2 Zen City Children's Home


Zen City, Western Federation.

Zen City Children's Home.

"Haa.... I'm so happy"

Green exhaled happily as a huge orange bus pulled up in the front yard of the orphanage. Boldly written on it's body were the words, WILHELM STUBBE'S HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE SOCIAL REJECTS.

Grinning widely, Green quickly left the window and grabbed his little black travelling bag that contained pretty much everything he needed and rushed towards the door but he paused in his tracks when he heard the voice of a man behind him.

"Wait a second there young man"

Green turned to face the owner of the voice that had just called him, the dorm master at the orphanage, a stocky man with a small round head on top of his round body. Green turned to face him and tried to avoid eye contact by keeping his gaze low.

"Have you signed out?"

"Yes sir"

Green replied with his eyes still on the ground

"Good. Now shoo out of here"

The man said and turned away from him after waving him off like he was waving an offensive odor.

Green ignored the nasty gesture as he had always done for the past fifteen years and ran out through the huge double front doors.

'Wilhelm Stubbe's school for the social rejects... I can't believe that I'll finally be leaving this hellhole'

Green thought and admired the huge orange bus as he approached it. The bus driver was busy talking with the other dorm master, a tall lanky man in an undersized suit and a thin fancy mustache that adorned his slim and long head.

Actually, Green wasn't that happy because he was going to high school, he was happy because he would finally leave this orphanage that he had been holed up in for the past fifteen years that he had lived.

Green was a fifteen year old orphan that was found when he was a baby around the area where a meteor mysteriously fell on Earth. Born with a mysterious natural disorder that made his hair, eyebrows, eye pupils, eye lashes and every other place that hair could be found on his body to be green in color, the caregivers named him Green (no surname).

Foster parents that frequented the orphanage refused to adopt him because most of them complained that merely staring into his eyes made them feel uncomfortable and they wouldn't want to live with a child that made them uncomfortable so he was rejected countless times till he earned himself the title, 'Orphan of the orphans'. Because of the hate that everyone had towards him, the orphanage decided to give him home education since no school wanted to admit him hence his elementary and middle school education was done inside the orphanage. They could have sent him to Wilhelm Stubbe's but it was only for high school students so they waited till he came of age to send an application for him.

He was always alone as nobody wanted to be with him, even his fellow orphans at the orphanage detested and avoided him.

Growing up like that had made him get so accustomed to loneliness that he developed several habits, one of his favorite habits was to watch stars on the clear night sky, he would always say

"I wish I could shine and fly in the sky like the stars.... Freedom is truly invaluable."

Also, as he grew, he came to realize that his green colored pupils seemed to give his eyes a special property, one that made it possible for him to recognize a certain rare group of people.

His first encounter with these special group of people was when he was six years old.

A foster father had come into the orphanage to adopt a child, this man was tall, handsome and looked rich because he wore a black polished suit and had a lot of gold accessories on his body. The moment Green saw him, he knew that this man was different from other human beings because he had a very surreal red colored aura that surrounded his body. Initially, Green panicked but after realizing that no one else could see it, he relaxed and forgot about it, the other person that he noticed with this aura was the chef at the orphanage, an old woman who also had that aura, but hers had a faint blue color.

Another special property of his eyes was that it somehow enhanced his memory, giving him a very sensitive and retentive memory, he could still clearly remember the car plate numbers of every car that had entered the orphanage building since he was there.

When Green entered the bus, he felt a weird chill run down his spine, the bus was almost full with his fellow first years that would be attending the school with him but he was surprised that on first glance, most of them looked pretty normal to him but he couldn't help but notice that at least two people inside there had that special aura around them, one was faint yellow while the other was mid red.

'What was I thinking? Did I think that I'd see other green haired anomalies like me? Don't be stupid, it's a school for social rejects and not abnormal people'

He chided himself as he walked to the back of the bus and placed his bag on his lap as he sat down on a free seat beside the window.

He could see the huge building of the orphanage, with long steps that ran up to the huge front double doors and wide columns that held the roof placed on top of the steps as if it was a federal court building. The building was built with red bricks so they didn't need to paint it and though it was an old building, it was cared for properly that one would think that the building wasn't more than 50 years which it was! But even with it's impressive architecture, the place had been hell for Green, he was so elated that he would be leaving the place.

'Finally, I'm leaving this place and I'll never come back. Never!'

He didn't feel even the slightest twinge of regret at the thought of leaving the place he had called home, rather a smile even played it's way across his lips. The school was a boarding school that would accommodate it's students for the three years that they would spend there. During those three years, the students are prohibited from leaving the school premises unless they are given permission, he would get another chance to live a normal life there, he just hoped that no one would discriminate against him there.

"Hi there"

A male voice behind him jolted him back to reality, he turned to the person that called him, a Caucasian blonde male that was roughly the same height and size with him.

Green wanted to reply but the words hung in his throat, he was surprised because this was the first time that someone talked to him first, even with his abnormal physical attributes.

The boy noticed that Green was choking on his words so he offered his hand for a handshake with a smile

"I'm Ryan"

Green looked at the hand for some time, he was stupefied, he never believed that someone would treat him like a normal human being in his entire life. He was about to raise his own hand for the handshake when the red haired girl beside Ryan pulled Ryan's hand away and said

"He's such a rude guy Ryan, just let him be"

Ryan didn't raise his hand for a handshake again but he still had that friendly smile on his face. Green slowly faced forward while thinking

'What was that about?'

When he looked out of the bus' window again, he noticed that the two dorm masters were talking to each other as they looked at the bus. The bus shuddered softly, indicating that the driver had started the engine, then as quietly as it came, it exited the premises. With narrowed eyes, Green continued staring at the two men that stood in the distance watching as the bus left, he kept on staring as they became smaller and smaller till they finally disappeared from sight. He heaved a sigh of relief and sat properly, intense excitement was boiling in his guts, he was finally on his way to high school.

"Finally, he's out of our hair"

The fat man said to the other

"Yes... Yes indeed. What a little devil he was"

The lanky man replied

"Those weird eyes of his give me nightmares, what a scary child"

"No wonder his parents abandoned him. Who would want to live with such an unfortunate child. I feel for them"

"Ha ha ha, the ones I actually feel for are the ones at the school he's going to. They're going to lose their minds from it"

The fat man laughed and his whole body shook with him as if he was a balloon filled with water.

"Quite unfortunate"

The lanky man said and twirled his moustache as he watched the bus disappear from sight.