Chapter 7

Damian had been all quiet watching and listening to the two women who seemed to have forgotten of their existence and presence inside the room. Though he was surprised to know the woman his sister had been pestering him to help her find was the same woman he had fallen for he was relieved.

He won't have to search for anyone even if it would not have taken much of his time to find her. And now he was glad that at least one member of his family knew his love interest and they were good friends already. And that family member was the one person he cared for the most among his entire family members.

He heard Melody tell his sister about her work and caught her looking at him, he smiled. At least she remembers him.

He was waiting for his sister to leave so he could spend some time with Melody even if it was in the name of work he wouldn't mind as long he was near her.

Diana shot him a glare which he gladly reciprocated with a much more piercing one making her turn back to Melody immediately with a pout. Soon after that, she left and went out.

Damian turned his focus back to Melody who was standing in the same place and position as when she came in. "Come and have a seat" he offered.

Melody moved to the seat he pointed to in a daze as she stared into his ocean-blue eyes and got drowned in them. Damian saw the way she looked at him and smiled inwardly. At least he knows that he has a chance of making her fall for him.

"You don't have to feel worried my sister has always been an overbearing character and difficult to handle". Damian said as he smiled at her.

He saw Melody look at him while her fingers were fiddling with her skirt. She was nervous? But why? Then he realized that it must be his presence around. He wanted her close while she wanted to leave!?

Sighing to himself he pulled a file out of the document and handed it to her. She took it from him and rose to leave but stopped when she saw him rising from his seat as well.

Damian was not ready to play shy love with her. He was going to tell her how he felt whether it was just the second time they were meeting or not he did not care.

He walked over to her and looked her in the eyes, those eyes of hers that he loves to stare at. He lifted his hand and moved some stray strands of hair from her face behind her ear. Melody took some steps back until her back hit the wall stopping her movements.

Damian slowly took his steps toward her. Standing just a foot away from her he asked. "Do I scare you?"

Did he scare her? No. It was just that her body seemed to betray her whenever she was around him and that was something that she did not want and it was only the second time she had met him. She needed to get back control over her body and the only way to do that was to get as far away from him as possible.

Melody didn't know how to react to his question. He was already too much for her to take being around now he was standing this close to her and asking if he scared her.

Shaking her head Melody said, "No. You don't scare me at all, it's just that you are my boss, and being in such proximity is kinda awkward."

She saw Damian look at her with a spark in his eyes.

"Melody." She heard him call her name. His deep and sexy voice sounded next to her ear and his minty breath brushed against her skin knocking the sense away from her head for a few seconds.

"There is something I would like to tell you." Damian continued when he did not hear her say a word.

"What would you say if I told you that I have fallen for you?" he asked staring her in the eyes while his hands moved to hold her waist.

Melody was shocked. How could he say something like that so out of the blue? He was holding her waist but she was too shocked to notice his hands that were resting on her waist as if they had since gotten used to it.

By the time she realized it, she flinched but did not attempt to move away from his hold. His touch was extraordinary. It was comforting and warm.

She looked at him for a while not knowing what to say. After some time she was able to speak again. "President Frost, please this an office and..."

"I am the boss here. I can decide what happens and what does not, no one has the right to question that." Damian said cutting her mid-sentence.

Melody took in a deep and tried to push him away from her. Placing her hands on his hard and firm chest she tried but failed. The man didn't budge even one inch away from her, he stood rooted in the same position as before.

Seeing her failed efforts she gave up and stood still trying not to breathe in his scent that was driving her insane already.

"I am not ready for a relationship at the moment in life so I have no choice but to refuse your feelings for me. Find someone else who is willing to reciprocate your feelings." Melody said looking away from him so she could avoid looking into his eyes.

Damian felt a tight squeeze in his heart as he heard her words. But he was determined to chase her until she said yes.

Pulling her chin up so she could look at him, he looked her in the eyes and said, "You don't have to accept right now. I just wanted you to know how I feel. Take your time to think about it. I can wait,"

Melody decides to make things clear and tells him, "I can't love you, President Frost. My heart has long given up on love. I can't entrust it to anyone anymore."

Hearing those words coming from her, Damian was more interested in knowing about her past than ever before. What happened to have made her give up on love?

Now he could not wait to hear what Lloyd had found out.

He took a step back to give her some space seeing as she was starting to hurt. Melody was grateful for that. She moved to the desk and picked up the file given which she dropped earlier and turned to leave.

"I won't stop chasing you. I will chase you until you accept me and my feelings." She heard him say before she closed the door behind her.