Chapter 19

The week went on slowly as seconds turned to minutes, minutes to hours, and hours to days. Melody woke up on Saturday morning as the rays of the morning sun peeked through the windows and kissed her face. She rises with a yawning stretch and rises to her feet to begin the day.

Melody heard her phone ring and went and answered it after seeing the caller ID and saw that it was Smith who had called her. "Hello, Smith". She said after the call was connected.

"Hello, Melody. Good morning!" he greeted her when heard her voice. "Are you ready for today?" he asked.

"I think so?" Melody replied with uncertainty in her voice.

"It's OK if you don't feel like it. There is always the next time". Smith said understanding the cause of her nervousness. A lot would change if she was seen and introduced to the public. And she will become an easy target for all of the Novas' enemies. Her revenge plan would also be affected if she wanted to do it stealthily.

"Won't they be mad for canceling?" Melody asked.

Smith chuckled lightly on the phone and said, "You are the boss, everyone listens to you so you don't have to worry about them. Besides, I think we should shift the meeting to another day".

"Really? Why?" Melody asked.

"The news of the meeting leaked and everyone out there is waiting to know who you are". Smith replied sounding a little apologetic. "I am sorry for failing to conceal the things for you".

"It's fine, Smith. Mistakes happen and nobody is perfect". Melody said feeling happy inwardly that she would not be going to see them any time soon. She was the one who asked to see them but she started having second thoughts right after that. She did not think it through before making such a request from Smith.

"I know you did your best so don't be hard on yourself". She said.

"Alright boss". He responded.

"I will let you know when next we should meet," she said, When Smith was about to answer she asked, "What have you found so far, concerning the evidence I asked for?"

"I have yet to find solid proof, Melody. But as soon as I do, I will let you know". He answered.

At his words, Melody didn't know what to say. She was expecting something by now but nothing has been found yet. What would she do if nothing was found at the end of the day? Will her purpose of return be in vain? Will she ever be able to avenge her parents? No. she cannot let that happen. Whether or not anything was found she will make pay for what they did.

She can forgive them for what was done to her specifically but she could never forgive them for the death of her parents. They were all she ever wanted back every day. The moment that she received the news of their death was the worst moment of her life. There was no way in hell she was not going to get back at them.

"I understand, Smith, there is still time. All I need to do is to torment them little by little until the evidence is found".

"What would you have me do then?" Smith asked.

"I saw on the internet a movie that will be shooting soon and Scarlett is the potential leading lady". She paused and smirked while Smith listened on to hear the rest of her words. " I don't want her to get it. Not even the second female lead. She can have any other role I would not mind".

She said and her smirk turned into a mischievous smile knowing fully well that not getting both the first or the second female lead would drive Scarlett crazy. She always wants to be on top of everyone and will stop at nothing to achieve that. Now Melody wants to see to what extent she would be willing to go and who she will go to for help and use that against her.

"Is it the one that will be announced today?" Smith asked.

"Yes, that's the one. And also make the same thing happen to her next movie. I want her to get frustrated". Said melody.

"I will take care of it. You should rest today, you have been working all week". Smith said and Melody agreed before disconnecting the call.

Melody dropped the phone on the table in the living room leaned her head backward and shut her eyes with a smile on her face, she waited patiently to receive the news of Scarlett's failure soon.


In another part of Empire City,

Everyone has gathered along with the press to receive the news regarding the movie that will begin shooting soon. Scarlett was all smiles seeing that the press was present to capture one of her glory moments.

A moment without Melody, one that no one could take away from her She sat next to the movie producer dressed in expensive clothing and jewelry, she looked nothing short of an A-list celebrity.

Just when the press conference was about to start, the producer's cell phone rang pausing the process at once. He woke from his seat and left the conference room before answering the call.

Speaking on the phone for a little while he gestured to the director who went to meet him. They both listened to the voice on the phone, and after a while, the call ended they both returned to take their seats trying to mask their emotions and the conference officially began.

Not thinking much about the reason behind the call Scarlett happily smiled at them as they sat down.

Soon it was time to announce the first and second female leads. The producer and director exchanged glances at each other before the producer finally announced.

"The role for the first and second female lead is still undecided. You all have to wait until the shoot begins then and only then will you know who they are".

The moment Scarlett heard the words of the producer the smile on her face vanished into thin air. "The role for the first and second female lead is still undecided" These words kept repeating themselves in Scarlett's head.

Didn't they say that she was the one to have the female lead role in the movie? They promised her so what happened?