Dimitri Delacroix's point of view



In my defense, it wasn't me who did it this time. I guess this makes us even on this matter. I kissed her first, while she kissed me now. It's almost poetic that I kissed her in my season of the year, and she kissed me on hers. And it was pretty much obvious that it would happen sooner or later, especially after how much we flirted today.

But I wasn't planning on doing it. No. I was planning on provoking her so much that she would do it. And it worked.

Should we be doing this? Absolutely not.

Are we being irresponsible? Absolutely yes.

We'll regret? …I know I won't!

Honestly, I confess I was dumbfounding when I heard her telling that to Lady Josephine. And you should have seen Cédric's face. Oh my Gods', his eyes almost popped out of his face. His fiancée also seemed shocked, although she was more amused than anything, and then she saw us, and pretty much purposely asked Isabelle if the kiss was good.