Chapter 5

Melody walked out of the elevator and smiled at the lady at the reception desk before completely getting out of sight.

When She got outside the building she took her phone and made a call. "Boss". The voice of Smith could be heard from the other side of the line greeting.

" How is it going?" Melody asked.

"I will send everything to your email immediately". Smith replied and the call was disconnected right after that.

Melody hailed a cab and got in. She asked the driver to take her to a shopping mall.

After getting out of the cab, she walked into the mall and began buying some groceries when she felt someone's gaze on her back.

The woman walked towards her and stood a few feet away from her. The shock was the expression that could be seen on the woman's face. Thinking she might have seen it wrongly she continued following Melody around.

When Melody showed no signs of recognition, the woman assumed and concluded that she was wrong and turned around to leave.

Melody smirked as she left.

Even after leaving, she still could not get her mind off Melody 'Why does this woman look much like Melody? I can't help but think it's her'. She thought to herself.

When she saw Melody leaving, she followed her. Melody had always known the gaze on her back and she could guess who the person was. After so many years, she has still not forgotten any one of them. She remembers them perfectly well.

When she saw her following from behind she stopped and turned around abruptly.

A loud gasp escaped the woman's lips. "Melody!" the woman exclaimed in shocked surprise.

Melody turned around with a smile as she stared at her. "Hello, Scarlett! It's been a while. How have you been doing all this while?"

"You are alive? Where have you been while we looked for you?" Scarlett said trying to sound less terrified.

Melody scoffed at her words. 'What is she thinking? I don't know the people who killed me or what exactly. I am back and I will make you and everyone else from that night five years ago feel the same way I felt. Melody thought to herself.

"I have been dead. So they were no way for anyone to find me. Am I right? But don't worry, everyone who was responsible for it five years ago will be dying soon too". Melody replied with a smile while looking at Scarlett's scared face.

Scarlett felt her body vibrating. Though not physically, she was already sweating. "Melody, What do you mean?"

"I meant exactly what you heard. What else could it mean?" Melody said casually like it was no big deal.

"Alright.... I understand now. You can count on me and my support any time you need. I will tell Uncle about it for your sake". Scarlett said and forced out an awkward smile.

"Thank you for your generosity. But I doubt I will need your help. I mean, I didn't get that in the past anyways. Besides, I don't need my enemies working with me". Melody said and her gaze became sharp as she stared at her once-upon-a-time best friend.

Scarlett was rendered speechless. Who asked her to go after Melody? If she had not gone after her then maybe she would not be in this situation. Scarlett gritted her teeth and balled her fist by her side but she faked out her voice acting all calm and concerned about Melody.

"Melody, please, believe me, I know nothing about what you just said. I was really worried and scared when I couldn't find you. Now that you are back, I want to help you with whatever you will need me for".

Melody let out a chuckle in amusement. Indeed Scarlett did pick the perfect career for herself. Her acting skills are impressive but did she think that the Melody she is talking to is the same Melody from five years ago? She is wrong to think that.

"Did I ever need help from anyone in the past?" she asked and gave it some thought before continuing "I didn't and I won't be needing it now either". Melody said and walked away right after that.

Scarlett looked at the retreating silhouette of Melody with anger. "How did she survive? Why did she not die?" She said in an inaudible voice and stomped toward her car and drove off.

Melody walked away and hailed a cab once again then she went home. Thinking about her encounter with Scarlett everything from the past started flashing back before her eyes. Everything was still vivid in her eyes like it had only happened yesterday.

The encounter with Scarlett has just reminded her of her purpose of returning to this city. She brought out her phone and read through the email that Smith had sent to her. She read it carefully and attentively as if her life depended on it.

You have to know your enemy well to exert successful revenge. You should know all of your enemies' secrets, and their weakest and strongest points if you want to succeed against them. Melody was not any different. She knows her enemies well but she has been away for long and things can change so she needed to be updated on the latest happenings within and around them.

After spending almost an hour reading through the contents of the email, she put the phone down and drew in a deep breath. The company that her father worked so hard for was in the hands of her cousin, someone who knows nothing about business.

The company that had reached International standards was now suffering from losses that if not taken care of might never be able to recover. All of her parents' hard work was about to become history. She is never going to allow that to happen.

She closed her eyes to calm the storm that was raging inside her. When she was calm-ish, she opened her eyes and called Smith once again who answered on the very first ring.

"Boss". Smith said as soon as the call was connected. "Good evening smith". Melody greeted.

"Good evening boss, how will I be of assistance to you?" he asked and waited to hear what she would say.

"I need you to help me find the evidence of their crimes five years ago. I want to put them all in their place as soon as possible". Melody said.

" I have the proof of your innocence with me all along boss". Smith said over the phone. Melody was surprised to hear that but that was not what she wanted. Proving her innocence will not prove the crimes of others.

"I am grateful to hear that but that is not what am after. I want the evidence of their crimes, if you can help me with that I will be grateful".

"I understand. And yes, I can get it for you but it will take some time". Smith said to her.

"Take as much time as will be needed. Just don't take too long". Melody said and Smith gave an 'mmm' as an acknowledgment and disconnected the call.