Chapter 50

Back at Empire City,

Jacob Nova was raging when he learned that Melody was already out of the country. He had planted his men everywhere to make sure every route to the airport was covered and she would be spotted when going in but somehow, the girl managed to slip through his fingers. He glared hard at the person who had just one to tell him this.

"Then what are to paid for if you can't even keep an eye on a little girl?" he asked, his anger and annoyance could be seen and felt very those around him.

From the side, Collins snickered. What was his father thinking and saying? He was only four years older than Melody and yet he still called her a little girl. Melody was capable of is much now. All it took to know was just meeting her, nothing else was needed. The look in her eyes line would tell you that she was more than meets the eye.

"You are Fired," Jacob said and this was what made Collins speak getting involved in his father's business.

"You can't fire my men, Father, that is my job," he said and Jacob glared at him. What an unfilial child!

"He failed to do a simple task and you want to keep it with you?" He asked and Collins nodded his head without hesitation. "Are you out of your mind, Collins?" he yelled.

"No, but you will get high blood pressure if you don't calm down," he said very casually to his father as if this had been revised many times before. "You must have forgotten that Melody is not a child anymore. She is no longer that niece of yours who would run circles around you just to get your attention and a little pat on the head as a sign of your affection for her. Don't forget, you killed her before, nobody dies naive and comes back from the dead still naive, she is more capable than you think. And if you don't know, she had the help of Shadow and another woman who had managed to get a high position in the Empire without our knowledge." he said and stood up. "You can keep seeing her as your little and naive niece if you want, didn't go firing my men as you will it,"

He turned to the man whom his father had just fired, "You can go, no is firing you," he said to him and the man nodded in gratitude and left hurriedly before they had a change of heart again.

"You have met with her," Jacob stated. He finally realized this. Collins would not have known this much if he had not met her before since her rumored return. "When?" he asked.

"A few days ago," Collins said, taking back his seat knowing it was going to be an even longer night.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" He asked. He didn't have it in him anymore to yell and shout. Reprimanding Collund only makes him colder and detached. The best approach to coins was the gentle kind. Though it required a lot of patience, that was only what would work, otherwise, you wouldn't get a single word out of him.

"I have, you just didn't listen or care about it, as you care about is your ambition to run your brother's family, and his only successor," Collins said very bluntly. If he were to be someone else, he would most likely spend the night in the underground cellars.

"When?" he asked again, ignoring the blunt insult his son just threw at him. He was used to hearing him speak to him as if he was talking to a child or a total stranger, he was his son after all.

"The day you sent assassins to kill her at the club but they turned around to follow her out of the club after she was recognized. That was not exactly what happened, but who said he couldn't mess with his father's feelings and emotions a little bit?"


Dale stared out the window of his bedroom. There was a complicated look on his face as he stared at the moon which would soon leave the sky as it was approaching dawn. He had barely had any sleep the whole night because he was busy with his thoughts.

The threat he made to Jacob Nova was no child's play and with the power that man wielded right now, he needed to be more prepared, he was supposed to let his emotions get the better of him and let out his plans so early but he was pushed to do so and now he had to think of a way to protect his family from the psychopathic Jacob Nova. He laughed when he received a message on his phone from one of his men whom he had asked to keep an eye on Melody.

It took so long before those people could successfully follow her about without being spotted. The security around was so strong that it was near impossible to do and to make sure more annoying, it was reported that some of those guarding her were not part of the Nova agents. This left him perplexed and wondering who else would be willing to do something like that fit someone who was not their own.

He opens the message and it reads, "Miss Nova has left the country, boss, we don't know where she is going," he sighed again. Things would get messy with the way they were going.

"Return to base and make sure you are not followed, * he typed a reply and put his phone aside. All he had to do now was pull a few strings to find out where she had gone to and know what she was doing there. If possible, he would like to join her camp but would she accept him after their history together?

"I am sorry, Melody," he said when he remembered their past. Had he not listened to Jacob's threats back then, maybe they would still be together now.


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I have promised before that this novel would not be contacted so I did not apply for a contract on this novel, but earlier today, a contract invitation was sent to this novel by Wenbovel and I feel torn, not sure what I should do. So I have decided to hear your take on this.

This contract was unexpected and I applied for yet it was given even after a long with no updates. Please write down what you think I should do in this situation. If I accept this contract without informing you guys, I will be breaking a promise made by me. That is why I want to know what you have to say. Please comment and let me hear from you on this.