Chain of attacks

I don't know what's going on in our lives ?

I can't find Rachel or anything related to her presence and the attacks on Ashley aren't stopping !

After the window glass incidence nothing happened for a week or two, we thought she is out of danger but we were completely wrong ! Even my sources failed to inform us about anything !

That never happened before then, why did they failed to do that ?

Cole thinks they have started working for Michael.

But I deny to believe that.

They can die for me but can never betray me !

I've kept this point infront of my sources; not what Cole said, but about their failure to inform me about the attacks.

They said they are keeping a keen watch on their activities but can't get much.

My sources can't reach at the source where the plan is made and hence the failure.

And I believe them, because I didn't become a Detective over night !

I too have worked as a source of many successful Detectives in the past and now I have my own sources.

I know how hard it is to get some confidential information !

Ashley is not safe even with us !

She is getting bored in the apartment.

She don't want to be in a curfew.

She understands that, whatever we are doing is for her safety, but the boredom is making her go insane.

Dominic took her to the salon and was with her, still few men attacked her !

No one was hurt too much, but we couldn't catch the guys.

And few days back when, she was with Jules again few men attacked her.

Cole told her to move in with us as, she isn't safe in her apartment with only one guy by her side when the attackers are more in number.

But she refuses to do that !

I think she should agree to it.

I find a very good point in Cole's words.

She would be safe with all of us around her.

Neither of the attacks were done during day time. So, she can be safe with any one of us during the day and at night we all would be with her.

It would be safer and easier to protect her if we all are together !

If someone went behind the attackers, someone will be always with her to calm her down or ask for the medical help, if required.

Our courage would increase if, we know all of the guys are there for our help.

And if something happens in the day time, all of us can reach our place within few minutes after first call; while it takes about an hour to reach her apartment after the first call.

We have choosen the place for the particular reason that, all of our working places are very close.

Cole got promotion today.

He is the head officer of his office now.

We are very happy for him.

He completely deserves it !

He have worked very hard and achieved this.

He agreed to give all of us a treat for that.

But today is my turn to be with Ashley.

Now I am confused whether I should take her or not.

Not taking her means, I too won't get to go !

Cole refused to take me some other time.

So, I asked the guys if, it would be safe to take her out and everyone along with Cole and Ashely said, we all are together nothing will happen.

If we act like this, she would die of the curfew and boredom.

Michael isn't gonna stop until he gets what he wants; her property !

We can keep her safe, so we decided I'll take her with me.

All of them were reaching the restaurant together and I am gonna take her from her apartment along with her bodyguards.

She has no idea about them or else she would get too worried !

We reached at the decided time and the guys were waiting for us.

All of them were glad to see her...

Even Cole !

Actually he was the most happy person on the table, that's strange !

Actually not that strange.

Dominic told me that he has a soft corner for her. He want to be friends with her but his egoistic ass won't let him do that !

And we never know, he might have called for this treat just to see her !

He haven't met her for month or so now.

I don't know how he is living without meeting her ?

I can't even spend my 3 days of the week without her !

Ohhhhhhh !

May be he is even asking her to move in with us because of this reason too and just not mentioning it !

Good for him and not only him but for all of us.

We would definitely love having her infront of our eyes daily.

She brought him some gift, I don't know what it is !

She didn't showed me nor did she told me what it is.

She said it's for him so, only he'll know what's in it, fair enough !

We sat around the table and we all decided except for Cole and Ashely that, we would sit as they should be besides eachothers.

And we sat accordingly.

Lauren kept her busy and we left two sits besides Cole, Lauren took one and Ashley has nowhere to sit except for besides him and she sat without complaining and the surprising part for me was, Cole too was smiling a bit more after she sat beside him.

He didn't expressed that on his face but we all know him.

And about Ash ?

She always wanted us to help her getting along with Cole so, her happiness was visible on her face !

After we ordered our food, the waiter told us, it would take some time to get the food ready.

So, Cole and Lauren went to use to washroom, Dominic and Jules went to see if, the cake we ordered was ready or not.

They went to make sure that the waiter brings the cake before the food.

" So ?

Sitting beside him, huh ?

How are you feeling ? "

I teased her.

" Shut up, don't tease me ! "

Ashley said blushing.

" No, I won't shut up !

Come on, tell me.

Don't be so shy.

You asked me yourself that, we help you to get along with him and now that we have took the first step towards it, you want to pretend that you didn't asked for it or you don't know anything about it ! "

I said smirking.

" Ok. Ok. Fine !

First of all, thanks to you all for making this happen.

I am so happy he didn't made faces when I sat beside him. "

Ashley said relived.

" Why would he make faces ?

He is as happy as you are ! "

I said smiling.

" I don't believe you !

I am happy and you people can see my happiness on my face, but he ? "

Ashley said pouting.

" You are so innocent, love.

You don't know him but we do !

Ask anyone among the others, they will answer the same.

He have a very bad habit of not expressing what he feels.

But his body betrays him !

His body language tells so many things about his mood.

He is very happy today to meet you after so long. He won't say that, but just look at him.

He is very relaxed and smiling; yeah not looking at you, but he is tilted towards you a bit more than required.

And if anyone would say anything about his tilted pose, he'll say he doesn't want to look at you and so he is facing away from you as far as he can !

Believe me love, if he wasn't happy, he wouldn't have sat beside you at the first place.

And if he didn't wanted you to join he would never have let me join the treat here.

He would have given the excuse of your safety and me being with you.

But he didn't opposed it a bit when we decided to bring you here as well.

In fact his face lit up when we decided that.

And we all knew at that moment that, he was dying to meet you or at least see you.

But his stubborn ass won't let him do that.

So, forget that he isn't happy to see you.

I bet he is jumping inside just isn't showing it, because he once said to you that, you are mere his responsibility for a particular span of time and after that he have nothing to do with you !

And after saying this, how could he show you that he craves meeting you ?

You'll also start understanding him, you just need some time. "

I said assuring her.

" You sure ? "

Ashley said doubtfully.

" Absolutely !

Now if you'll excuse me please, I'll just wash my hands and come. "

I said.

She smiled and her face lit up after listening to that.

And I am glad that happened, because she looks even more beautiful when she is happy.

I went to wash my hands and suddenly everyone started shouting in the restaurant.

I immediately ran towards Ashley.

I saw from a distance few men were standing surrounding her.

And I got Michael was there with her and her life was in danger !

I was running but it took me few moments to reach her.

I could listen what they were saying a bit.

" So ?

Enjoying yourself lill sis ?

I heard you live with 4 men !

No one repeats himself the next day ?

Are you only sharing your apartment or your body too ?

And I even heard that, they don't leave you alone ever, then what happened now, huh ?

Where is everyone ?

Where are your bodyguards dear sis ? "

Michael said menacingly.

" Talk to me mother fucker, I am right here ! "

I said roughly.

I reached in time.

He grabbed her hand and was about to drag her along with him.

He looked at me and scoffed in disgust !

" YOU ?

YOU are her bodyguard ?

Ha ha ha.

I remember my men mentioned A MAN !

They called YOU a Man ?

I can't believe my men lied to me like this !

So, now that you are here, you wanna show some of your games or shall I take her with me ? "

Michael said insulting me.

" Let me show you how much of a man I am ! Leave her alone you bloody bastard.

If you are a man, talk man to man, like a man ! "

I said challenging him.

" Sure I will.

But show me a MAN first, boy ! "

Michael said sarcastically.

" Am I enough or you need someone else ? "

Cole grabbed his neck firmly that, he couldn't even turn around to see who held him in place.

He was trying to turn around, but couldn't !

Michael left Ashley's hand and she came running towards me.

I took her in my arms.

Jules stood infront me and Lauren and Dominic went to help Cole.

Lauren and Dominic took care of his men and he still couldn't see who held him in place !

After his men ran away, Cole let him loose and that bastard took the advantage of the situation and ran away.

Lauren tried to chase him but he was very fast. They all came to us.

She was shaking too much.

She was very scared.

We all stood around her and were trying to calm her down.

I held the glass of water which she wasn't able to grab firmly.

We decided to leave the place.

The manager said he was sorry for what happened, but he can't CANCEL THE ORDER !

So we asked him to deliver it at our place.

We turned around to leave and Michael was standing infront of us at a distance.

There was a pole between us.

Cole was the one infront of us.

She was still in my arms and Jules was at her other side.

Lauren and Dominic were behind us so that, she was in complete protection.

But that bastard's luck was with him !

He threw few beer bottles towards us.

Before we could understand what happened, Cole changed the direction of few of them but, one of the bottles got hit on the pole and the broken side of the bottle stabbed in Ashley's chest !

" Aaaaaah !

Oh my god !

It hurts, it hurts !

Aaaaahh. "

Ashley screamed in pain.

She cried in pain and Lauren threw a bottle from the side table towards him and it hit him on his face.

He still got away and everyone started shouting again.

The manager was about to call the cops.

" What just happened here ?

I need to call the cops right away. "

Manager shrieked in panic.

" There's no need of it.

I am a Cop myself.

I've already called backup.

You don't have to worry. "

Cole told him.

" Ok.

She is hurt, I am gonna call the ambulance. "

Manager said looking at Ashley.

" There's no need of that either, I am a Doctor !

I have my clinic at our place, we are taking her there and she would be alright. "

Dominic said grabbing Ash.

" That man is hurt himself he won't come back, but we can't say anything certainly.

So I advise you to call this a night and start from tomorrow. "

Cole have him an advice.

" I have no other option, sir !

Half of my restaurant is wasted and half the customers have ran away, I can't continue tonight. And don't even know what will happen tomorrow ! "

Manager said sadly.

" Don't worry Mr.

My force is on their way.

They will tell you what to do and what not.

But for now let us go, she needs the medical help immediately, before it's too late ! "

Cole said impatiently.

" No, no, no !

I won't let anyone of you leave !

This all happened because of you guys.

I won't let anyone leave until you guys pay me back ! "

Manager said firmly.

" Listen Mr.

We told you we have our backup on way, they will handle the situation.

We immediately need to take her home ! "

I said raising my voice.

" I am talking to the Cop here, who the fuck are you ? "

Manager said crossing his limits.

" Listen Mr.

We are talking very politely with you.

You don't have to be rude to us.

They said the backup is on the way so they will come and her situation is getting worse, let us go !

Or it'll turn out to be the worst mistake of your life ! "

Jules said firmly.

" Listen you little piece of shit, I won't let you guys leave until you pay me back !

And about her, anyone of you is enough to take her to the hospital !

Mr. Doctor, you can take her to the hospital, but all of you ?

I won't let you go !

And if you try to escape, I am gonna fire a FIR against all of you for the destruction you made and left without paying me for that !

I am gonna make you pay ! "

Manager said raising his voice.

" Listen, you fucking bastard... "

I said clenching my teeth as he was getting on my nerves.

" First of all tell me, who the hell are you ? "

Manager said crossing his arms.


Yeah, right.

If you will mess with me, I am gonna bring down the hell on you ! "

I said threatening him.

" I am not afraid of words !

Do whatever you can do !

Even my friend is a Cop ! "

Manager said rolling his eyes.

This bastard is finished !

Thank god the backup came quick.

Before we left and we destroyed him !

" Mr. Marks, make sure he gets the funds for the repair of the destruction !

And after that, file complaint against him and put him behind the bars for not co-operating with a Cop and badly insulting him ! "

Cole said.

" And Mr. Marks, add the charges of insulting a Detective too ! "

I added.

" And Mr. Marks, add the charges to insult a Judge too ! "

Jules added.

" And Mr. Marks, add the charges for creating trouble for the injured victim for getting the immediate medical help she needed ! "

Dominic added.

" And Mr. Marks, add the charges to blackmail a Cop, Detective, Doctor, Judge and a Lawyer to sue them, as he have a Cop as his friend ! "

Lauren added the ultimate bomb !

" What ?

I didn't know... "

Manager got super panicked.

" Mr. Marks, find out who his friend is and suspend the corrupt Cop right away who let's such people misuse his position in the department !

And I said, right away ! "

Cole said.

" What ?

Please don't do this to him.

He doesn't even know I used his name !

And please forgive me, I didn't know who I was messing with.

Please sir.

Please forgive me ! "

Manager said begging us.

" Told you already, it'll be the BIGGEST mistake of your life !

Now Mr. Marks, after finishing up everything here, bring him to my court.

I am the senior judge here and I am an eye vitness to this situation as well !

So, do it as soon as possible. "

Jules said crossing his arms.

" Yes !

You guys hurry up, she is injured and bleeding bad.

Take her to hospital immediately.

We'll come there for formalities. "

Mr. Marks said.

" Mr. Marks, you don't have to worry about it, Cole will handle it.

And anyways, she was attacked and the guy can come back to check the destruction.

We can't keep her in hospital.

She'll stay with us and I've my clinic at our place, I am gonna treat her there.

If you need anything, you are more than welcome at our place.

Now, if you will excuse us please, I need to treat her wound right away. "

Dominic said.

" Yeah sure.

Go ahead.

And you Mr... "

Mr. Marks asked his name.

" Richard. "

Manager said gulping hard.

" Mr. Richard, come with me and show me the damage. "

Mr. Marks said.

We hurried and took Ashley to Dominic's home clinic.

He sat her on the couch and sat infront of her.