4 Tenebris vs Jack

The soft wind caressed his ugly scarred face as he came out of a silvery blue portal that was shimmering in the air, a thousand feet away from the ground.

"The 7220th realm to destroy in search of Regie's power... What a pain, why on Ouranios did she have to send it away? Giving it to me then would have made things much easier for....wait what?"

Tenebris interjected in shock as he saw the form that Karma gave him in this realm.

Karma is the guardian of the realms, it prevents mass destruction of realms by reducing the power of strong beings whenever they enter lower realms by giving them weaker forms of their original selfs.

Tenebris was quite annoyed when he realized that he was no longer 12 feet tall but rather he was now a measly 5'10, even his muscular body that he had honed to perfection throughout the years was now as normal as that of an average man.

"What's the meaning of this? Karmaaa!!?"

Tenebris screamed as he looked at the weak body that Karma gave him in the human realm.

'Wait a minute, I have to check whether it tampered with my powers too'

Tenebris thought and summoned a ball of fire on his right palm. With the flick of a finger, the flame ball flew forward with extraordinary speed and vanished in the distance.

'Well, it didn't mess with it much'

He fumed

"So, now to find my first target"

He said and spread a huge wave of blue energy from his body.

Tenebris always killed the strongest person in every realm that he entered so that he wouldn't have any distractions in his search for the power.

In that same moment, a smile appeared on his face and he said

"Found you"


Rising Stars Magic Academy

FLAKE CITY, Northern Federation.

"We have acquired the fifth seal master"

A young servant reported as he bowed to his master.

"Is it a blessed seal or a cursed seal?"

Jack asked

"A blessed seal sir"

"Good, good. Bring it here"

Jack said and the servant gave him a parchment that was wrapped into a scroll

"You can leave now"

"Yes sir"

The servant bowed again and left Jack's office.

'Kekekeke now I have the fifth seal, safe and sound'

Jack thought as the scroll that was placed in his palm vanished away into his spatial storage.

He smiled to himself and turned around on his swiveling chair to look around his office. A huge square room that was tastefully furnished with a full wall window that gave him a perfect view of the snowy city, on the clean white walls were pictures of great men and pictures of awards, the white tiles on the floor were so clean and spotless that one could actually eat from the floor. His table was positioned close to the back wall of the office and there was a stocked bookshelf behind the chair where he sat. On his table was a computer system, some books that were neatly stacked on top of each other and a name pennon that read,

Jack Snow, Principal.


He was still admiring his office when he heard the sound of a loud explosion, he slowly looked at the red words that were blinking on the computer system.


'Hmm, interesting'

Jack said with a smile as he read it


Standing a few metres from the academy, Tenebris smiled maniacally as he began to form a ball of fire in his right palm.

'Instead of going inside to find him, I can just end this in one strike'

When the ball of fire was as big as the tyre of an airplane, Tenebris' smile became wider, the huge ball of fire floated majestically in the air, with it's hot bright red flames licking around it and dissolving the snow flakes that fell around it.

'I think that's enough'

With that thought, Tenebris shot the huge fireball and the smile on his face quickly disappeared as it struck an invisible shield that sent blue and red ripples on the air after the impact.

"Huh? What is this?"

Tenebris couldn't help but think aloud as his flame ball disappeared after the impact. He had expected to see a burning building but to his utmost dismay, the building still sat there, enchanting, almost as if it was begging him to destroy it.

He felt his rage swell in his body and he was about to form another fireball when he saw an old man with black hair walking slowly towards him. There wasn't even the slightest aura of magic energy on him as he tottered on, he looked like a weak, normal, old human.

'Who the hell is this?'

Tenebris thought as Jack approached him and stopped walking when he was just a few metres away from him.

"Welcome to Rising stars Magic Academy, how may I help you sir?"

Jack asked with a smile, Tenebris narrowed his eyes in annoyance as he felt the sarcasm and mockery dripping in Jack's tone.


Tenebris said and shot out a blast of fire from his right hand, the blast flew straight to Jack and exploded.

When the smoke cleared, Jack was still standing unhurt but his clothes were tattered and torn.

"What..? Who are you?"

Tenebris was taken aback as he saw that the old man took his attack head-on and was still standing there as if nothing happened, even the most powerful beings in other realms couldn't stand a fraction of his power but this old man just stood there acting as if facing Tenebris would be like a walk in the park.

'Karma.. karma... Why did you make me so weak in this realm? Now sh!theads are acting cocky'

He bemoaned in his mind

"Wow... That was a pretty strong attack, you're not from around here, are you?"

Jack asked with the derisive smile still on his face

"You're calling that pretty strong huh? I didn't even use half of my power"

Tenebris said and raised his left hand up, the snow on the ground began to float in the air and turn into ice spears.

'Hmm... Dual element control, this guy is no joke. I better get serious or else he might actually injure me'

Jack thought as his face began to change shape and his height increased.

Standing now at 6'0 with black hair and a young and smooth handsome face, his magic aura now surfaced, his power seemed to be over the moon because his aura had a thick white color. He looked back at Tenebris and said

"Now let's get serious"

"Ooh.. You've been hiding your true form huh? That won't matter anymore though, you'll be dead soon"

Tenebris said and the ice spears flew towards Jack.

'Damn! These ice spears are dangerous, it won't be good if someone gets hit by a stray blast from this battle and by the way, I don't know how strong he is since one of his blasts was able to reduce my barrier to less than it's half life..'

Jack thought

Jack deftly dodged all of them as he came close to Tenebris then said

[Battle Arena: Land of Snow]

Tenebris was surprised when the environment around them changed, he felt as if he was being transported into a pocket dimension. The feeling was short lived because now, he was standing alone with Jack in a wide expanse of snowy land with no buildings or people around.

The magic energy that he was getting from the place was different so Tenebris automatically knew that they were in a pocket dimension.

"Where is this?"

He asked


Jack said with his hands wide open as if he was showing off his battle Arena

"...is my battle arena. A battle arena is a special pocket dimension that is unique to every mage. It exists in it's own space as it cannot be found on the physical realm of earth, that is to say that technically, we are no longer on Earth but in a space created by me"

"I see... So do you actually think that you can defeat me by bringing me here?"

"I have confidence in my power"

Jack said, he now had a serious expression on his face

Tenebris frowned softly, he knew that Jack was strong, but not as strong as he was but the way he was establishing dominance in a cool way made it very annoying, it reminded him of Rex.

"I will crush you!!"

With extraordinary speed, both of them lunged head on into battle.