Dark past

It's been few months now, we met Ashley.

She have became our family now.

We don't see her as the kidnapped and raped victim we hit on road, she have became our friend, family and most importantly, the love of our lives !

No, no it's not any mistake, you have read it correctly, OUR lives !

It's not that only I have fallen for her, all of us have fallen head over heels for her !

No body have officially declared that yet but we live together since childhood and we know eachothers that much to understand things without saying.

Dominic's behaviour haven't changed much but us ?

We have became a complete new person.

Derek and Lauren haven't had a single girl in their bed since we met Ashley !

Before that, they brought a new girl every night. And they aren't among those who would go the girl's place or somewhere else.

They take girls to their own place only so, there should be no disturbance in their fucking !

Cole is otherwise a,


Kinda guy.

But since he met her, he have changed.

He have developed soft corner in his heart.

That's not our old Cole.

I mean, I am not complaining that's a very good change; but he changed for HER, is the surprise.

He haven't became restless for anyone else.

He haven't panicked for someone if they got hurt. But for her ?

He became a complete different person when Lauren and Ash were hurt !

And me ?

I can't stop smiling !

She have brought that brightness and happiness in my life which was missing.

I have been with many girls in earlier stage of my life but, none of them could make me smile.

But her ?

She don't have to do anything, her just a simple look makes my day.

Her happiness and innocence is contagious. Whoever come in her contact, can't leave without getting infected.

I haven't loved anyone yet, but she have stolen my heart just like that.

She haven't done anything to impress me or anything different or out of the box yet she stole it the moment I met her.

Her beauty is complementary with her sweetness and innocence.

She have been through so much till now, I want to make her life happy forever.

She have had so much torcher for her age and very less happiness and I want to change it; if she'd let me !

I want to do many things for her.

Love her, take care of her, spoil her to a large extent, take her to places she wants to visit, don't let any sadness come close to her.

I want to pamper her.

She have missed that in her life !

I want to do this and much more but the question is, will she let me ?

I love her, does she even like me ?

Everyone loves her, but whom does she love ? Someone ?

No one ?

She have became very frank with me now.

We don't get awkward around eachothers anymore.

I have shared many of my secrets with her.

I even shared my darkest section with her a few days ago.

' I want to share something with you, Ash.

It's killing me for a long.

I haven't found anyone yet with whom I could share this with, without being judged ! '

I told her.

' What's it Jules ?

What is killing you ?

Why didn't you shared this with any one of the guys ?

Lauren !

You could have shared it with Lauren ! '

Ashely said softly.

' I didn't felt like. '

I accepted.

' It's alright.

I am here.

You can tell me anything.

And don't worry, it'll be safe with me.

I won't share it with anyone nor will I judge you for whatever you have to tell me.

Trust me for that. '

Ashley said grabbing my hands.

' I do trust you and that's why I am sharing this with you, baby.

I have done a wrong judgement, knowingly !

I knew who the criminal was.

I knew the victim was innocent.

I knew what happened.

I knew all the proofs were very strong to prove the criminal guilty; yet I let the criminal go and made the innocent victim criminal ! '

I confess embarrassed.

' What ?

Why ?

Why did you do that ?

You are a good person and not a corrupt Judge, then why did you do that ?

The innocent victim would have cursed you, Jules !

I can't believe you could do that ! '

Ashley said completely shocked.

' I am not a corrupt judge now, Ash !

But back then, I didn't got much salary.

I wanted more money than I used to get.

Then I decided to be corrupt.

I gave the wrong decision.

The innocent victim got HANG TILL DEATH punishment, because of me !

And from that day, I can't sleep peacefully at nights.

The victim haunts me.

Everytime I close my eyes I see him !

He doesn't say anything just stares at me and then at his poor family.

He have a child, she is 15 now.

But back then, she was just 5 and he was the only person who earned for his family.

I couldn't look into my own eyes in the mirror after that.

I decided to rectify the situation.

I couldn't unto his hanging so, I decided to adopt that child.

But her mother refused to let me do that.

She too cursed me.

I didn't had the courage to accept my did and apologize to her.

She wouldn't accept my help.

So I told the police officers to tell her that it's a law that if, the only earning person of the family is in jail or gets the hanging punishment, his family is provided with adequate money for their living and education of the criminal's child, if any, until he / she is an adult and starts earning himself.

I have been providing all the money they require. I've also been to her school and told to the principal to contact me for any monetary reasons and not her mother.

He haven't stopped haunting me, but now at least he smiles at me and that's the only satisfaction I have for it.

I shouldn't have done that ! '

I said hiding my face in my hands.

' Oh my god !

Really ?

You have done that ?

But... Why ?

Who asked you to do aso ?

And why ? '

Ashley asked.

' The criminal promised me if, I set him free and declared him innocent; he would pay me 50 lakh dollars !

And that was so so much more than my monthly salary.

And I got carried away by the greed to earn at least equal to the other guys.

I was the one least paid for the service I provided and that's why, I accepted do to that !

I was young and couldn't differentiate between good and bad things.

But, the moment I realised what have I done, I returned the criminal's money to him.

I didn't wanted to loose my job so, I didn't surrendered to the police, but decided to never work for money ! '

I said.

' I don't know what to say, Jules !

What you did was wrong, but what you did to rectify it is appreciable.

He might not forgive you, but he might be a bit relieved to know that his family isn't on roads and begging for their living.

I am not proud of you for what you did to him; but I am proud of you for what you did for his family. '

Ashley said squeezing my hand.

Finally, I am feeling free.

I badly needed to tell this to someone for so long. Now that I've told this to her, I think now I can sleep peacefully at nights.

I hope he stops haunting me now !