Birthday gift for me

Today is my trun to be Ash.

Day before yesterday it was Dominic with her and she woke up as tired sleeping beauty, huh ?

Bullshit !

I know how a good fucked face looks like.

I've seen them daily for almost 10 years now and I can tell who got some the last night and Ashley definitely got some another night.

Not some actual, she got too much.

Lucky bastard Dominic. I never thought he would be in the race to impress her.

And I won't blame Ash for sleeping with him.

He is actually too charming, sometimes even I want him to fuck me !

But, no need to think about what isn't possible. Let it be.

Nothing can change my love for Ashley.

She have accepted me even after knowing my past.

Me, the so call womanizer of the town.

She knows I've fucked almost all girls of the town and yet she kissed me !

If she can forgive me and accept me then, why can't I accept her ?

And if she feels the same way about all the others, I still won't blame her !

Along with me, all the guys have took a very good care of her.

Shown so much adoration and love to her.

Are ready to sacrifice their own lives for her.

Who won't fall for such people ?

If I was her, I'd definitely have fallen for each one of us.

She is getting everything we need to fall for someone, from everyone of us.

We care for her, we love her, we adore her, we respect her and last but not the least, we are good looking !

I bet everyone got what was wrong with her.

And Dominic answering for her made it cristal clear.

He should have kept his mouth shut, if he wanted us not to get suscpecious about it...

No use, Derek would also definitely have got with me what's the situation.

He too have seen such flushed and blushing faces after a good sex.

Let it be, she too deserves fun in her life.

She have faced too many bad things for her age, so she getting some, is the best thing for her.

And even I don't mind helping her with having fun.

I am not judging her.

I can't judge her, how could I judge her when half of my life was, fucking a new girl every single day !

If she wants, I can help her too.

Who am I kidding ?

I too want to be with her.

I want to touch her soft skin, kiss her beautiful body, take her as she wants and then as I want; without hurting her physically !

She is an adult now and she has every single right to have a lot of sex which will compensate her past horrible experiences.

I am sure that bastard Michael wouldn't have been gentle with her, wouldn't have asked for her consent.

And forced sex is a nightmare for delicate and innocence girl like my love !

I haven't claimed her neither have she accepted me as her partner.

It might sound WEIRD and DISGUSTING to listen, but I don't mind sharing her body with the other guys because, I know they love her as much as I do and I know she too have feelings for them too.

But I won't deny that, I am jealous about the others touching her and kissing her and being inside her !

She was nervous the whole day.

I am sure that's because, she thinks I know what happened that night and she is feeling embarassed to face me.

And not only with me, but she is nervous around everyone of us; except for Dominic !

But what she don't know is, yes we do know what happened but, she doesn't have to be embrassed about it.

I must get her open up.

Or she won't talk to me the whole day.

" Hey, love.

We must resume your self defence classes. Because when Derek and Cole will grab that fucker Michael by his hair, you must be ready to kick his ass ! "

I said.

" Yes, you are right.

We should resume it now.

Your hand is fine now, isn't it ?

I mean it doesn't hurt right ?

Dominic will... "

Ashley said concerned.

" Don't you worry, love.

Your care made it heal before time.

I am healthy as horse !

Don't worry about me. "

I assured her.

" So, shall we start now ? "

Ashley asked.

" Um...

I am afraid, I will have to let you down for now.

I have some work to finish regarding some case. We'll resume it after the dinner tonight ?

If you are ok with it ! "

I said.

" Ofcourse !

Your work is priority, Lauren.

We'll start whenever you are free.

I won't disturb you in your work... "

Ashley said trying to run away from me.

" No, no.

I want you to help me in my case.

I'd love if I'll get your help. "

I said grabbing her hand.

" I'd love to, but I don't know anything about your work.

How would I... "

Ashley said.

" I'll teach you ! "

I said.

" Ofcourse you will, Lauren.

And I'd really love to learn something from you. But you need to finish your work earlier and if you'll waste your time in teaching me, it'll slow your working speed too much and you... "

Ashley said concerned about my work.

I grabbed her face in my hands and pulled her closer to me a little.

"Shhhhh !

Stop talking bullshit.

You can never waste my time, love.


If anything, you'll only help me in everything. Don't say like that, baby... "

I looked in her eyes and at her lips and again looked into her eyes.

She sighed and let her face loose in my palms.

I leaned in and pecked her.

She immediately parted her lips and allowed me to slip my tongue in her mouth.

She grabbed my hair and pulled me closer to her.

I kissed her long and deep.

And finally when she was out of breath, I stopped. It's never gonna happen that, I'd stop kissing her because I had enough and I got satisfied !

After pulling away, she leaned in and pecked me innocently and it made me smile.

We finally got back to work.

She is so good in helping me out.

Once this Michael bastard get caught, I am gonna ask her to be my assistant.

She is a quick learner and does it perfectly in one go.

We finished our work before the guys returned home.

So we sat in my room's balcony and were enjoying the sunset with cold coffee with chocolate sauce.

She have spoiled my healthy habits !

But I love to make her happy.

So what if, it takes me to workout an hour more to use those calories the next day ?

She is happy when I do silly things with her.

And her happiness is what matters to me other than anything thing in this world.

This is not me...

I have already said this so many times, sometimes I feel I am gonna start talking to myself about this !

She has completely changed me as a person.

I have started caring, being involved, being sensitive, started looking at girls as a human just like me and not as some toy to have for my physical satisfaction and the worst thing...

I've fallen in love with her !

Me !

The person who doesn't love anyone else other than himself, has fallen in love with her.

And I can do anything for her !

I love to look at her smiling face.

Her smile is so innocent, it reminds me of a child who is carefree about what's gonna happen in life with her.

She trusts us so much that, we won't ever hurt her and help her out in every fucking situation. She trusts us with her life !

That's a very big thing for a alone girl to do.

And she doing that, increases our responsibility towards her, not to ever let her down.

And we are trying our best.

The only thing she wants right now is, her Mom's location.

She want to meet her Mom and make sure she is alright.

It's been few months she haven't met her.

And we are dying to do that, but we can't find her !

And Derek isn't ready to believe that she is no more.

His belief have given us some hope that, she might be somewhere and might have lost her memory and that's why we are unable to find her yet !

The door clicked open and the guys came with so many things.

She was surprised about it.

She don't know today is my birthday.

I haven't told her.

Actually I forgot to tell her.

When she is with me, I forget myself and get lost in her.

When we are together, I get vanished somewhere and only she remains and I love that !

" Hey, looks like you guys have bought the whole store ! "

Ashley said surprised.

" Yeah, something like that. "

Jules said smiling.

" Great.

But why ?

Didn't you got the grocery and other things few days back ?

Are they already finished ? "

Ashley said shocked at the thought.

" Look baby, surely we eat too much but we aren't animals, right ?

How is it even possible ? "

Dominic said softly.

" Exactly my question is, what is all this ?

And what for ? "

Ashley asked.

" You didn't told her, Lauren ? "

Derek asked.

" Um...

I forgot. "

I accepted.

" Didn't told me what ?

What did you forgot ? "

Ashley asked.

" Today is his birthday ! "

Cole said plainly.

" What ?

It's your birthday ?

And you didn't told me !

Why didn't you told me ?

It isn't a thing to forget ! "

Ashley said getting mad at me.

" Sorry, love.

We were busy in the work so I... "

I tried to defend myself.

" You could have told me before we started the work or in the break or even after we were finished ! "

Ashley said scowling.

" What's with the drama ?

Are you being the new drama queen of the house ?

Aren't Derek and Lauren enough that you too are joining their team ?

What's wrong if, he didn't told you ?

What difference it would have made if he had told you in the morning ?

What's important is, you knowing it's his birthday, it doesn't matter if, you came to know it earlier or now.

It isn't like he told you yesterday was his birthday, then your drama would have been valid but, what's wrong now ? "

Cole said making a disgusted face.

" Cole ! "

I tried to stop him.

" What Cole ?

I am not always wrong, ok ?

Remove the blind fold she placed on your eyes... "

Cole was about to get started.

" Hey, Cole.

Enough now.

It's his birthday.

Let's enjoy it.

We don't have to make it a mess like we did at Dominic's birthday.

Come on. "

Derek tried to calm him down.

" But I... "

Cole wasn't ready to give up.

" Relax, Cole.

Let's not spoil the party like Dominic's.

Come on.

Let's get fresh and have a blast.

Ok ? "

Jules said.

" Ok. "

If anyone Cole ever gonna listen to is Jules !

We celebrated my 25th birthday.

They bought my favourite cake.

We generally celebrate our birthdays out in some restaurants, but taking Ash out isn't very sensible decision right now, so we celebrated at home.

And they bought liquor and unlike Dominic's birthday, no one was thinking about being sober.

We didn't allowed Ashley to drink, because Cole and Jules wouldn't have let her !

So, they got her her favourite soda and she enjoyed it.

I didn't got drunk.

I only had a bottle of beer and it was like having a glass of water.

I wanted to be sober and spend good time with her.

We didn't got much time in the afternoon.

We were busy in the work, so I don't want to go in the room and sleep like I haven't slept for many years !

I finally put everyone to bed.

And when I took Derek to his bed, he almost kissed me in the excitement !

If I was the old Lauren, I would have even fucked him; jokes apart, but I would definitely had kissed him !

But now, I want to stay loyal to Ashley.

So, I kissed him on his cheeks and put him to bed. And when I returned to Ashley, she was looking sad.

" Hey, beautiful !

What's wrong ?

Who died ? "

I teased her.

" I didn't gave you a single gift on your birthday ! I... "

Ashley said pouting.

" Stupid girl !

I have the best gift in the world infront of me now, I don't want anything else. "

I said cupping her face.

" You are so sweet, Lauren.

But I am not feeling good that, I couldn't give you anything on your birthday ! "

Ashley said taking my hands off her cheeks.

" If you feel this bad, I'll get myself some chocolate tomorrow as a gift from you ! "

I said trying to make her feel better.

" But, your birthday is today, not tomorrow ! "

Ashley said stubbornly.

" Shut up now.

And what are doing ?

Did you forgot ? "

I said trying to take her mind off it by changing the topic.

" What ? "

Ashley asked.

" Your self defence class ! "

I said.

" Oh !

I do remember.

I just thought, it's your birthday so... "

Ashley said trailing off.

" So ?

I have time now, what if I won't get tomorrow ? Let's get started ! "

I taught her few moves and we practiced them. Then I asked her to get on the bed.

I don't want her to get hurt.

I was going to teach her how to make the attacker fall on the ground.

So we went the bed and I asked her to attack me.

I grabbed her hands and put my leg behind her leg at knee joint and pushed her down.

She understood and then we tried it on me.

She grabbed my hands and pushed me on the bed, but she couldn't control herself and she too fell with me on the bed.

And we started laughing so much.

It was so funny the way she fell.

She fell on my chest.

After laughing so much when, we finally calmed down, her lips caught my attention and my eyes got glued to her lips.

I played with her curls and then kissed her forehead.

She shivered in my arms and sighed and pulled me closer to her.

I caressed her back and she looked at me and flicked at my nose.

" What ? "

I asked.

I thought there was something on my nose.

" I love your nose ring.

It looks so damn sexy on you ! "

Ashley said running her finger over it.

" Is that so ?

So, you are saying that, I am not sexy and only my nose ring is ? "

I teased.

" You can think whatever you want...

I just... "

Ashley said teasing me back.

" Oh being naughty, huh ? "

I tickled her and she started laughing loudly.

And her movements made her loose shirt to misplace and it revealed her red bra.

Her skin was looking fair with that dark red bra on.

I slowly reached and stopped so close to touch her boobs.

She was looking at my actions and when I stopped, she looked confused.

I grabbed her neck and pulled her in for a passionate kiss and when we pulled away, I wispered in her ear,

" Can I touch them, love ? "

I wispered blowing on her ear lobe.

She shivered at the wisper in my arms and noded.

" I Need your words, love.

You know I want you to do everything because YOU want to. "

I said playing with her curls.

" Yes, Lauren.

You can touch me wherever you want... "

She wispered back.

Her husky voice always awakens the animal in me.

Her voice turns me on so much.

And I love her voice when, she wispers to me the sexy naughty things I ask her to.

I grasped her soft boobs and fondled them and squeezed them lightly.

She gasped at my actions and closed her eyes and started enjoying the play.

I stopped playing with them and unhooked her bra and they were just infront of my mouth.

But I couldn't grab them and suck them.

Though the fear or discomfort I face in the presence of boobs have reduced, but it isn't completely vanished !

Instead, I started kissing down her body.

I slowly undressed her and she was completed naked infront of me.

I've had so many beautiful girls in my bed before her, but no one can match her sexiness and the way she makes my heart go wild.

I kissed her whole body and when she was ready and all lubricated I put my manhood at her entrance and stroked it against her wetness.

She was getting eager with each stroke.

" Lauren, what are you waiting for ?

Why are you... "

Ashley said getting impatient.

" What do you want, love ? "

I wispered.

" I want you. "

Ashley said pulling me closer to her.

" What do you want me to do ? "

I asked teasing her more.

" Make me yours and just take me, Lauren.

Please don't tease me like this. "

Ashley said trying to get me inside her.

Oh !

Ready and willing to say anything, huh ?

No drama and no shyness ?

Good, very good !

" Where do you want it, love ?

And how do you want it ? "

I teased.

" Do me right now, Lauren ! "

Ashley almost ordered me.

I didn't asked her then if, she was ready.

I stroked it against her few more times and then put it all in, in one hard stroke !

She definitely wasn't ready for that.

She gasped and dug her nails sharply on my back, I am sure it's bleeding.

" Oh my god !

Ahh... Mmmmm.

Oh Lauren...

Aahh... "

Ashley cried out in pain.

" Fuck

Baby, I am so sorry.

Did I hurt you too much ?

I am so sorry, love.

Please forgive me... "

I apologized.

" No...

You just took me by surprise, that's it. "

Ashley said softly.

" Oh. Ok.

Shall I start moving now, love ?

If you are ready. "

I asked.

" Yes, yes. I am.

Don't do it so slowly, baby just take me ! "

Ashley told me.

A dominating one, huh ?

You've got no idea honey, I love to do just the opposite of what a demanding one asks !

I am gonna go ever so slowly.

Doesn't matter how bad you beg me to go faster now !

" Oh come on, Lauren !

Don't be so mean.


Please go faster.

I can't take the slow torcher. .

Please. "

Ashley pleaded.

I kissed her and make her shut her mouth.

I didn't let her lips go and made love to her so slowly and it was as torchrus to me as it was to her.

Still I didn't gave her what she wanted.

But after sometime, it got impossible for me to go that slow.

So I grabbed her hips and started moving faster and faster.

I pulled her towards me and pushed myself towards her and the motion got me so deeper inside her.

" Shall I... ugh...

Pull out... Love...

Ugh... "

I teased.

" No !

Don't you dare ! "

Ashley said clenching her teeth.

As if afraid I'd pull out, she wrapped her legs around my waist and kept me there.

" Oh yes, baby.

Keep them wrapped around me and keep me deep in there...


You feel so good, love.

And... Your moans...

Fuck I didn't imagined your moans would be this sexy...

Fuck I don't think I would last long... "

I admitted.

" Me too Lauren...

I can't...

I am... Oh I...



Lauren !!!! "

She moaned my name.

Many girls have moaned my name when I fucked their brains out, but the way she moans my name; nobody ever had !

And she had her FIRST orgasm of the night.

What ?

I didn't got enough of her yet !

And it wasn't even what I wanted !

I'd let her rest and then...

She wanted to gift me something...

I'll let her know what I want !

" You ok, baby ? "

I asked caressing her head.

" Mmmmm...

Yes... It was...

It was awesome !

How was it for you ? "

Ashley asked.

" I am glad that you liked it.

And baby, you are the definition of sexy !

I enjoyed it so much.

Thanks for sharing this beautiful moment with me, love. "

I said.

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead and her soft lips.

She rested her head on my chest and closed her eyes.

She was running her hand over my trunk. Touching me, feeling me, memorizing me !

It felt awesome to finally have her this close to me.

I've been waiting for this moment for so long ! And when it finally happened, it still feels like a dream.

Like if I'll open my eyes, it'll vanish.

I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her tightly to my chest and closed my eyes.

" You are really here, aren't you sweetheart ? "

I asked confirming.

" Yes, I am. "

Ashley said squeezing me hard to convince me.

" I am afraid to open my eyes baby.

I am afraid that this is a dream and once I'll open my eyes, you'll be gone !

I don't want that to happen ever.

I don't wanna loose you, love.

I can't afford it ! "

I wispered.

" I am not gonna leave you, baby.

Why are saying such things ?

I am right here.

Open your eyes and just look at me. "

Ashley said affectionately.

I slowly opened my eyes and she smiled at me.

" I still can't believe ! "

I said.

She leaned in and kissed me so passionately.

" Now ?

Now do you believe that, it's not a dream and I am really here with you, huh ? "

Ashley said softly.

I grabbed her tight and kissed her again.

I wispered in her ear,

" You were saying you want to give me a birthday present tonight, right ? "

I said coming to my point.

" Yes.

But how ? "

Ashley said confused.

" I can help you with it ! "

I said smirking.

" Really ?

What do you want ?

And how would you help me ? "

Ashley asked.

" I want to claim your virginity ! "

I said.

" What ?

How's that even possible, Lauren ?

You know, I am not a virgin !

Then how... "

Ashley said referring to Michael.

" Oh you are, love.

You are ! "

I said firmly.

" No I am not a vir..."

She couldn't complete her line as she gasped at my sudden pressed finger to her asshole and lost her track.

" Wha...

What ?

Are you like serious ?

Lauren you... "

Ashley said terrified at the thought.

" I promise, I'll stop if it hurts too much or gets uncomfortable for you.

I promise.

I love ass more than the vagina, Ashely.

And I want to claim your anal virginity.

Please, let's try.

I promise, I'll stop if you are in too much pain.

But please... "

I tried to convince her.

" You want THIS as your birthday present ? "

Ashley said finally understanding my words.

" Yes. "

I admitted.

" But it'll hurt too much... "

Ashley said presuming.

" Just ask me to stop and I'll stop the very next moment, love.

But, I promise it feels amazing too ! "

She agreed to give it a try.

I went to my room and got the lubricant.

I made her go on all four of her and facing away from me.

I applied fairly large amount of the lubricant to her ass and started rubbing my fingers over it.

" Just, breath Love.

Don't think that it's gonna hurt.

It doesn't hurt that much.

Even virginal sex hurts a bit too !

I am not gonna hurry up and hurt you.

Just relax the muscles and let me...

In... "

I slowly pressed my finger to get inside and applied a little pressure to push it in.

She was resisting it too much.

If she won't let me in, it's gonna be painful for her.

" Please love, don't fight it.

Let me in.

It's gonna be too pleasurable.

But, you gotta let me in.

Come on baby, relax your muscles and let me in ! "

She slowly relaxed and I pushed a finger inside and she moaned.

It was uncomfortable for her.

Ofcourse it was.

After all it was her first anal and it's not the natural orifice for having sex !

I applied large amount of lubricant on my finger and this time it slipped easily inside her.

" You ok, baby ?

You want me to stop or go on ? "

I asked.

" Yes....


Go on... But...


Slowly... "

Ashley wispered.

I covered another finger with lubricant and put two fingers and moved them in and out of her ass.

" You, ok baby ?

Shall I go on ? "

I asked.

" Mmmmm...

Yes... Go on...

Slowly... Mmmmm... "

Ashley wispered.

" You like it baby ?

If you want, we can stop here. "

I assured her.

" No...

Go on.

I liked it...

Oh god...

It feels so good...

Mmmmm... "

Ashley moaned.


I did the same with another finger and used three fingers.

She needs to be loosened up before using the main weapon inside her.

When she got used to the fingers, I soaked my man completely and her ass with lube and teased her entrance with my man.

And slowly pushed it inside.

" Ahhhh...

Oh god it hurts, it hurts Lauren....



Oh fuck...

It hurts... "

Ashley cried out in pain.

" The...


The head is... In love...

I promise it'll be better from now on...


You are so... Tight..

Do you...

Do you want me to stop...



It feels...

So good...

Mmmmm... "

I grunted.

She didn't said anything but pushed herself towards me and I got she doesn't want me to stop !

I slowly pushed further and I was all in.

I stopped and let her catch her breath and get used to it.

It was completely new experience for her, so I can't just push her to edge.

" I am all in now, love.

You ok ? "

I asked.

" Hmm. "

Ashley mumbled.

She was breathing high and shallow.

I caressed and patted her back.

I leaned over and kissed her shoulder.

I ran my hand over head.

" Do you want to continue or want me to pull out and stop right now, love ? "

I asked.

" No... Just...


Let me...


Let me get used to it.. Mmmm... "

Ashley moaned.

" But are you alright ?

Does it hurt too much ? "

i asked.

" No... Just...

It's a new experience and feeling for me...

Yes, go on.

I am alright. "

Ashley wispered.

" You sure ?

You want me to start moving ? "

I asked.

" Yes. "

Ashley wispered.

" Ok.

I promise, I'll go ever so slowly.

And remember, I'll stop anytime you want me to, ok ? "

I assured her.

" Yes. "

Ashley nodded.

" Ok, baby.

I am gonna start moving now. "

I started moving very slowly in and out.

" Mmm.

Oh god...




Oh Lauren...

It feels so good...

Mmmm... "

Ashley started moaning in pleasure.

Her moans and her words were assuring me that, she was really enjoying it and not doing it for my sake !

I didn't increased the pace.

But she started moving her hips in synchronisation with me.

" Baby, do you want me to move faster ? "

I asked.

" Mmmmm.


Go a bit faster...


Oh god...

Oh fuck...


Just like that...



Baby don't stop... Please.... "

Ashely wispered.

I went a bit faster and she couldn't last long.

I was enjoying myself so much.

I loved her vagina, but ass is my weakness !

And she ?

Oh god she is incredible.

Her moans and groans were turning me on so much.

I didn't increased the pace.

She orgasmed and I fucked her throughout her orgasm and it got too much for her to handle and she collapsed on the bed and layed flat on the bed.

I fucked her for a long time.

I have a very good stamina.

I didn't lasted long in our first round, but this one is my favourite and I am gonna enjoy it completely.

She too was enjoying herself too much.

And finally I finished and god, it was amazing. Superb.

I just can't express it in words !

I layed on bed beside her and pulled her in my arms.

I kissed her softly.

" You ok, love ? "

I asked tucking her curls behind her ear.

" Yes.

More than ok. "

She gave me her innocent and heart stopped smile and kissed me back.

" How did you enjoyed it ? "

I asked.

" I loved it.

It was painful in the beginning but when you started moving, it started feeling amazing.

I've never experienced anything like that before.

Thanks for introducing me to it.

It was painful, but not as much as I thought.

It was a very good experience for me.

I just loved it. "

She once again kissed me.

She was looking very satisfied.

And I am more than happy to make my baby happy.

She looked exhausted.

I got her a glass of orange juice and took her in my arms and we drifted off.