Chapter 6

Melody woke early in the morning the moment the sun slipped through the curtains and kissed her face. Stretching a little to awaken her still-sleeping bones she got out of bed. She went downstairs and made pancakes for breakfast with a cup of coffee.

After that, she went back upstairs to take a quick bath and then left for her first day at work as a secretary. She has taken a little more time with breakfast and she is a bit late.

Inside the starlight building, a young woman about twenty-five years old walked in and approached the receptionist, "Hello". The woman greeted.

The reception Lady raised her head from the computer to look at the woman standing before her with her hands gripping the desk and a smile on her face.

She gasped the moment she saw the face of the woman. "Miss Frost!" she said rising to her feet. "Good morning Miss Frost, it's a pleasure..."

She stopped when she saw the woman waving her hand to stop her. "Is he in? My brother?" She asked and the receptionist nodded her head before she verbally confirmed her gesture. "Yes, Miss Frost. He just came in. I will give him a call to let him know that you are here." The receptionist said.

"Don't worry about that. I am already here, so I will just go in to meet him." She said and hurried her steps to the private elevator that leads to the President's office. The reception lady just smiled and shook her head.

Without knocking on the door she pushed it open and stepped only to halt herself at the door after seeing the piercing glare that the man inside gave her. It took a while before she took another step in and shut the door.

Though she felt like going back and knocking before coming back in, the damage had already been done. Standing by the door and taking her brother's glares she breathes deeply before speaking.

"Hi brother!" she said while scratching her head which had suddenly become itchy.

Damian looked at her without saying a word but his cold and icy stare was gone like it was never there in the first instance. He could never remain mad at his sister no matter how crazy she drives him. And no matter how many of his rules she breaks, he can never be mad at her. He loved, pampered, and spoiled his little sister like there was no tomorrow.

"Why are you here, Diana? It is still quite early in the morning". Damian said with a tired voice.

"Brother, don't look so tired. I haven't come to disturb your work or ruin your day, I just came to remind you of your promise to help me find a friend. It has been weeks since I returned and you have promised to help in looking for her". Diana said as she slumped in the seat in front of Damian.

" I thought you said you did not come to disturb my work? Then what are you doing now?" he asked raising a brow at her.

Diana pouted like a little child and stumped her foot on the ground. "But you promised me." She said. Damian could only give in to her demands. He has never said 'No' to her before.

"Fine, I will look into it today. You can leave now." Damian said looking away from her.

Diana was really happy to hear that. She stood to her feet walked around the working desk and hugged him from behind with a giggle. "Thank you, brother. You are the best." She said and turned to leave.

It was then that she saw a file on the desk with the name 'Melody Nova' on it. She stopped and picked it up. She flipped a few pages and saw a photo of Melody on it and she gasped.

" Brother, I thought you said you are yet to search for her?" Diana asked.

Damian was a little puzzled but knowing whose information was in that file, he understood her question. He was about to ask a question when their attention was drawn by a knock on the door.

Pausing his words in his throat he said, "Come in".

The door opened and Melody stepped inside and bowed a little before she greeted." Good morning President Frost. I am sorry for coming late on my first day." Though she was late by a few minutes, the point that she was late was still undeniable.

Damian was not happy seeing her bow to him. He felt a pang in his heart seeing her gesture. But before he could voice out his words Diana beat him to it.

"Melody!" Diana exclaimed in shock and surprise. Why and what are you doing here? When did you get here? And why I could not find you anywhere?" she shot her questions at her without giving any room for her to answer.

Melody raised her head to see the face of the woman who was so concerned for her. The voice was familiar but she was not sure it belonged to the person she was thinking of. It has been so many years, she needs to check and be sure of her thoughts.

Looking at the woman standing beside the sitting man, a look of surprise crossed her face. She was not expecting to see a friend this soon. She knew that the Starlight building belonged to her family but never did she think to see her so soon.

She was not expecting anyone to miss her or care for her after what happened five years ago so when she came back to the city she did not bother looking for anyone not wanting to look into their judgemental eyes at her.

"Diana!" Melody said. She was greatly surprised. Was this friend of hers still believing her even after so many years?

Diana moved to where Melody was standing and gave a bear hug to her. " I have missed you so much. Where have you been all this while?" Diana asked.

Melody didn't know how to react or reply to her questions. She was in the presence of her boss and didn't want to get fired on her first day. Pulling away from the bear hug she said trying to ease herself from the nervousness she was feeling.

"Diana, it is nice to see you too. But can we talk after work is over?"

Diana looked at her and remembered what she said earlier, 'I am sorry for coming late on my first day'. She turned to her brother before nodding her head to Melody. " Okay, I will wait but make sure not to break your promise, you know I won't take that well."

"I won't break my promise. I will make sure of that." Melody said as she smiled reciprocating the one on Diana's lips.