Turning into a pervert

It's very awkward to be with Jules all alone in this apartment.

He isn't making me uncomfortable but he isn't making it comfortable either !

I needed a long shower to relax my body.

It's been a month I was at the hospital and couldn't bathe as I wish.

Most of the times the nurse gave me sponge bath.

Jules asked me if, I need something to eat and we wanted the same thing.

I asked him to get me my perfume.

I guess it's ok to tell someone what do we want when, he himself asks for it !

I am glad at least our taste matched for food now, let's see what do we have in common later.

For now, it's me and my shower !

I am gonna fulfill the backlog of the whole month in a single day !

I stepped in the shower and it was feeling very different.

I mean, I haven't been in her apartment as Dad didn't allowed me to.

He didn't even let me meet her once in a while.

I wasn't a toddler when, he divorced her and that's how I remember who my Mom is !

She used to come meet me at school and we used to spend time together.

Many times, she pleaded my teachers to let me go with her, as it won't be possible for us to meet after school, as Dad used to come pick me up even before the last period !

We used to meet once a month and that's why my teachers too didn't had any problem to let me be with her one day of the month and they even didn't told Dad about it !

Before Michael kidnapped her and called me, we started to meet on regular basis.

And I loved to spend time with her.

I am missing her so much.

Where could she be for so long ?

Is she fine ?

Did anyone got her to the hospital ?

I got my guys for my help, but did anyone helped her ?

So many questions and a single answer,

'I don't know' !

The warm water felt so soothing on my body.

I poured my Mom's body wash with the Lavender scent.

Many of our choices are same.

I just love the smell of Lavender and so do my Mom.

We have most of the beauty products with Lavender scent or flavour and that's why I smell of Lavender always.

The Lavender soothes me and it feels like my Mom is with me !

I started scrubbing my body and the thoughts flooded my mind.

Jules is so innocent and sweet.

He is nothing like Derek or Lauren.

He isn't a flirt.

His thoughts are completely different from all of the guys.

He is just like me; doesn't know how to start the conversation and that's why we both were making the situation unnecessarily awkward.

I don't know what is wrong with me ?

I am not a person who starts crying infront of anyone !

I even didn't cried over my injuries, neither did I cried when the nurse gave me stitches even when the Anesthesia hadn't spread.

I am only afraid of the syringe !

Other than that, I can bear any level of pain. Thanks to Michael for that !

But, whenever I think the guys would leave me, I can't bear that thought.

And my heart don't just bleed for any ONE of them, but for all of them !

Though, Derek and Lauren are flirt, thought Cole is so cold with me; yet I can't stand the thought that, they would leave me.

What would I do without them ?

Everyone of them makes me shiver with excitement and something else.

For instance, when Dominic teased me, I thought he was going to kiss me; my heart ran so fast, I was feeling it was gonna almost give up beating !

And when he didn't, I felt disappointed with him.

When, Cole grabbed my hand while taking the syringe shot, goosebumps raised all over my body and shivers went down my spine !

And just now when, Jules held me in his arms and kissed my forehead, I melted in his arms, as if that's the only thing I was craving for, since forever !

It felt so right to be in his arms.

And when, he pressed his lips to my forehead, I felt nothing bad could ever happen to me.

I was safe in his embrace.

I almost got lost in his arms and in his touch !

When I realised that, I was getting so comfortable in his arms, I thought I should let him go.

But if, I had pushed him away or even pulled myself back, he would have felt that, he had done some wrong and he would have felt guilty for that !

And I don't want anyone to feel guilty for doing anything for me, from now on.

So, I didn't pushed him or pulled myself, I just patted his shoulder and sniffed and he understood and he opened his arms and wiped my tears.

I loved his touch.

It didn't felt wrong.

I finished my shower and he wasn't back yet.

I am glad my food would be hot and he wouldn't have to wait for me to get out of the shower.

I used my Mom's lotion and all other things and I was literally smelling like Lavender itself !

I hope Jules isn't allergic to Lavender or he doesn't get irritated or feel like vomiting with such high concentration of Lavender esense.

I got dressed and was waiting for him in the living room.

And he came in short time.

I opened the door for him and the moment I opened the door, he slowly inhaled the scent and closed his eyes and I am not sure he did it because he liked it or is he hiding his irritation !

" Wow !

You smell great ! "

Jules said softly.

Thank god, he isn't irritated by the scent.

Actually he looks like he is amazed with the smell.

" Thanks.

You aren't lying, right ?

I mean, if you are allergic or something to Lavender, I can... "

I said making sure he wasn't lying.

" No, no.

Absolutely not.

I really loved the smell !

Don't get me wrong, but I fell like keep smelling you till all of the fragrance fades away from your body. "

Jules said inhaling it more and eyes dreamy.

Oh god, my knees !

Am I gonna fall right now ?

Please no, no, no !

Seriously, what is wrong with me ?

He didn't said anything sensual or anything yet and my knees went weak already and I can feel blood flowing through my body !

This is bad.

This is real bad.

If he can make my knees go weak with just his simple words then, what will happen if, he use some filthy words for me ?

I am sure he won't say anything like that for me as, he is so innocent and pure...

But he is a man afterall and I can feel his body language changes infront of my eyes !

And the bad thing is, I like his changed behaviour towards me !

It feels being wanted by him.

And it feels special to be wanted by someone like Jules.

He is so sweet and he has all the things a good boy has.

And I'd like to see his bad side...

Shut up, Ash !

What the hell are you thinking ?

I don't know if, he would be bad for me but, at this rate of filthy thoughts in my mind I definitely will; and that's for sure !

I pushed away those filthy thoughts from my mind and we started eating our food.

We started chatting while eating and as we decided earlier, we got to know what do we have in common.

We have a lot of things in common.

We have same favourite food as Lasagna, favourite genre of movies - action and comedy and even same genre books - Erotica !

We have so many more things in common.

And once we discovered our common things then, the time flew and we didn't even realised when the sun set and when the moon raised !

We were chatting till we fell asleep on the couch itself.

And I realised that, I was about to fall asleep but, it was very hard to keep my eyes open and go to bed and so, I gave up and let my eyes close there.

I felt something soft on my forehead and I felt I was floating in the air.

And when, I opened my eyes, the sun was shining bright and I was sleeping in my bed !

That means, he carried me here and he...

Kissed my forehead !

I feel very bad for he kissed me when, I was asleep; he should have done that when I was awake !

Let it be, but it feels so good now.

He even wrapped me in a warm blanket.

I got out of the bed and went to a take shower.

When I came in the kitchen, he already was preparing the breakfast.

Oh god, is he gonna kill me with his nice polite behavior and sweetness ?

And before I could head towards him for any help, something caught my eyes; his back !

He was shirtless and his back had a tattoo of a marvelous Lion face, covering almost his whole back !

His tattoo and toned muscles were way too sexy dessert for my eyes and after so many failed attempts to take my eyes off his back, I couldn't !

It was like my eyes were glued to his back.

And slowly my eyes started dropping lower and lower to his ass !

Though, he was wearing his pants yet, his hip muscles were so prominent that, one could easily tell he must be working very hard over them !

Unable to take my eyes off I was hoping that, he shouldn't catch me staring at his back !

And oh fuck...

He turned and caught me staring at him !

I felt so embarrassing that, I wasn't able to look him in the eye !

" Hey, you are up !

Come, let's have breakfast together.

I don't know if you like it but I made garlic butter and bread.

Actually, I couldn't think of anything and prepared it.

If you don't like it, I can prepare anything you want. "

Jules said smiling sweetly at me.

I guess, he didn't caught me staring at his ass.

I didn't looked in his eyes and started looking elsewhere.

" No problem.

I like garlic butter and bread.

Thank you, it's very sweet of you to do that. "

I said without looking at him.

" Why aren't you looking at me ?

Oh, is it because I am not wearing any shirt ?

I am so sorry dear, actually I spilled milk over it and so I washed it.

And I don't have any spare shirt with me...

I am sorry. "

Jules said apologizing.

" No, no.

Don't apologise.

Actually I am...

I am sorry...


I said trying to hide my embarrassment.

" Don't apologise.

I liked you staring at me ! "

Jules said smirking.

" Um...


I just... "

God I can't breathe.

" Don't be embrassed.

I really felt proud and glad that, you liked my body !

You liked my back ?

Did you like my tattoo ?

And what about my torso ?

Do you like too or shall I work out more intensely ? "

Jules said embrassing me more.

My cheeks are burning and I am sure he noticed the redness.

" Um...


I... "

I wanted him to stop killing me like that.

" Relax honey.

I was kidding. "

He said winking at me.

" Don't be embrassed.

Come, let's have breakfast together. "

Jules said smiling and stopped teasing me.

Thank god he didn't stretched that or else I would be very embrassed and what would I have told him ?

We had breakfast together.

He also prepared the soup along with the garlic butter and bread.

And I must admit, he cooks a lot better than me !

I enjoyed it.

We talked some more about his work and the other guys and their relation.

And from his stories, I am sure these guys live a real fun life.

I haven't experienced any of the things he told me they have done !

I feel jealous of them.

But I guess now that I am with them, I too can live my life the way they do.

And I am looking forward to it !