Isabelle Baudelaire's point of view


MARY-CLARE HATES HIM. SHE HATES HIM! That means she wasn't bluffing in the letter. When I read the part where she threatens me with him… saying she'll kill him and the Duchess, I didn't take it seriously. I swore she was bluffing just so I wouldn't suspect her because she's his sister. I didn't think she would actually have the guts to do anything against her brother, even if they only share the same father and have different moms.

But if she hates him as he told me, it changes everything. It means she might actually do something against him if I do not write the damn book in time. And that means I'll have to also watch out for him, and not only for my family. Plus Cédric and Josephine, at that.

That bitch is putting everyone I care about on the line of fire, and ruthlessly threatening their lives for a fucking book.

Just. For. A. Book!