Chapter 29

Gale walked out of the mansion and entered his car, he ordered the driver to drive while he leaned backward with his closed shut. He was not regretting what he had said inside but he was not supposed to. The things were not yet ready, if Jacob chose to act against him now he would easily lose.

His plans were yet to be put in place for execution, now he can only hasten up the things on his side if he wants to be able to protect his family from that psychopath named Jacob Nova.

Opening his eyes, he took his phone in hand and started typing on it. After a while, pressed the send button put the phone aside, and resumed his previous position.

In the past, when he finally understood what Jacob had done to Melody and her parents, he started working to stabilize himself so that when the time comes he will be able to stand alone without depending on any for help and assistance.

He knew that sooner or later, that maniac would cast him aside for his interest and gain. What could he expect from a man who killed his brother and ruined his niece's name and reputation without batting an eye and even sent an assassin after her? Casting him aside and killing his family would be as easy as pie to him.


Back inside the mansion, Jacob was fuming with rage as trashed the things atop the desk to the floor and yelled in frustration. "Who does he think he is? He thinks he can bite the hands that feed him. Huh? I will show him just what I can do to him very soon."

Sitting quietly on one of the seats in the study, Collins sat with a cup of tea in his hand, his one leg crossed over the other coupled with a calm and nonchalant expression. Seeing him like that further enraged his father.

"Why are you just sitting there and drinking tea?" Jacob yelled at him.

Collins looked at his father for a moment before he looked back at the cup in his hand and dropped the teacup back on the table. He raised his gaze once again to match that of his father and said in a nonchalant tone, " You asked me to keep quiet and stay out of it."

Not knowing what to do after hearing his son's reply, Jacob chuckled. From light chuckles, it turned into thunderous laughter that resounded beyond the study room. While Collins sat and watched with an innocent face as his father's body shook and trembled with rage.

Hearing the laughter from across the study, Scarlett came out after making sure that Gale was longer in the mansion. She entered the study and saw Jacob who had just stopped laughing and trying to catch his breath. His face was still red but she was not sure what made it red. Was it his laughs or was it anger? She was not sure. And if it was anger, what made him so angry?

She alternated her gaze between Jacob and Collins and was dumbfounded. While Jacob was an angry mess, Collins looked like he was not even inside there with his father who was struggling to stabilize his breathing. His nonchalance at the scene was commendable.

Not being able to make out anything from just looking at their faces, she took a glass of water and handed it to Jacob to help pacify him a little. Jacob to the water and gulped it down in one breath and harshly placed the glass on the desk.

Seeing that he was a bit calm, Scarlett held him by his shoulders to help him to a seat and made him sit on it. She sat across from him and looked at him in silence. Shifting her gaze to Collins who was now playing with his phone not caring about the other two people inside with him, she opened her mouth to say something but he beat her to it.

Rising to his feet he said, "It is already midnight and I need to sleep so I am heading to one of the rooms here since it already is late and not safe to drive at this hour," he took his steps towards the door and said, "I hope I don't see any of your faces in my dream, cause that would be a nightmare and I don't want nightmares". He said without stopping or looking back.

What he wanted was to know if truly Melody was alive and he got his answer even though no one said it out loud he could make it out from their talks. Since he got what he wanted, the rest is none of his business.

Jacob glared at his son's back wordlessly. He did not know his son was indifferent towards him but he was not going to take it without doing anything. But one thing he was sure of was that Collins would never betray him, unlike Gale whom he wasn't sure of.

From the side, Scarlett still needed answers to her questions. Summoning up courage she opened her mouth and asked, "Unc... What about Gale? What did he say..." Before she could finish her words, Jacob yelled at her.

"GET OUT." Jacob was already mad because of him and this girl in front of him was reminding him of the man again.

Scarlett flinched and instinctively jumped to her feet in fright. "But..." she tried to talk but was cut off immediately.

"Leave my sight," he yelled again. Scarlett could only stump her foot and walk out without saying more. Reaching outside the study, she took the stairs and went down to find a guest room to spend the night and leave the next morning.

Inside Jacob just rested his head on the palm of his hand, closed his eyes, and went deep into thought trying to find a way out to maintain control over the business and how to reach Melody, and also to find out what gave Gale so much courage. He needs to know if Melody knew anything about the 'seal' or not.