Thrilling night

I know I shouldn't have talked to her that harsh, but she is being very stubborn.

And that stubbornness ain't gonna earn anything to anyone except for trouble and she doesn't want to believe that.

She isn't getting my thought behind her moving her in here.

She thinks we already have done more than enough for her and she doesn't want to trouble us even more.

But the thing she isn't getting is, she is troubling us by staying away from us.

And that too in two ways !

Firstly, because not everyone is there for backup and secondly, she staying away keeps me unstable.

I can't focus on my work !

Whenever I try to do some work, her thoughts distract me.

Either they be like, is she safe ?

Do whoever is with her needs backup ?

Have anyone attacked her today ?

Or may be about her soft lips which she have a habit of biting when she blushes or her flipping away those curls bugging her while she is in middle of something or her big beautiful innocent emerald eyes looking at me hopefully that, at least today I'd forgive her !

Her laughs when Lauren or Derek does any stupidity, her heart melting smile she gives me whenever she looks at me.

I know I am being very cruel to her.

More than she deserves.

My heart have accepted this a long ago but I can't make my brain believe that she isn't temporary, she won't break my heart, she won't leave me alone.

And that stops me from being nice to her !

I must appreciate her consistency of being nice to me after me always being an ass to her !

I badly want to go close to her, hold her close on cold rainy nights, tuck her curls behind her ear for her whenever they bug her, hold her hand and sit on terrace watching the stars twinkling above us, kiss her sweetly on her forehead and then kiss down every inch of her beautiful body.

Win her heart and then her body.

I want to love her in every way possible.

Soft, hard, passionate and make her mine for life !


My stubborn ass !

I hope she have moved her belongings at our place or I don't know what am I gonna do to her !

I won't hurt her physically definitely; but I don't know what am I gonna say to her.

I hope she doesn't get my nerves on.

I really don't wanna unleash the beast on her I've been controlling.

She definitely isn't ready for that and moreover, she doesn't deserves that after being nothing but nice and sweet to me !

I am waiting for the day to end and go home to see her putting her stuff in the room I've made but no one have used it.

Now that she'd be living with me under the same roof, I'll need be more strong and make my heart rock hard so that I won't melt for her.

That's best for her, because she really don't deserve a bad beast !

I am on my way to home.

I really hope to see her stuff or...

I really don't want to hurt her, but if she's bad, I am her Dad !

She needs to understand her life is in major danger.

The moment I opened the door, everyone got tensed.

I could feel the tension in the room.

Everyone was looking so scared like they've just seen a ghost !

The only person in the room who isn't tensed or scared is MISS. ASHLEY GRAYSON !

Is the situation here is what I am thinking ?

Or am I wrong ?

Haven't she moved in here ?

Why is everyone tensed to see me home.

This never have been a scene of my welcome; ever !

" What's going on ? "

I asked looking around.

" Um...


Listen... "

Jules tried to break the ice.

" I said, what's going on ?

Why isn't her stuff here yet ?

Were you waiting for me to get your stuff here, girl ? "

I glanced at her coldly.

" Cole, we can talk about it later.

You must be tired, go take shower and then we can... "

Derek tried to make me stop.

" Did I asked you what should I do nor not ?

I've asked you something answer my question, Ashley ! "

I said crossing my arms.

" Look Cole, she... "

Lauren tried to save her.

" Have she hired you as her lawyer ?

Why are you answering for her ?

Can't she speak for herself ? "

I said sarcastically.

" Don't be so mad, Cole.

It's her choice where she wants to live !

She might be uncomfortable being in a house with 5 guys always around her, she might want her privacy.

We can protect her just like... "

Dominic said trying to make a point but I didn't let him finish.

" Privacy ?

Her choice ?

Wow !

Is it her choice that, the best Detective of our department have lost his working efficiency and talent to solve a case ?

Is it her choice that, my friend got hurt while saving her ?

Is it her choice that, a lawyer asks the judge a next date for the case hearing, not because he needs time to collect the evidence; but because he needs to be with a girl who needs HER PRIVACY over her life ? "

I said clenching my teeth.

" Cole, calm down... "

Jules tried to calm me down.

" No Jules, I won't calm down !

She needs to understand why do I want her to move in here.

I am not asking her to do that for myself !

I want that for everyone's convenience and her safety along with the guy's safety who stays at her place !

I am not interested in where she lives !

I have a responsibility to protect her.

And I won't let anyone be a barrier in my responsibility; not even herself ! "

I said looking at the guys.

Then I turned to her.

" I've already told you this morning that if, I won't see your stuff here when I return, I am gonna take you to your place, make you pack your stuff and get you here !

You thought I was kidding, huh ?

Time for make you regret not taking me seriously.

I literally warned you and I even told you the result if you won't listen to me.

And still you choose to do what you wanted !

Your CHOICE and your PRIVACY !

Now, my turn to do what I told you I'd do ! "

I said coldly to her.

Looking scared now ?


Very good !

At least now she won't dare to disobey me ever.

She hid behind the guys.

Huh, like they are gonna save her from ME !

They don't mess with me when I am mad.

No one's gonna help her now.

I am sure they have tried to convince her, but she choosed to do what she wanted !

I approached her and the faces I was looking at were white like they were painted white !

They didn't moved away when I reached them. But they didn't even stayed in place when I kept my hand over Derek's and Jules's shoulder.

They moved aside exposing her to me.

I grabbed her wrist.

" No !

Cole, leave my hand.

I won't do what you want !

Leave my hand Cole, you are hurting me.

Jules, help me !


Derek ask him to stop !

Cole you really are hurting me...


Dominic please do something !


Leave me...



Somebody do something...




Let go of me... "

Ashley yelled her lungs out for help but nobody dared interrupting me.

" Scream all you want !

No one's gonna interfere between me and you now, girl.

I've already warned you in the morning.

If you had listened to me or even to THEM, this wouldn't have been happening with you now !

Come on, don't try be hard.

The more you'll oppose, the more you'd get hurt.

Trust me I don't wanna hurt you, co-operate with me and it won't get hurt anymore ! "

I said.

" Please, Cole.

Leave my hand you are hurting me...



Stop him please...

Ahhh... "

Ashley pleaded.

" Co... Cole... "

Derek dared tried to say something.

" No, don't !

You know I am not gonna stop.

Get the car ready and YOU'LL drive us to her place.

It's for everyone's betterment kitten, trust me. Stop struggling and I promise I'll leave your hand, I really don't wanna hurt you like this ! "

I said sincerely.

" If you don't wanna hurt me then, why are you doing this at the first place ? "

Ashley said hissing.

" For everyone's betterment, I told you already ! Don't make me repeat myself.

I am already too mad if, you can't put water on the burning fire; don't put petroleum in it either !

Lauren, you wanna join ? "

I said clenching my teeth.

" Yeah, coming !

Please love, stop struggling.

It's killing me to see you hurt like this !

Trust him, it's the right thing to do baby, please tryna understand.

Just give in ! "

Lauren said pleading her helplessly.

" HURTING me is the right thing ?

I hate you all guys !

I hate you all.

Neither of you came to help me !

I hate you...

I hate you... "

Ashley said crying.

Oh kitten, please don't cry !

It kills me too to see you hurt and cry and the worst part is; I am the one who is doing that to you !

But what do I do ?

It's the right thing to get you here and you are denying to accept it !

You brought this on you yourself kitten !

You left me no other option that being rough with you.

I dragged her along with me and I know it's gonna leave marks on her delicate wrist !

When she stopped struggling and started walking on her own, I loosened the grip on her wrist and caressed her wrist with my thumb.

She looked at my rubbing thumb and then looked at me.

I knew she was looking at me, but I didn't looked at her knowingly and continued to caresse her wrist.

Derek drived us to her place.

I made her sit between me and Lauren.

While we were on the way to her place, I caressed her wrist till we reached.

I was caressing just the part I could reach with my thumb while we were walking, but now I caressed her whole wrist !

And this time when she looked at me, I looked at her apologetically and she smiled so sweetly and I knew I was forgive, just like that !

How could someone be this sweet ?

Her sweetness and innocence always slaps me in the face.

I start feeling guilty everytime she acts so sweetly.

And her this sweetness makes me doubt her intentions, no one could be this sweet for no reason !

No one can treat a beast like me nicely, who always breaks her heart, treats her like shit and useless thing !

Why does she treats me this nice ?

And thinking about it, we reached her place.

I thought about leaving her in the car, but then Derek said it might be very risky to leave her alone here and once again this stupid monkey got a very good point.

We took her with us and Derek called his guys who were planted by him for her protection backup, to help us moving her stuff.

As we went to her apartment door, I felt something different.

I could sense something weird.

I couldn't keep my finger on it, but something was off.

I asked everyone to keep quiet and take them back towards the stairs and told this to Derek. And surprisingly, he too felt something off there.

We decided that, I'll open the door, Lauren and few of the men would cover me and Derek would protect Ashley along with other guys.

I took out my gun and Derek gave his gun to Lauren as he didn't brought his with him.

We asked Derek not to stay too far from us.

We didn't know what was off.

And if our doubt was correct, we didn't know their plan.

What if we sent them far away and that turns out to be the thing they want us to do and they hurt Ash and we won't be able to reach them quickly ?

We slowly approached the door and I slowly inserted the key and opened the lock and waited for few moments before opening the door.

And the moment I opened the door...

" Ahhhhh.

Fucking bastard ! "

Someone threw a knife at me.

It cut my skin fairly deep on my upper right arm and it started bleeding real bad.

It was hurting as hell.

Luckily, I can use both my hands with same efficiency.

So, I took my gun in left hand and fired the gun at lower altitude so that, I shouldn't kill them and we could catch the bastards alive.

The lights of the room were off but after few moments our eyes got adjusted to the light and we were able to see.

There were 6 guys in the room !

They started firing back and we had to hide to save ourselves.

I called for the backup.

My arm was burning so bad, I couldn't concentrate on the situation !

They were approaching us as they had improved weapons.

And we had to hide.

Derek took Ashley away bit by bit.

But thank god he remembered what we decided and didn't took her far away.

Almost 20 guys attacked them from behind.

The guys shot few rounds and Derek killed few of them with his bare hands as he gave his gun to Lauren and he didn't had any.

The commando training came to his rescue !

Lauren and I somehow reached there and killed the remaining attackers.

Ashley saw my arm bleeding and she touched it...

" Ahhhh.

Don't touch it. "

I hissed.

" You...


You are bleeding !

Oh my god Cole, you are bleeding bad !

We need to take you to the hospital like right now... "

Ashley panicked seeing me bleed.

" Keep your mouth shut !

Derek, what's the position ? "

I wispered so that, they shouldn't hear us and locate us.

" I guess, there are no more from behind.

Max, go and check for more attackers for me please. "

Derek told his man.

" Sure thing sir. "

Max replied and went to check.

" What about in the apartment Cole ?

How many ? "

Derek asked

" 6 bastards in there.

We immediately need backup Derek ! "

I said.

" Haven't you asked for it ? "

Derek said.

" I have, but they are taking...


Too long to get...

Ugh... Fuck...

Too long to get here !

We need to do something they are...


Trying to come out and attack us !

They have... Modern and... Ugh...

Better weapons than we have.


I am gonna catch all the bastards alive, but I am gonna kill that fucker who...


Attacked me ! "

I said with difficulty as it was hurting as hell.

" Yeah sure.

Are you alright ?

You are really bleeding bad, dude !

You need medical help. "

Derek said seriously after noticing the flow of blood.

" I can't leave the action in the middle, Derek.

And listen, the moment Max gives you clearance about the outside...


Take her home and...

Get me some backup...


Understand ? "

I told him.

" Yes.

I will. "

Derek said.

" No !

I am not gonna leave you alone here when you are this badly hurt and that too for me... "

Ashley said almost crying.

" Correction, not FOR YOU but BECAUSE OF YOU ! And listen kitten, the damage you've created till now is more than enough.

I don't want you to...


Intensify it further !

Do as I say...

You've got on my nerves more than enough today...


I don't want you to....

Ugh... Fuck...

Get me more angry...

Derek, ask her not to trouble me at least in this situation !

She's the one responsible for it...


Ask her to shut up and do...


As I say ! "

I said.

" Love, please don't be stupidly stubborn, stop it already !

Why are you being so hard ?

This isn't some movie scene, they are firing the real bullets which kill humans !

Please listen to us !

We need to protect you... "

Derek said trying to make her understand.

" I am serious now kitten, if you are gonna trouble me now...


I am gonna hit you...

And won't think about it even once before doing it...

You've got me more than irritated today...

Enough is enough now ! "

I said seriously.

She started crying and I am sure not because I was mad at her her, but because I was hurt and she knew that !

" I am...


Sorry Cole...

I.. "

Ashley couldn't speak properly.

" We don't have time for your apology now...

Just do what I say...


I'll take THAT as an apology.

Now shut up everyone... "

I wispered and asked them to keep quiet.

I could hear them approaching us.

Few of the Derek's men went ahead and checked the upper floor for danger and when, they spotted none, they took her there and stayed there to protect her.

Max haven't returned yet.

My wound was bleeding very bad now and I know if I lost too much blood, I am gonna faint and we can't afford that in this situation !

I removed my belt and asked Lauren to tie it up above my wound tightly to slow down the blood loss.

It was aching real bad.

But I couldn't focus on the pain now.

I need to focus on protecting my team here, being the Chief !

We could hear them approaching.

And we found a spot where we could see them but they couldn't.

We didn't came here prepared, so we have limited bullets and we must hit the target accurately and without wasting even a single bullet.

My shooting skills with the right hand were better than any sharp shooter, but I can't say the same about my left one !

I mean, I can shoot with accuracy with it, but not that as right hand.

And now the situation is, my right hand is injured and the pain isn't letting me focus.

But anyhow I must do it.

The only relief right now I have is, despite of being a lawyer, Lauren can shoot real good as I've let him take the training in our department.

But I can't leave everything over him, he too needs backup !

So, I thought about Ashley's life and forced my focus on hitting the target.

They came in our firing range and we attacked them.

Derek's men too were good at hitting the target accurately.

They couldn't see us, but they started firing in our direction.

They weren't ready to stop and we couldn't stop !

Our bullets were about to finish.

Though they couldn't see us, they were shooting bullets in exact our shooting points, they must be the sharp shooters.

Our men were getting hurt !

" Ahhh, fuck ! "

Lauren hissed.

" You alright ?

What happened ? "

I asked worried about him.

" The bullet ! "

Lauren hissed.

Lauren was almost at their aim but he changed his position for getting better firing range and the bullet missed; not actually, because it cut and injured his right arm where the glass was stuck a few months ago !

It didn't got inside his body just kissed his arm and went to the wall.

He too got injured.

Few of Derek's men were killed.

And after an hour or so and in a very filmy and thrilling and dangerous shooting, we killed 5 mother fuckers; but one escaped !

We couldn't find him.

I'd lost too much blood and the scene infront of my eyes was staring to blur and black.

Lauren was asking me how was I ?

And he was gonna take me to the hospital, so I must hold on.

Max came to update us.

And Derek got Ashley to us.

" Sir, I've checked the area... Ugh ! "

Max couldn't finish his line.

What ?

A Bullet shot ?

More guys are here ?

I tried to see what happened.

The last fucker who escaped was back and he shot Max on his head from behind.

Everyone was looking at Max and no one noticed that, the bastard had aimed at Ashley !

I tried to get to her but, that bastard pulled the trigger...

" Ashley ! "

I wispered in panic.

" Ash ! "

Derek yelled.

" Oh my god !!!!! "

Ashley screamed her lungs out.

The last thing I saw was, our backup finally reached and shot that bastard down.

And I lost my consciousness...