1 Regina's Power

Fifteen years ago....

The Celestial Palace, Floating Isles of Paradios




Hundreds of high ranked mage soldiers dressed in black armor unleashed countless attacks on the palace guards that were dressed in green armor. The palace guards could hardly put up a reasonable resistance because it was a surprise attack and they weren't prepared for it. They were losing the battle and they were losing badly.

The damage from the war seemed to increase every minute as buildings and palace personnel were destroyed to bits by huge scale attacks from the other side.

Looking out the window of the throne room, Regina sighed sadly as she saw the colossal damage dealt to her forces by the army of darkness, the soldiers that were dressed in black armor.

She turned back and focused intently as she transferred the last of her powers into a huge black rock that had green patches on it.

'How did it ever come to this?'

She thought as tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

Eons ago, Tenebris, the Celestial of darkness had just been a low ranked Celestial that wanted to level up and become a strong high ranked Celestial but when he noticed that the higher ranked Celestials didn't want him amongst them because of his weakness, he went on a killing spree and began to kill and absorb the powers of other weaker low ranked Celestials, by doing that, he was able to get enough power to hunt and absorb other weaker high ranked Celestials.

Initially, no one paid any attention to him but before they knew it, he had become powerful enough to challenge most of the higher ranked Celestials in Ouranios, the Celestial Realm.

It was then that Rex, Regina's husband who was the King of Celestials led an army of various high ranked soldiers and Celestials to stop him but Tenebris killed them all, leaving only those who agreed to hand over their power peacefully to him.

Now, the only Celestial left was Regina who was the Celestial of Power and that was the reason why he was attacking her Palace, he needed her power which was the strongest amongst all the Celestials.

"I think I'm ready now"

Regina said and wiped the tears off her eyes, then she stood up and left the black rock that flew out of the window, over the raging battlefield and disappeared into the sky, to another realm that even Regina herself did not know.

Now, she was powerless and helpless.


The huge double doors of the throne room was flung open and a man walked in, he was huge and tall, around 12 feet tall (Celestials are very tall), he wore a black thick looking armor that seemed to be made of dark energy because it undulated as he walked, the helmet vanished into thin air as he walked in. He had thick black hair on top of a very scary and scarred face with a prominent scar that ran from the left side of his forehead down through his left eye and stopped at his chin, he had a maniacal grin plastered on his lips as he walked in. But the moment he stepped in, he knew that something was wrong somewhere...

"Hello Regie"

His voice was deep and coarse

"Don't call me that, you murderer"

She seemed to have recovered her composure because she sat calmly on the center throne in the throne room. Looking at her in her long green satin gown, her beautiful face accentuated by her green hair and green eyes, one would admit that she was a real royal beauty. There were three thrones in the room, all were made of gold and the one in the center was the biggest, it was the king's throne.

"You know what I'm here for Regie, don't make this hard on us"

He continued, ignoring her warning

"I will never surrender to you"

She paused before asking

"What happened Tenebris? You were a good Celestial before, why did you change?"

"I guess I got tired of been a weakling Regie, I wanted power, I wanted to live here in the palace, I wanted you Regie..."

His voice rose slightly, Regina could feel the sadness in it

"But no one wanted to give me a chance, so I took it! I took it by force, in the universe, everything is about your strength and power. If you have them you have everything"

"You're wrong Tenebris, power isn't everything. Stop now, it's not too late, we can still fix things"

"No Regie, I have power now, no one will rule me, I will take over the universe and rule over everything. Right now, I have the powers of more than a hundred Celestials but it's not enough, I need that one, the most powerful of them all, YOUR power"

Tenebris said with an evil grin on his face

"I'd rather die than allow a crazy psychopath like you use my power to commit evil"

Regina replied rather calmly, it was her ability to keep calm in dire situations that made Tenebris love her but it was too late for that now, he was already blinded by power and he would do anything for it.

"Then you will. Give it to me now!"

He screamed at her and raised his right hand, a dark red glow appeared on it but nothing happened after that.

Confusion was clearly written on his face

"Huh? Something's wrong? Where are your powers?"

A small smile played it's way across Regina's lips and she said

"You will never get my power Tenebris"

"Where is it!? Tell me now! Where is it!?"

Tenebris screamed at her as he appeared in front of the throne where she sat in one single movement and grabbed her by the throat.

"I... Don't.. know"

She struggled to reply as his tight grip on her throat made it difficult for her to speak properly.

"What do you mean by you don't know? Tell me now!"

He yelled at her louder now, his voice now sounded like the sound of a burning furnace and his eyes glowed red.

"Even..if..I..did, I..wouldn't..tell..you"

'What is this woman saying? Could it be that she doesn't know where it is? That can't be true right?'

Tenebris thought as he stared at the fragile woman that squirmed in his grip

"Fine, since you don't want to tell me, let's try another way"

Since Tenebris had absorbed the powers of all the other Celestials including the Celestial of dreams and memories, he now had the power to see people's memories so he closed his eyes and entered Regina's memories. He was extremely shocked when he realized that she put it in a rock and sent it out of the Celestial Realm with no direction in particular, in other words, her power was lost.

Regina smiled amidst the pain as she saw the look of despair on Tenebris' face, it was a smile of victory

"At least, he won't be able to use my power to wreak havoc"

"NO! NO! NOOOO!!!"

Tenebris screamed, thick fiery dark red flames burst out of his body and blew the Celestial Palace and everything in it to smithereens.

Standing alone in the rubble and ashes of what was once a magnificent castle, Tenebris said

"I swear, I'll find that power and take over the universe, even if it means that I'll search every realm in the infinite multiverse. I must find it"