Chapter 28

Gale could not say anything for a while as he stood there looking at Melody wordlessly. He knew what he did in the past was wrong, but shouldn't she at least give him a listening ear?

On the other hand, Melody was getting bored standing there and turned to leave when she heard him say, "I had no choice, Melody. I had to and there was no other way".

"There is always a choice in every situation and you made yours, and now I have made mine, just prepare for the coming consequences," she said and walked away.

Abigail stood still for a while with a proud smile on her lips before finally following Melody.

Gale stood still and watched as the women left with a defeated expression. Now he had no hope of getting her but he was willing to try and get her back. He knew that for what he did in the past he deserved a little bit of a cold shoulder from Melody. , so he did not take her words seriously.

"You will get her back Gale, don't worry about it, she will come along sooner or later," he said to himself and turned around and left the amusement park.

While their conversation was going on, someone was watching them closely and left soon after Gale left to make a phone call.


After the ride on the Ferris wheel, Melody and Abigail also left and went home. Melody asked Abigail to stay for dinner which she did and after finishing her meal she left Melody alone to rest.

Melody decided to look into some of the files that Smith had sent to her concerning her clan and father's businesses around the world. It was about time that she started getting involved and figuring out a way to get Collins out of her seat in the business of her father.

After spending a couple of hours reading some of the files, she became sleepy. Checking the time on the clock, it was 11 O'clock which was her bedtime she left and headed for her room to sleep.


While Melody went into slumber, the lights at the Nova mansion were brightly lit. Scarlett was sitting and having a chat with Jacob Nova and a young man sitting directly opposite Jacob in the study when a knock was heard on the door and a maid came in to inform them of Gale's arrival.

"Master, Mr West is here to see you." the maid said with a bowed head.

The people in the room exchanged a few glances among themselves before Jacob asked the maid to usher him in. "Sent him here". He said and the maid gave a bow before leaving.

Earlier after Gale left the amusement park, he drove back home only to receive a message from Jacob inviting him to the mansion. Though furious, he had no choice but to come no matter what the time was. So here he was at the Nova mansion.

While the maid went to send Gale up to the study, Scarlett rose and left the study. She entered the room opposite the study and locked the door.

Soon Gale opened the door to the study and entered. The two men inside turned to him and his friend saw the second man who was seated there as well. He was enraged about the fact Jacob had called so late at night for a discussion but now seeing the other man in there, he was beyond mad.

Did Jacob call him to discuss something about his son? If so then he will be leaving without saying a word to either of them.

Seeing Gale standing giving by the door Jacob tugged his brows into a frown. "Why are standing there, won't you sit?" he asked.

Sighing inwardly, Gale took his steps to the nearest seat and sat down. "Why did you call me here? You know it is late. If you don't need your sleep I do." He said annoyance evident in his tone.

"You need to learn how to talk to your elder boy," Jacob said, equally at the way Gale spoke to him.

"If there is nothing to talk about, I will take my leave," Gale said and stood up from his seat ready to walk out.

"A bird told me you met a specific someone today, is it true?" Jacob asked pausing Gale mid-step.

"So you are spying on me," Gale said turning back to face Jacob. "Why?"

"You are asking me why? Don't make laugh boy, you and I know that you will betray at the very first chance that get so that is why I have called you here now to remind you of our deal." Jacob said while giving Gale a cold stare.

"You should also know that I am no longer that boy you met and used five years ago. Five years isn't little, a lot can change and have changed. Even if I will lose everything, I won't sit back and let you dictate all of my life." Gale responded and started right into the eyes of Jacob.

The room has become uncomfortable for the other man who has been sitting there in silence and listening to the two. He thought to ease the tension in the air a little. "Father!" he called.

"Be quiet and stay out of this, Collins." Jacob snapped at his son. When saw the fury in his father's eyes, he could not say a word anymore, swallowing the non-existent saliva, he sat back down obediently.

"So, now you've got the guts to speak back at me? Are you as capable as you speak?" he laughed. "Don't forget that one word from me can end you and your entire family," he said with an evil glint in his eyes as he stared down at Gale.

"I may not win against you, but I won't go easily Jacob. I will make sure to give you a hard time especially if you get my family involved in this. I could not bite back before, but now I can". Gale replied, not breaking their eye contact.

"And who gave you those teeth to use and bite? That was me never forget that." Jacob said.

Gale's lips curled into a smirk as he looked at Jacob. "You will be surprised to see what I am capable of Jacob. He said and turned once again to leave. Reaching the door handle, he stopped and said, "Oh, Jacob, keep your birds away from me because next time not all of them might return to the nest," right after saying that. While Jacob was fuming behind.