the X partner had instigated some big shots to snatch the industry however,Paul's presence there was crucial in helping the elder brother Peter who in turn fought viscously and prudently with his well documented files till the very end ; for he had built his business single-handedly out of nothing at hand and since his early start in business life which was full of success by all means in each and every step of the way.

Paul on the other hand, tried with his new limited exposure but sober mind to prudently involve a lot of friends and big people at higher level to curb the baseless accusations with time and gigantic efforts utilised both brothers succeeded in securing back the company with their strive and ceaseless struggle with great tolerance on part of both and definitely the great courage of Peter and his well documented detailed files that proved his sole ownership of everything.

The two brothers had faced a lot especially Peter who was so courageous to fight it back and refuted to relinquish his shares of the company.

Both had overcome the situations encountered gravely and had succeeded in getting back what belonged to them at long last during which the two brothers passed through many stages of numerous difficulties at various levels.

However,strenuous work and efforts were well exhausted in reaching a great successful outcome.

Paul 's life was full of struggle since adulthood and onward and due to the harsh fight over their business war and troubles encountered while running it in the absence of his brother Which entailed attending to customers ,taking checks and delivering the goods purchased which had definitely caused him a lot of additional stress with tremendous pressure in order to get more money for his brother and his company which led to interacting with many people at various levels and simultaneously safeguarding the company from being taken by force ;Paul-fell sick in the end though during the crisis he held himself together till the very end and remained strong and tough all the time.

This hardship encountered caused him a lot of anguish in the process he was diagnosed with diabetes and started his journey of pain ,urging him to go to doctors which forced him to diet and to resort on some prescribed pills with insulin injection during the day to treat his high diabetes at his early age of forty.

The stages passed in recovering the company was so difficult on both brothers during which many difficulties were encountered and a lot of time and money was utilised in order to regain control over it completely.

Paul ,due to lack of good medical treatment in this country he had to leave the place in order to get proper treatment for his sickness at his country of origin with great doctors in order to overcome his sickness with minimum health consequences.