3 Orientation

OBSIDIAN CITY, Western Federation.

Wilhelm Stubbe's High School for the Social Rejects

After spending almost five hours on the road while picking other first years, the bus finally pulled up at the Wilhelm Stubbe's high school for the social rejects.

As the bus approached the school, Green couldn't help but open his mouth in amazement at the impressive architectural prowess displayed in the school's buildings.

'Why would a school for social rejects have these kinds of impressive buildings while the other regular high schools would just have few buildings. This Wilhelm Stubbe of a man must be really wealthy!'

Green thought

When the bus arrived at the gate, the bus driver waved to the security man and he opened the gate for the bus to drive in, the ride from the gate to the school's auditorium was almost ten minutes! The school premises was large.

The students alighted at the auditorium because they would be given some orientation before going to their dorms. The auditorium was a very huge circular building that had a 5000-people capacity. Green was still gushing over the size when he saw how spotless the interior of the building was. His head almost blew due to how impressed he was. The seats were arranged in a circular fashion so there was a stage at the center of the auditorium.

There were three people sitting at the stage, two men and one woman. The man in the middle looked like an actor with his expensive looking suit and chiseled body, the man on his left looked like a scientist with his nerdy eye glasses and a white lab coat and finally, the beautiful lady on his right looked like a TV model with her short skirts that showed off her smooth and long legs and a short sleeved top that showed too much of her cleavage. The three of them looked formidable as they shuffled the papers on the table that was placed before them.

"Welcome dear students to the Wilhelm Stubbe's high school for social rejects. It is my pleasure to have you all here today, please take your seats"

The man in the middle said as the students walked in and took their seats.

The auditorium was now as silent as a graveyard, Green was quite sure that if someone dropped a pin on the ground, everyone would hear it because the only sound that could be heard was the rustling of the papers that the people at the stage held.

After sometime, the man at the center spoke up.

"Welcome once again dear students to this prestigious school, it will be imperative for you to know that our founder, Wilhelm Stubbe was once a social reject, having faced discrimination in this wicked world of ours, he decided to start a high school for the social rejects, a free and fair school for those of us that are different from the regular humans..."

'Us? Does he mean that he too is a social reject? He looks pretty normal to me though'

Green said in his thoughts as the man spoke

"My name is Master Baron Bailey and I'm the general overseer for all the new first years..."

He paused

If it was a normal high school, students would have started clapping after hearing his name but this wasn't a normal high school because the students just sat quietly, staring blankly at him.

'As expected'

He thought before continuing

"On my left side here is Doctor Gary Garrick, the school's medical and mechanical doctor.."

Doctor Gary simply closed his eyes for a brief moment and pushed his glasses to his eyes with his index finger.

"On my right side here is Ms Iris Shayne, a teacher..."

Ms Iris flashed a beautiful smile and waved to the students.

"We three are responsible for every matter concerning the welfare of the first years, feel free to meet us whenever you need help in school..."

He looked down and picked up a file.

"I'm sure that you have all read the school's prospectus containing the rules and regulations and I hope you all keep to those rules because though we are a very generous and benevolent school, we are quite ruthless when you disobey us. For those that didn't read it well, you just have to know that though we can forgive many things, we cannot forgive trespassing. For the three years that you will spend here, no student is allowed to trespass beyond these walls unless given permission directly from the management... I hope I'm clear?"

He said firmly

"Yes master Baron Bailey"

"Yes master Baron"

"Yes master Bailey"

"Yes master"

"Yes Baron Bailey"

Different responses came from different corners of the auditorium making the whole place become as noisy as a beehive. Baron took a deep breath before telling them

"Call me master Baron.."

Green could see a slight frown on Doctor Gary's face.

"Yes master Baron"

They all chorused

"That's better"

Baron said before proceeding to continue his address

"Everything that you will need to live a normal life will be provided in the school, there are malls, recreation areas, religious areas, name it. But you will also learn the art of financial prudence because not everything will be provided for you and you will have to earn the currency that will be used in purchasing some of these necessities. The currency is called 'Stub', Stubs can be earned by active participation in academic activities like asking and answering questions in class, participating and excelling in extra curricular activities and completing hidden quests but for now, all first year students are given 100 stubs as a welcome gift..."

'Hidden quests?'

This was the first thought that came to Green's head

As if Baron knew what they were thinking, he quickly added

"Hidden quests as the name implies, are hidden quests, you will not know what they are or what to do to get them. That information is exclusive to the school management...

In this school, you will be provided with an identity watch, a watch that will show your name, class, and other personal information that was provided to the school. The watch also serves as a wallet because the number of stubs you have will be recorded in this watch, it can be used for giving and receiving stubs. Finally, the watch has a map of the school premises, in case you get lost, you can always find your way back with your watch. Tomorrow, you will be shown your classrooms and other school buildings but for now, I suggest you all go back and rest in your dorms for tomorrow's orientation."

As Baron finished speaking, a male student's hand shot up among the students.


Baron said, prompting the student to stand up and ask his question

"When are we getting our identity cards?"

"Good question, standing at the doors are the school workers, you just have to wear the watch and it will scan the wearer and bring up your information and stub balance."

Baron replied

"Any other question?"

No one stirred, so he said

"You are dismissed"

Green joined the line of students exiting the auditorium, he knew that he would love it here, throughout his whole life, this was the only place that he could stand comfortably without people staring at him or commenting about how unfortunate he was for his physical attributes.

When it was finally his turn to exit the building, the school's workers gave him an empty black watch.

'How do they expect us to always read things from this little watch? It's so tiny'

Green complained in his thoughts

He strapped the watch to his left wrist, it made a soft whirring sound and he felt some warmth on his left wrist. Immediately, a little hologram came out of the watch, it read

Student Name: Green

Student ID-Room Number: 707120-042

Class: Year 1-A

Dormitory: White Lion House

Balance: 100 stubs

'Ohh, impressive. A hologram, I won't need to stress my eyes to read from the tiny screen then.'

He thought as he read the contents of the hologram. According to the watch, his dorm room was at White Lion House so he set out to find it with the help of the map on his identity watch.