Chapter 18

Gale was fearful. Now he regrets ever following those instructions. He should have never left her to stand alone when faced with the worst moment of her life, he should have stood by her.

If he had known that she was the one whom they would send into that room, he would have never agreed to it. She was his college sweetheart. They did everything together. But now, she has become his worst fear.

If before he did not know how powerful the Novas were, he does now, and, seeing as Jacob still does not have full control of the clan, it means that all that power will be given to Melody. And if she was out for vengeance then there would be no stopping her.

Now he wished he could turn back the time and go back to before all this started and fix it all but no one was given such power and ability in life. He has to face the consequences and he was scared of facing them.

He has everything his family ever wanted but now he could not even enjoy it. If his family had known that he had a hand whatsoever in what happened to the Novas in the past, they would not have accepted Jacob's helping hand.

He was the only one who knew about it and he is facing the pain and nightmares alone with no one to share it with.

He was so engrossed with his thoughts that he did not know when the car came to a stop at his house.

"Mr. West, we have arrived". The driver informed snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Hmmm, you can go home. I won't be leaving the house today". He said and stepped out of the car.


Melody soon closed from work and rushed out before Damian could reach her and offer her a lift again. She got outside and saw a BMW parked outside. She had not seen that car there before so she took a while to look at it but she could not see the inside through the tinted windows of the car.

She turned to leave when she saw the car's door open and Smith stepped out of it followed by a young and beautiful black woman who seemed to be the same age as her and they approached her.

Smith came and stopped in front of her and gave a small bow and greeted, "Good day boss".

"Good day, Smith. What brings the surprise visit?" She asked while looking at the woman standing beside Smith.

"I have come to pick you up. For the rest let's discuss once inside". Smith said and Melody nodded.

Walking to the car, the woman went forward and held the door open for Melody. She entered feeling a little weird. It has been years since someone held a door for her.

Their little interactions were being watched by three pairs of eyes from the top floor of Starlight Industries. One was of surprise while the other two just looked on with straight faces with no form of surprise on them which surprised the other even more.

Inside the car, Melody looked at Smith in the driver's seat for a while without saying a word. Feeling her gaze on him, he knew what she wanted to ask and what he should say to her.

"Boss, this is Abigail, she will be your bodyguard from now on".

"I have you and I think that is enough. I don't need another". Melody said without looking at the woman in the front passenger seat.

"Boss, you have to understand, I won't always be around to protect you seeing as I will have to leave the city for some assignments that need my attention". Smith tried to explain.

"There are the shadow guards they can do the job". She replied to his words.

"Yes there will always be the shadow guards but you need someone at close range just in case". He said.


"Smith, I want everything on the down low for now so she can not walk around with me". Melody with a tired look on her face.

"Alright... How about she drops and picks you up every day and joins the shadow guards while you are busy interacting with other people?". He asked trying to find another way to make her agree to it.

"Ok, that sounds good enough". She gave in. Knowing he would most likely continue trying to make her accept things that way. She knew he was just trying to look out for her.

"Understood boss". Smith said with a smile and turned to look at Abigail.

"Smith! Abigail!" she called out.

"Boss!" They both answered simultaneously.

"I need you to stop calling me boss. Just call me by my name OK?" Melody said knowing that if she did not stop them, they wouldn't stop calling her that way even in public.

"As you wish, Melody". Smith said and she smiled at him.

"By the way, it is nice to meet you, Abigail". Melody said, extending a hand to Abigail.

She received it and said, "Likewise, Melody".


Back at Starlight Industries, the three men were inside Damian's office as they watched the BMW drive away. Lloyd who was the most surprised couldn't keep himself from talking.

" I can not believe that you and your secretary drive the same car man. Who would have thought that she is that loaded and still chose to work as a secretary". He said and lazily slumped on the sofa.

"You still haven't figured it out yet!" Ezekiel said looking more surprised at his friend.

"What I am supposed to figure out? When you guys refused to tell me anything, I gave up and stopped trying to find out the things". Lloyd said with a carefree attitude.

Moving his gaze from Lloyd, Ezekiel asked Damian, "Do you think that was Shadow?"

"Mmmm". Damian answered

"What do you mean". Lloyd asked.

Ignoring him, Ezekiel asked, "Did you see his face?"

"No". Damian gave a one-word answer.

"Neither did I" Ezekiel added.

They turned to Lloyd who was looking like a sullen kid. "Did you see his face?" Ezekiel asked even though they knew the answer already they hoping for something different.

"No. I did not. Now answer me, what did you mean earlier?".

" Figure it out". They both yelled at him.