Chapter 51

The night passed uneventfully much to everyone's happiness. Right now, Melody was headed to the car packed outside with everyone else following her. It was the time for the meeting which she had come here for. She would meet all those who held importance to the Nova Empire.

They all assume she is dead. Her appearance here today would be a shock to many. But it will also help strengthen and seal the faith of those who believed and waited for her return. The fact that they refused to acknowledge Jacob Nova as their new leader proved that they still waited on her.

"How far is it from here to there, Smith?" She asked, getting into the back seat of the luxury car, Butler James sat beside her, Abigail took the driver's seat and Smith sat beside Abigail.

She felt an adrenaline rush the more the time drew closer. It has been more than five years since she last visited this place and met with those people. She was both excited and nervous. Not knowing what reaction those people would have upon seeing her.

"Less than an hour, Boss," Smith replied, looking back at her through the rearview mirror.

"Alright," she said with a nod of the head. It was not that far, though it would have been a lot closer if they stayed in one of the Nova Hotels and suites or taken a house in one of their estates. But for the sake of precaution, they had to stay far away from theirs and stay on another's property. Drawing closer to their destination, Smith wore his mask.

No one besides his boss and close colleagues like Abigail and James knew what he looked like and he was not changing that today. The mask was a feature associated with him as Shadow, the Boss's right-hand man. If he was to be seen without it, they would mistake him for an imposter.

They arrived at their destination, Smith and Butler James were the first to step down from the car while Melody and Abigail remained inside. Not everyone knew who Abigail was but they all knew the family butler of the Novas and Smiths, he was the one who had been leading them in secret all this while.

"Wait here, Boss, we will come back for you," he said and she nodded, taking in a deep breath. She couldn't believe she was here now. After so many years, she was back here again, not as the daughter and future heiress of the Novas but as its head. How time flies!

A moment later, Smith and Mr. James returned and Abigail stepped out of the car and also stood beside it. "We can go in now, Boss," he informed and she nodded with a smile, taking out a mask of her own, she wore it, covering half of her face. Abigail saw her doing that and smiled. Precaution. Keeping half of her face hidden was good.

"Is everyone inside?" she asked. The outside looked isolated and abandoned. And if she did not know any better, she would have thought it was abandoned and of no use anymore.

"Yes, they are," he replied and she nodded again. "Follow me," he led the way and Melody followed behind him, Mr. James was by her side and Abigail was behind her. They walked into the building that didn't look like a big deal on the outside. She could tell at a glance that the place was heavily guarded. If not for her sake, it will be for the sake of the people inside already.

"Are you ready, Madam?" Mr. James asked in a low voice. She turned to look at him and for a second, there was hesitation in her eyes before it was overshadowed by determination and resolve.

"I am ready," she said, and the aged butler offered a warm smile and a curt nod. She had to be ready, this was her time to prove that she was the daughter of her parents. Time to prove that the name of George Nova has not been erased from the face of the earth. It still lives on in her and she will carry it on until the end.

"I am glad to hear that," Mr. James said as they continued walking inside. "There is nothing in here that you don't know, you have been here before when you were younger, you've seen and met the people inside and they know you, a handful of them may have changed or passed on, since the last time you were here, and their positions have been given to their children, but it is nothing that you can't handle," he said both informing and encouraging her.

"Thank you, Butler James," she said, looking at him with gratitude. She was happy that at least, someone whom she grew up knowing was still here with her. By her side.

"It is my pleasure, Madam," he responded.

They stopped when they came to an elevator Shadow opened the door going in first and then Melody followed suit before the others. The elevator went down and it took quite some minutes before it came to a stop. Once again, Shadow was the first to exit and waited outside for her. He proceeded ahead shielding her with his own body.

From here, armed men could be seen standing and stationed all over the place. The interior also looked lavish and grand. Compared to the exterior, it was like walking into another world.

The guards bowed when they saw Shadow and took a second to understand who the woman he was personally protecting was and then bowed to her well. That was after seeing the revered and respected family butler beside her.

With her posture straight and chin held high, she walked gracefully as they drew nearer. She looked sophisticated and elegant. There was an aura of aloofness around her that added to her grace. The mask on her face only added a touch of mystery to her charm and attracted the attention of all those around.

The guards were well aware of who Shadow and Abigail were and having them escort her, only told the message that she was not to be offended or looked down upon.

They reached where large golden double doors could be seen and stopped. They all turned to look at Melody and she nodded at them giving them the silent permission that they needed.

Abigail stepped forward and stood next to Smith while Mr. James went to stand behind her. Together, they pushed open the doors announcing their presence.