Like a guardian

The day ended as soon as it started.

Derek didn't let me feel alone or awkward or anything.

He made me feel very comfortable, like I've never felt this comfortable with anyone else !

He is a very nice guy.

We teased eachothers very much like we know eachothers since forever or we are best friends for a long time.

He cooks better than Jules !

I thought, Jules cooks best, but Derek is better than him.

I can't decide who is the best cook until I taste Dominic's and Lauren's food.

I am sure, Cole won't do it for me, like never !

After dinner we went to sleep.

Something broke and that sound woke me up. When I went to see what happened, Derek had broke a glass.

I told him I would clean it, but he didn't listened to me and cleaned it himself.

He told that he wasn't able to sleep in past few days so, I decided to give him a head massage.

I heated up some coconut oil and put some camphor tables in it.

His hair have always fascinated me.

They look so nice and sliky and soft.

I always wanted to touch them, but Jules told me once, he never lets anyone touch his hair !

But now, I got the opportunity and I won't waste it !

As I ran my fingers through his hair he grabbed them and asked me to stop doing that.

But I assured him that, I won't hurt or damage his hair and he let my hands free.

I again ran my fingers through his hair and boy, they are more silky and smooth than I imagined ! I just can't stop myself from running my fingers again and again through his hair.

They are curly, yet they didn't gave any resistance to my running fingers.

How would it feel to grab them while kissing him ?

They are long enough to catch handful of them...

You pervert girl'l !

Stop thinking such filthy things about him.

I started massaging and when he told he was feeling sleepy I told him to get on the bed and scratched his scalp lightly.

It makes anyone sleepy.

He fell asleep much earlier than I thought.

I didn't stopped my fingers and didn't took out my hand off his hair.

I laid beside him and continued the massage and even I don't know when I fell asleep !

When I woke up, he was in my arms.

I was clinging onto him, my head on his chest and my mouth so close to his !

He was trying to move my hand off him ever so slowly, making sure he shouldn't wake me up.

It was feeling so nice to be this close to him and feel his warm, strong and hard body against mine.

I don't want to get away from this heaven.

But I must get out and let him go away...

I can feel his hardening morning wood under my knee, which I've placed over him.

I opened my eyes and he turned his face towards me at the same time and that got our faces closer than they should be.

My lips were few millimetres away from his.

I could feel the tension building in both of our bodies.

My heart was screaming...

' Kiss him ! Kiss him ! Kiss him ! '

But my brain was screaming...

' I'll kill you if, you even give it a thought ! '

It was unable to take my eyes off his beautiful face and magnetic eyes.

Though, he had morning breath yet, he was smelling great that, I was holding back my feeling to nuzzle my nose in his neck and give it a long lick and nibble a bit.

But my brain beated my heart and won !

But I felt very bad for my heart so, I decided to give him at least something.

So, I dragged my finger nails ever so slowly across his chest before taking my hand off his body.

And it left goosebumps over his chest !

As I dragged my nails across his chest, his breath became high.

He looked at me like he was stopping himself from doing something disastrous !

His eyes never left mine.

And I slowed down my dragging even more and increased his torcher.

He closed his eyes, parted his lips and his back arched !

His body was shaking involuntarily.

I decided to stop the torcher and took my hand off his chest.

My eyes were glued to his lips then; but I listened to my brain and got out of the bed.

I hope he doesn't asks me, what did I just do !

Because, even I don't know !

I have no idea why I did, what I did ?

But, it didn't felt wrong at all.

I loved it and I would definitely like to take it further.

I slept very relaxed in his arms and I am looking forward for more such peaceful sleepy nights.

I prepared breakfast and we had it together.

As I expected, he didn't raised the topic,

' What did I do ? '

It wasn't like, we didn't looked at each others or there was awkward silence, we talked about his perfect solution for his insomnia and he wants me to help him cure it.

And I am more than happy to help him again... And again and again and again !

Dominic came before Derek left.

He had some emergency in the hospital and so, he asked me if, I could go with him to the hospital.

I didn't mind it at all.

After all, I wasn't his patient anymore.

That means, he won't be injecting me any drugs anymore.

I got ready and we left for the hospital.

He didn't had much to do as the assigned Doctor for that patient came at last moment.

But he wanted to gather some files related to past case studies for treatment of more patients and he was trying to find some other way to treat those kind of patients.

I appreciate his dedication towards his work.

He have a day off today yet, he preferred to come on off day so that, he could do some of his work.

Once he was finished with his work, he took me for lunch to his favourite restaurant.

And I came to know, we both love Chinese food !

I mean, I love every type of food and so, everything is my favourite.

So, I am sure my favourite food is gonna same with all of them !

I don't feel uncomfortable with Dominic as well. He is a very talkative person.

Though, he talks about his work mostly yet, his subjects are very interesting so, I don't get bored.

We finished our lunch and I asked him to take me to the shopping mall, as I wanted few things to buy.

But he didn't took me there.

He said, Michael is searching for me.

He already had took a huge risk of taking me to the hospital and the restaurant.

He can't take anymore.

So, we reached home and he helped me shopping online.

It was safe and economic.

Whenever I go to the shopping mall, I buy more useless things than those of useful !

But here ?

I only ordered what I needed and no stupid stuff, that I usually regret buying latter !

" Thanks, Doc !

You saved my money as well as time.

I usually go to mall and buy useless stuffs which I don't need and don't even use after buying, everytime ! "

I said.

" I knew it !

You are that stupid girl ! "

Dominic said ruffling my hair.

" Excuse me ? "

I said offended.

" Yup, you heard me right !

You don't think about your safety, at all.

You know he is... "

Dominic was getting to Michael's topic but I didn't let him finish.

" I don't worry about it because, I know you guys would protect me no matter what ! "

I said smiling innocently.

" Nice try !

But, you ain't gonna wrap me in your buttery words !

You should be more careful from now on.

You should actually start getting some self defence classes from Lauren !

He would teach you to protect yourself in emergency situations ! "

Dominic said.

" He knows, self defence ? "

I asked surprised.

" Yes, everybody must know it !

What's so shocking about it ?

Can't he know ? "

Dominic asked more surprised.

" No, no.

I am not saying that.

What I meant is, he is a lawyer so, won't be needing it that much.

On the other hand, Cole and Derek need it the most as per their job profile. "

I said making myself clear.

" Cole is the best at it; but, he won't teach you !

And Derek too had the commando training with him; but he is so stupid, he would start praising himself for what he have done and still never showed it off !

You would learn something after you would have celebrated your 19th birthday !

Lauren would definitely teach you better than anyone.

And you were saying that, his job profile doesn't need much of the self defence then, let me tell you something.

He sometimes do fraud in his cases so that, his client wins and opposition looses.

So, he needs the self defence knowledge more than Cole and Derek need ! "

Dominic said scoffing.

" Oh my god !

Is that so ?

Ok then, what about you ?

Don't you know anything ? "

I asked.

" I do know, but I don't get much time to practice it.

I have many different things to practice other than that.


Lauren is the best teacher you could get ! "

Dominic said smiling.