Dimitri Delacroix's point of view


WE WERE STILL CHEERING at the news of Bea's pregnancy when my mother came inside my office like a storm, paler than ever, as if she had seen a ghost. Which, obviously, startled all of us. And she seemed a little lost, as if she only noticed me.

"Isabelle… Isabelle sent something for you," she muttered and fainted. It was so sudden that I fell down as well, to hold her in my arms. Then Mathis Baudelaire appeared on the door frame, looking as shaken as my mother.

Jean told the staff to take my mom to her chambers and see if she was alright. And when he came back, we all turned to Mathis. "What are you doing here, Marquis?" Jean asked with her eyebrows raised.

"We… we found the rat who wrote the newspaper," he said, his hands shaking. "Actually," he gulped, "Belle found him."