New sensations

Derek waited for me to come before leaving her place.

He've never done that before.

I asked him but he just said she is sleeping and that's why he waited for me.

He seemed pissed at something.

He never does that.

Whenever we meet then, it doesn't matter if we slept in a same room and same bed; when we see eachothers we greet properly.

But we met after TWO days !

I went to my friend's place for party and we enjoyed it for two days.

So, I was expecting him to be very happy to see me but he opened the door, pulled me in, told me she was asleep, got out and slammed the door on my face and left !

What might have happened here ?

And why is she still asleep ?

It's almost 11 am and she is a morning girl.

She gets up at 6 am and don't even let ME sleep late.

And he isn't happy to see me !

What happened ?

Did they faught ?

No, that's impossible.

Derek can fight with Cole, but won't ever fight with any girl and this is Ashley we are talking about.

Something's fishi !

She woke up at 1 pm and I already had prepared lunch.

I knew she would be hungry after waking up.

I asked her what happened, but she didn't told me anything.

" Morning sleepy head.

How come you slept this long ?

You don't let me sleep upto even 9 and you woke up at 1 ?

What's the matter ?

What happened here ? "

I asked her.

" Huh ?

I don't know.

My head was aching bad when I woke up and so I ate breakfast and slept again.

When did you came ?

And why didn't Derek told me before leaving ? "

Ashley said without looking into my eyes.

" You don't know he left ?

I mean, yeah you were sleeping how would you know ?

But he seemed pissed, what happened ?

I mean he don't get pissed easily. "

I asked.

" He was pissed ?

How bad ? "

Ashley asked.

" Very very bad. "

I said.

" Did he yelled at you ? "

Ashley asked panicked.

" No.

He didn't said any single word other than, I was late and you were sleeping ! "

I told her.

" Then how do you know he was pissed ?

He didn't even yelled ! "

Ashley said.

" I know he was pissed because I know him !

He never yelles when he is mad.

He just stops talking.

And we met after two days and if, he wasn't pissed; he would have hugged me and slapped me for leaving him alone for my friends for two days !

But he didn't said anything about it nor did he smiled at me. "

I told her.

" That bad ? "

Ashley asked.

" Yup !

What happened ? "

I asked.

" How would I know ? "

Ashley said.

" Who else then ? "

I asked.

" I was sleeping !

I woke up and ate what he prepared and went to sleep again ! "

Ashley said raising her voice.

" Is that so ?

But why are you yelling at me ?


Then I must ask him.

Only he can tell what happened ? "

I said.

" Yeah, you are right. "

Ashley said without looking at me.

" Oh by the way, are you hungry ?

I prepared lunch for us.

I thought you would wake hungry and won't give me the time to prepare anything so, I prepared what I found in the kitchen ! "

I said.

" Oh really ?

That's so sweet of you.

Yeah, I am hungry.

And yes, I wouldn't have gave you the time to prepare anything if, you haven't had prepared anything yet. "

Ashley said chuckling.

" Yeah I know you too now, a bit.

About Derek... "

I wanted ask about him more.

" What did you cooked ? "

Ashley said changing the topic.

" I cooked rice and some cereal with some beans.

I know you love that having sometimes. "

I said smiling.

" Oh yeah.

Let's put it in the stomach.

It smells delicious ! "

Ashley said inhaling deeply.

We ate the lunch.

She loved it.

And afterwards she was searching for some job and I took some cases which were complicated and needed some study and reading.

We were doing our work.

She got bored after sometime and came to me. She too started reading the case and asking me things about my work and job and everything.

I still tried to ask about Derek and again she changed the topic !

So, I gave up and decided to ask Derek about it.

She helped me pointing out the things I couldn't in the case and we did it !

Now I am ready to go in court and save my client from being found guilty.

She helped me cooking dinner as I was tired too.

I suggested her that, we could order something but she refused and helped me instead.

And I am glad she suggested that.

We enjoyed cooking together.

We laughed at eachother's skills and stupidities and appreciated the talent in eachothers.

And I must admit, the food tasted very very good. Better than what we could have got if, we have ordered it and even better than what I would have cooked.

We enjoyed it together and I asked her if she wanted some wine and she said she was underage !

It was surprising for me !

She have never admitted that, she is underage for anything at all earlier.

And now that I am offering her the drink, she is refusing ?

The LAWYER, the protector of the law is asking her to the break the law and she is refusing ? Something is fishi !

I didn't pressed the topic and let it go.

I had two glasses and it felt soothing.

The weather was getting cold.

We sat in front of the balcony, but away from the glass.

Derek replaced the broken glass with bulletproof one, yet she wasn't ready to let me face something like that ever again and to be honest, I was scared too !

So, we decided to sit a bit away from it so that, we could enjoy the night view of the city and stars and be safe as well.

She wrapped a blanket around herself as she was feeling cold.

The wine didn't let me feel it so I was warm.

I asked her to let me help her, but she refused.

I asked her to go to bed and have another blanket as well to warm her up but, she refused.

We sat there and discussed some more about my work.

After sometime she started shivering a little bit.

I got up, removed her blanket, sat behind her and wrapped it around me and took her in my arms so that, she got double warmth, mine and the blanket's as well !

She got comfortable in my arms.

She sat pressing her back on my knee and sat to my left side and rested her head on shoulder.

I rested my head on her's.

It felt so right and nice and comfy having her in my arms so close to me.

She was smelling great as always.

When she shivered a bit more, I pulled her closer to my body and she melted in my arms.

She let go herself and gave herself to me completely, feeling her all weight on my broad chest felt like she was meant to be with me like this !

I kissed her temple and she moved her head and got more comfortable as if, it was possible to get anymore comfortable !

She turned her head towards me and kissed at the junction of my throat and jaw.

She might have wanted to kiss either my jaw or cheek but she couldn't reach there, so kissed what she got.

I don't mind her kissing me anywhere.

Her lips felt heavenly.

This girl have driven my crazy !

I've never kissed anyone nor have let anyone kiss me; but I want to kiss every inch of her body and want her to do the same for me !

I lowered my face towards her and she kissed my cheek just beside my lips and I couldn't help but gasp at it.

I've never felt how it feels to kiss a girl on her lips !

Only Charles have kissed me once and no one else.

But I want to know how it feels to kiss her.

I opened my eyes and stared into her.

I know she can't take them off once I catch her eyes.

Our gazes started heating up and I leaned in closer for her lips and she lifted her face for me to get to ger lips.

I tried hard to go for her lips but I kissed her forehead and she sighed at it.

I couldn't just let my wall fall down and kiss her just like that.

I then closed my eyes and opened them determined to kiss her.

I kissed her cheek and she smiled at it.

I kissed her other cheek and she smiled again.

She pouted her lips a bit indicating she was ready to be kissed, but I needed to be sure !

Because I know, many a times we do few things we don't actually want to, in the heat of the moment.

And she doesn't deserve my that behaviour.

I want her to ask for it.

Because we don't say anything we don't want to !

So, I wispered ever so low in her ear, I doubt she heard it.

" What do you want baby ? "

I nuzzled my nose closer to her ear.

" Lauren... Please... "

Ashley wispered back.

" Please what , love ? "

I asked.

" You know what ! "

Ashley wispered again.

" No, I don't !

Tell me what do you want ? "

I nuzzled at her ear and she could feel my breathe on her neck.

" Don't...


Don't make me say it... "

Ashley said embarrassed.

" You must love !

Say it.

Tell me what do you want me to do ? "

I asked nibbling on her ear lobe softly.

" Ahh...

Kiss me... "

Ashley moaned.

" I can't hear you.

Say it louder, sweetheart. "

I wispered in her ear.

" Don't make me do it Lauren, please ! "

Ashley said squirming helplessly in my hold.

" Say it or I am not gonna do anything !

Say it baby, I want to hear you say it. "

I said blowing on her neck.

" Mmm...

Kisss me Lauren.

Kiss me... "

Ashley said closing her eyes.

" Mmmm...

There you go.

Where do you want me to kiss you, huh ?

Here, on your forehead ? "

And I started kissing every place I mentioned to her.

" No... "

Ashley moaned.

" Here, on your cheeks ? "

I said pressing my lips on her cheek.

" Mmmm...

No. "

Ashley moaned again.

" Here on your ear ? "

I said sucking on her ear lobe.

" Ahh...




Not there... "

Ashley said in confusion of whether she wanted me to kiss on ear or she was determined for her lips.

" Here on the slope of your neck then ? "

I asked pecking on her neck.

" Ohhhhh...



Ye... No... "

Ashley moaned in confusion again.

" Then where baby ?

Tell me specifically where do you want me to kiss you, huh ? "

I asked teasing her.

" Oh Lauren...

Please... Don't...


Mmmmmm... Kiss me...

Please... "

Ashley pleaded grabbing my collar.

" I AM kissing you baby !

I am kissing your ear and even sucking at it ! "

I said nibbling a bit hard .

" Ohhh god !


Ohhh... Mmmm... "

Ashley moaned in pleasure.

" Where else do you want me to kiss you ? "

I asked smirking.

" Lips ! "

Ashley wispered.

" What ?

I didn't heard you.

Say it again. "

I said making her say it again even though I heard what she said.

" My lips ! "

Ashley said louder.

" Oh !

Say, you want me to kiss you on your lips ! "

I said teasing her even more.

" Lauren... "

Ashley said pleading me to stop teasing her.

But I won't !

" Say it love ! "

I said.

" I want you to kiss me...

On my... Lips... "

Ashley finally said it.

" With pleasure love...

Come here...

Mmmmmm... "

I cupped her face and kissed her slowly.

" Mmmmm...



Ashley moaned in pleasure and pulled me closer to her grabbing my shirt.

I kissed her hard as she pulled me !

And boy it was so hot.

Making her say what I wanted to hear got me turned on and I kissed her hard.

I grabbed her hair and pulled her closer to me. She was getting out of breath.

I let her catch her breath and picked her up in my arms and took her to her bedroom.

I put her on the bed and lied besides her and captured her lips once again.

I sucked her bottom lip and she gasped in pleasure and arched her back, pressing her chest onto me.

I could feel her soft breasts against me.

She kissed me back with same passion.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her.

I slide my hand beneath her waist and pulled her into me and flipped along with her in my arms getting on my back and her on top of me.

Her breasts were pressing against me and I was getting uncomfortable.

I've never felt those on me while fucking girls as I never let them face me ever while taking them and so this have started making me so uncomfortable.

Her curls were tickling me; making me even more nervous and uncomfortable.

I dragged my hand over her back to her butt and god she have an incredible ass !

I am more into it than breasts and kissing and so, I started enjoying myself.

I was fondling it but she started squirming in my arms like she was in pain or discomfort.

So, I let go of her butt and she stopped squirming and pressed into me more.

I couldn't take it anymore and I pulled away from her lips.

Our breathing was much high and we were gasping for air with wildly beating heart.

She opened her big beautiful eyes and looked into mine.

I needed to say something.

" We should probably go to sleep, it's too late. "

I said abruptly.

I didn't said anything else and turned on the bed laying her down on the bed from above me.

I kissed her forehead once again.

" Good night honey. "

I said.

She was looking in a very very big shock because of my sudden change in behaviour.

I got off the bed and turned to leave for the living room.

" Lauren ? "

Ashley called softly.

Fuck !

She would ask about my behaviour.

What would I tell her ?

Why did I stopped kissing her suddenly and leaving her like that ?

What should I tell her ?

If I told her I am afraid of breasts and don't like having them on me, would she believe me ?

Shall I tell her the truth or just lie something stupid ?

Would she even believe my lie ?

What if she takes me wrong ?

Oh, stop talking to yourself turn around and answer her !

" Hm ? "

I mumbled.

" Can you... Stay with me here ?

Please ? "

Ashley asked softly.

What ?

She don't want to know why did I do what did I do ?

She just wants me to stay here with her !


That means, sleeping with her in same bed !

I've never done that.

I made the girls sleep on couch if, they couldn't leave !

I didn't even let Charles sleep in my bed !

What should I do ?

I can't tell her that I can't; she would think I don't want to and what if, she blames herself for that ?

" Um... "

I mumbled not sure to use which words.

" I don't want to be alone tonight.

This empty bed won't let me sleep !

Please ?

I promise, I won't trouble you.

I just don't want to be alone. "

Ashley said softly.

" Huh ?

Um... Yeah... Ok...

I mean yes, no problem. "

I said without thinking about it in the guilt of making her feel rejected.

No problem ?

Really ?

Would you be able to sleep with her besides you in the bed, huh ?

Who told you to utter the shit without thinking about it ?

Now get ready to sacrifice the sleep tonight Lauren baby !

I went to the bed and lied besides her.

She turned her back on me !

Oh poor thing !

She must be feeling rejected and hurt.

But how should I tell her that it's not her, it's me !

I have the biggest and weirdest problems in the world !

I tried to close my eyes but my nervous ass won't let me close them for more than few seconds in a row.

I could feel she fell asleep, I had already told her about my nature of getting everyone out of my bed, and I guess that's why she turned her back on me !

Everything felt silent.

I could hear the wind blowing, the crickets making noise, the clock ticking and even my heart beating !

But I couldn't keep my eyes close for more than few seconds.

I decided now that she is asleep, I can go to the living room and sleep in peace on the couch.

The moment I was about to get off the bed, she turned around and threw her arms around me !

She was still fast asleep, that means she didn't do it on purpose.

But now, I can't wake her up.

My sleep was fucked already and I can't fuck her's after badly refusing her !

So, I tried to take her hand off me without waking her up, but it seemed impossible to achieve it without waking her up, so I gave up and stayed there.

I think, my sleep fucked for the night then, I must accept it !

There wasn't much I could do having her wrapped around me.

She even threw her leg on me.

She was looking so innocent and cute sleeping wrapped around me.

Then, I started to think, what's wrong in it ?

It should feel like paradise, having such a beautiful and lovely creature clinging onto me in her sleep then, why I don't want it ?

It isn't about anyone, it's about HER !


My innocent and cute and lovely and sexy Ash !

I observed her keenly.

I know staring at someone sleeping isn't a good manners, but this beautiful creature has gotten me wrapped around her fingers and blown my mind and made me a different person !

I kept admiring her beauty.

Her hair cover her face very beautifully, her cheeks have a natural red blush on her cheeks, she don't need any artificial colours to enhance her natural beauty.

Her small and cute little lips are something to die for.

And her smell...

Say nothing, I can definitely die for her !

I guess I... I am falling...


No liking...

Don't lie to yourself Lauren !

Ok fine.

I am falling in love with her.

This girl had made me do every single possible thing I would never have done for anyone else ! And while admiring her beauty I don't know when, I fell asleep.

And boy that was the best sleep of my life !

When I opened my eyes, she was still clinging to me just like she was when I closed my eyes.

I badly wanted to put her hair behind her ear and kiss her, but my morning wood decided for me to get up and run to the washroom before she gets up.

I don't want her to catch me in an awkward position or make her awkward with this scenery !

I tried to take her hands off me, but instead of her hands, her eyes flew opened and she gave me the most innocent and pretty smile I've ever seen !

And I couldn't help myself from pulling her close and kiss her sweetly in the beginning and then, passionately eventually.

We kissed for a very long time.

And I could feel my wood getting harder with the passing time, but I couldn't get myself away from her.

But I must stop before the thought which just passed by my mind get stronger of taking her right here and right now !

I slowly pulled away from her and kissed her forehead.

" Morning, beautiful ! "

I said softly.

" Morning, handsome.

I am sorry if, I troubled you and didn't let you sleep the whole night. "

Ashley said sheepishly.

" Oh no, nothing's like that.

Infact last night was the best night of my existence ! "

I said some chessey dialogue to her.

" Really, Edward Cullen ?

What are you, some Vampire or something ? Using his lines ! "

Ashley said rolling her eyes.

" Don't go for the lines, go for the emotions ! Really, last night was the best night of my life. "

I told her the truth.

" And why is that so ? "

My baby asked blushing so sweetly, making me realise that I still have to get rid of my wood.

The thought of taking her is getting stronger with the time.

But, I can't break her heart once again !

I must praise her.

" Undoubtedly because of you, love !

Your kisses and your presence in my arms made me fell soothing and comforting and even, I don't know when I fell asleep.

I would love to have such nights with you more in the future, if you don't mind. "

I said winking at her.

She was surprised to hear that.

She blushed and hid her face on my chest.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly and kissed her head.

After few moments she looked into my eyes and smiled at me.

I smiled back and she captured my lips once again and started playing on my chest with her finger.

" You didn't answered my question.

Would you mind ? "

I asked.

" I'll think about it.

But you told me, you don't like having anyone in your bed then, why did you slept with me last night ? "

Ashley asked.

" Are you regretting it already, sweetheart ? "

I said teasing her.

" I didn't said that !

I am asking you.

Why ? "

Ashley explained herself.

" I didn't wanted to break your heart and leave you alone when you asked me to stay !

I thought I won't sleep the whole night.

I didn't in the beginning actually, but when you wrapped me in your embrace it felt like paradise and I dived in it and it seems it was the right decision !

I slept very sound being in your arms.

And when I opened my eyes, you were in my arms !

And I really loved it, I've never felt something like that before.

Thanks. "

I said pressing my lips to her head.

She didn't said anything but blushed once again.

" Stop doing that, will you ? "

I said making a puppy face.

" Doing what ? "

Ashley asked softly, confused.

" Blushing this much or else I would end up doing something very disastrous to you, which you'd definitely regret ! "

I said smirking.

" Oh. Ok. "

Ashley said softly.

" Well, I want to apologise to you if, I made you feel rejected or something.

It wasn't my intention but I didn't wanted things to get dirty like that. "

I said apologizing.

" I know.

I am not mad or didn't felt rejected. "

Ashley said softly.

" Great then.

Now if you'll excuse me, please.

I badly need to pee. "

I said making an excuse to get away from her.

" Yeah, yeah.

Go ahead, I know what is it that you want to do badly !

I won't look.

Ha ha. "

Ashley said teasing me realising about my wood.

" Hey !

You don't need to tell that, even if you know about it.

It's embarrassing ! "

I said.

" For whom ?

You ? "

Ashley asked shocked.

" No silly, for you ! "

I said.

" I didn't said anything about embarrassment ! "

Ashley said trying to be brave.

" Oh really ?

Ok then, I am gonna remove the blanket and if you don't feel embrassed, don't you dare take your eyes off, ok ? "

I said.

" Hm let's see ! "

Ashley said casually as if she won't feel embrassed.

Huh ?

Challenging me ?

The bad wolf of the street ?

I don't feel any embarrassment about it now.

I have been naked infront of so many girls; then I am in my boxers now.

And she thinks it's gonna embarasse me, huh ! Stupid girl.

I threw away the blanket and stood up.

" Oh my god !

Are you for real ?

Lauren ! "

Ashley shrieked in embrassment.

She closed her eyes and covered them with her hands, so that she couldn't see me.

How cute !

" Told you, it'll embarasse YOU not ME ! "

I said smirking.

" You shameless bastard ! "

Ashley said swearing at me.

" Thanks !

By the way, I prefer calling myself shameless beast !

Would you like to call me that ? "

I said teasing her.

" Get out of my room, Lauren.

Right now ! "

Ashley yelled.

" Excuse me ?

Last night you were the one, who asked me to stay with you and now... "

I was accusing her but she didn't listened to me.

" Now I am asking you to leave.

Go Lauren !

Please ! "

Ashley pleaded embrassed.

" There you go.

That's much better.

See you in the kitchen.

Bye. "

I said and went to washroom.