Convincing her

What a horrible experience we had last night ! Poor Dominic, as usual his day got wasted this year again !

I am feeling very sorry for him, but I can't tell this to him.

But yes, I can make it upto him.

I'll get him something as my apology.

Now let's just think about the girl he hit last night.

If she wants to file complaint against us, I'll have to file it; including myself, after all I was drunk !

I hope she doesn't do that.

I don't care about myself, but it would affect the lives of Dominic, Jules, Lauren and Derek too !

I could never bear that.

I know they think of me as a heartless beast; but it's not true !

I've almost raised them and I feel very responsible for them.

Sometimes I feel like I am like their father !

And being that, what I did last night isn't acceptable.

I'll have to do something about it.

For now, let's concentrate on the case.

I'll really break Derek's jaw if he spoiled anything for me.

I say it always, but I won't ever do that.

I love him !

Yes, he irritates me !

But I don't feel like the day have finished, until he irritates me.

And all over above, he is the best detective we have.

His work is spotless and on point and I appreciate him for that.

But I don't tell that to him.

I don't want to spoil him.

We reached the clinic and went for the girl.

I was so druk last night that, I can't remember her face; not to forget, I've carried her in my arms upto the car !

We'll see when we get to her.

When we reached there, the nurse was giving her some medicine and so her face was covered by the nurse's back.

And the moment she left her alone, she was facing us.

I was so mesmerized by her innocent beauty.

She was barely 18 or 19.

Much much younger than me.

Almost 10 or so years !

I shouldn't get any feeling for her.

So I tried to wash my thoughts about her and I accidentally glanced at Dominic; he was as mesmerized by her as I am !

He is standing at his place like he was some statue.

But, when I glanced at Derek; god this pervert !

He only have one thing in his mind 24*7.

And not only him, but Lauren also !

I have to keep her safe from them...

What the hell is wrong with me ?

Why am I thinking like that ?

I haven't had this thought before !

Derek and Lauren have been with numerous girls before, but I didn't felt this protective for anyone before.

Then why now ?

Why for her ?

I haven't kept any space for such emotions in my heart.

And I don't want to be weak by having them now.

So, I shook my head and approached towards her; and she curled up on the bed like she was trying to save herself from us.


Me !

Yes yes, I know I am huge and my presence can sacre some super brave man then, she is such an innocent angle, how couldn't she be scared ?

When I started to back off, Derek started approaching her.

I felt pulling him back with me but, I couldn't do that.

Luckily Dominic did my work !

" Well, hello there !

She is my patient, Mr. Cooper.

First of all, I need to check up on her.

I can't allow any Detective or Cop near her without inspecting her and making sure, she is ready to answer any questions.

So, you better back off ! "

Dominic said crossing his arms.

" Mr. Allen, I appreciate your work.

But she was caught with an accident.

And it becomes a police case from there onwards.

Let me do my job ! "

Derek said crossing his arms.

I felt like breaking his jaw right there.

Dominic is right, she is his patient.

He couldn't let us question her, before he checks her up.

But he wants his way with her and nothing else !

" I'll let you ask her all the questions im the world, Mr. Cooper.

But after I have done all of her tests. "

Dominic said.

" Mr. Miller, ask your detective to let me do my work.

Or I'll file complaint against both of you, for being the obstacle in my way and breaking the most basic laws of medical !

Even the terrorists undergo all the basic tests, before he is handed over to the cops then, she isn't even the terrorist !

Please, let me do my work.

Officer, last night she was unconscious and we didn't had any lady staff so we couldn't examine her properly without her concent.

I'll have my tests done and examine her and then, she is all yours to ask whatever you guys want to ask.

Shall I do my duty, now ?

Or you guys want me to call the force ? "

Dominic said turning to me.

" Derek, let Mr. Allen do his work.

We can wait.

First he have to make sure she is alright. "

I said concluding.

" But, Mr. Miller.... "

Derek protested.

" I don't want any kind of problem here because of you, understand ?

Let him do his work.

Once he is finished, it's our turn.

So wait. "

I said seriously.

" If you say so. "

Derek said realising the seriousness in my voice.

Before Dominic would ask her anything a nurse came,

" Um, Mr. Allen, please could you come with me for a bit ? "

Nurse said uneasily.

" I am with my patient. "

Dominic said.

" It's very important, Mr. Allen. Please. "

Nurse said pressing on.

He went with her and I followed them and so did Derek.

" Mr. Allen, I examined her in the morning before you came.

When, I changed her clothes I saw some marks on her body and at her private parts and so I took her in the examination room and.....

She was raped, Mr. Allen !

I got the DNA sample and sent it to the lab, the report will be at your desk by tomorrow morning.

I have dressed her injuries on her body.

There are many scratches on her body.

Many finger marks all over her body.

She must be traumatized.

So please, handle her gently. "

Nurse warned us.

What ?

This innocent teen was raped ?

Who dared to touch her ?

I'll kill him !

" What ?

She was raped ?

Are there any internal injuries ?

Or any severe injuries ? "

Dominic asked.

" No, Mr. Allen.

There aren't any severe injuries, but mental trauma could be there. "

Nurse said.

We went to the girl and Dominic started asking her about her condition.

" Hello, Miss ???? "

Dominic said expecting her name.

" Um...

Ashley Grayson "

She said shivering and without looking in towards us.

God, her voice is like someone just chimed in my ears...

Control yourself, Cole !

What the hell is wrong with you ?

It doesn't matter how does she sounds, you can't have any kind of feelings for her.

" Wow !

That's a lovely name !

Miss Ashl... "

Derek said.

There he goes !

I was wondering why haven't he said anything yet ?

But I stared at him and he shut his mouth.

" Good.

Now keep it shut unless it's very important to speak ! "

I said making him shut up.

" Thank you, Mr. Miller. "

Dominic said.

" So, Miss. Grayson, tell me how are you feeling ? Are you ok ?

Is it hurting somewhere, like unbearably ? "

Dominic asked her trying to get her situation.

Instead of speaking anything she started crying ! Oh, don't cry, little one.

There's nothing to be worried or scared about...

Shut the fuck up, Cole !

She'll stop crying on her own.

She isn't a child now to give her a shoulder to cry on !

Dominic offered her a tissue.

" Hey, hey !

Please, stop crying.

No one's gonna hurt you.

You are safe now.

Or does your arm hurts that much ?

Tell me and I'll give you some painkillers.

Didn't the nurse gave you one ?

You... "

Dominic said approaching her and she again curled up and her face became white, like she just saw a ghost !

Dominic stopped in his place and kept his hands to himself and infront of his trunk, like in defeat...

" Ok, ok.

I won't touch you.

I won't come near you.

Don't be scared of us, little one.

We aren't going to harm you.

I promise, we are the good guys.

Don't you believe me ?


Um nurse ?

Please can you come here for a bit ?

Please ? "

Dominic said trying to comfort her and called a nurse.

What the hell is he doing ?

Why is he calling the nurse ?

Is he gonna ?

" Do you know me ? "

Dominic asked the nurse.

" What kind of question is this Mr. Allen ? "

Nurse asked confused.

" Just answer my question, nurse !

Do you know me ? "

Dominic asked her.

" Yes, ofcourse !

You are Dr. Dominic Allen. "

Nurse said like Dominic has lost his mind.

" When did I joined this clinic ?

Do you know ? "

Dominic asked her.

" May be 7-8 years ago. "

Nurse said rolling her eyes.

" Thankyou so much.

You may leave now. "

Dominic said to her.

The nurse left and he started speaking to her.

" I guess, now you can trust me at least this much that, I am a real Doctor working here !

And I won't give you poison in the name of medicine; do you ? "

Dominic asked her.

She slowly nodded her head.

" May I come closer to you ?

Only if you want me to. "

Dominic asked her.

She nodded again.

He went to her bed and checked her vitals.

" Your fracture isn't that bad.

You should be fine soon so that, we can give you discharge.

Can you provide your address so that, we can contact your family and you can go back to your home with them ? "

Dominic said.

Her expressions changed.

Like she was so scared to go back to home.

She was looking restless.

Something is wrong here.

I should ask her.

" Excuse me, Miss. Grayson.

I am Cole Miller.

I am a cop.

You can tell me anything.

If something happened last night.

You can also file a complaint against anyone.

And I assure you, he / she would be behind the bars ! "

I said.

I guess I scared her even more.

What's wrong with me ?

But thankfully, Derek controlled the situation.

" Um.. excuse me, Miss. Grayson.

I am Derek Cooper, I am a detective.

It doesn't matter now, who we are.

What matters is, are you alright ?

Are your injuries hurting ?

Do you need painkillers ? "

Derek asked her softly.

" No. It's not that.... "

Ashley said shaking with fear.

" Ok, just tell me one thing, are you alright ?

Are you afraid of something or someone ? "

Derek asked her.

She didn't said anything, but her expressions were more than enough to tell that, yes she was scared !

Of what ?

We have to find it out !

" Let me tell you something, Ashley.


I hope you don't mind me calling you Ashley ? "

Derek said making her comfortable.

She shooked her head and Derek continued.

" Listen, we are really very sorry for what happened to you.

It was us who, hit you and brought you here.

It's because of US that, your arm is fractured !

We are really sorry for that.

If you want to file complaint against us, go on.

Do it, we won't hold it against you, rest assured ! "

Derek said comforting her even more.

" But, before we hit you, did anything happened with you ?

If you want to tell us...

And you see this guy, Cole ?

He is the cop.

He'll register your complaint; even if it is against himself !

And even he won't hold it against you.

Trust me.

Cole ? "

Derek said and asked me to confirm his words.

" Yes, ofcourse !

I was present in the car, so I'll file it against myself too, don't worry about it.

We didn't do it on purpose.

We were...

You came running infront of our car from nowhere and that's why it happened !

Tell us what happened... "

I said getting irritated and impatience.

" Cole !

Stop it !

She is already scared.

Don't scare her even more.

You... "

Derek said making me shut up and not scare her.

" I just want to get on the point ! "

I almost yelled at him.

" Mr. Miller, you can't talk to my patient like that ! She isn't some criminal that you can interrogate her here like that ! "

Dominic said asking me to change my manner of talking.

" I said, I want to get straight to the point ! "

I said gritting my teeth.

" I am sure, you want that.

But you are scaring my patient !

Her heartbeat is fluctuating.

Stop your police behaviour for now, and be human for few moments ! "

Dominic said glaring at me.

Ouch !

It hurts.

But he is right, I have became less human.

It's the bitterness I hold against my parents to throw me at the orphanage and leave me to live my life with nothing but struggle !

The bitterness against them, now flows like blood in my veins.

I just can't behave normally with anyone now.

The innocent, sweet and caring Cole is dead now and instead is standing the, rude, heartless, inhuman and badass beast !

That's why I don't date anyone !

I know, no one can handle me when, I become myself.

No one wants to love the heartless beast. Everyone is scared to even look into my eyes then, loving me ?

Better not go that way !

Love and dating isn't my cup of tea.

I am huge, physically.

And my heart is becoming stone with the passing time.

All the girls are afraid of me.

Even if, I try to talk to them, they get scared of me and run away.

So I have gave up on girls !

And that's why, he is right.

I shouldn't scare her.

I should let him and Derek handle this situation.

She isn't some guy that, I could hit the shit out of him and make him vomit out everything.

This case needs sensitive human, which isn't me !

" Listen to me, dear.

We aren't the bad guys.

We are the good ones.

We want to help you !

When we hit you last night, we thought you were running from someone and that's why you didn't saw a car running on the empty road in a human less area.

Was someone following you ?

And if, someone was; we aren't them, nor they sent us here to harm you.

We really wanna help you, darling.

Please, let us help you.

Will you ?

Please ? "

Derek pleaded her to trust her and tell us something useful, we could use to investigate the case.