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5 What Next?

OBSIDIAN CITY, Western Federation.

Wilhelm Stubbe's High School for the Social Rejects

It was night already, the moon had already risen high in the night sky and it's subordinates, the stars shone brightly with it.

Green breathed a sigh of contentment, he was happy that he would be able to watch the sky here but he was happier that his first day at the school ended well.

After he had found his dormitory, the White Lion House, he proceeded to find his room, according to his watch, the numbers after the hyphen was the room number so he quickly found the room number in one of the House passages.

The White House dormitory house was a male dormitory, it was a two storey building that contained students from the three years of the school, third years stayed on the ground floor, second years stayed on the middle floor while the first years stayed on the third floor, which was the highest floor.

Initially, Green wasn't aware of this and went to Room 042 of the ground floor only to receive the shock of his life as he saw a male student kissing and caressing a shirtless female student, the female student yelped in embarrassment as she quickly grabbed the closest cloth beside her to cover her breasts.


Green quickly said and shut the door as his cheeks instantly flushed scarlet.

He became confused and began to aimlessly walk around till a male senior met him loitering about

"Hey! Why aren't you in your room?"

"I'm sorry but I can't seem to find my room, I went to my room number on the ground floor but I saw some...body inside"

He hadn't still gotten over the embarrassment of earlier

"Ohh..are you a freshman?"

The senior, who was taller than him bent down to look at his face


Green answered with his head bent

"Go to the first floor, it's the floor for first years, you'll find your room there"

A bright smile appeared across Green's face and he hurriedly thanked the senior and dashed away to his room while thinking.

'I don't know whether this is a good thing but this is the first time that I'm talking to someone and the person doesn't comment on my features'

He was so relieved when he arrived and saw that his room was empty, there was a key on the inside, he figured that it was the room key. After entering inside and locking the door behind him, he took in the sight of the wonderful room. Plain white walls with a single white paper pasted on it which was the rules and regulations of the school, at the top corner of the wall was a CCTV camera and a small speaker beside it, there was a bed with white sheets and a white cupboard that contained living necessities like toothbrushes, bathing soaps and stuff.

"Wow wow!"

Green couldn't help but exclaim aloud like a siren

"Even after giving us free stubs, they still gave us some free stuff. This school is so amazing!"

The bathroom was neat too, Green couldn't help but squirm in happiness and excitement at the prospect of having a single room to himself, something that would have been impossible even if he lived a thousand years in the orphanage.

In the evening around 8:00pm, an announcement rang in his room addressing all students to head to the refectory for their dinner. With the help of the map on his watch, Green was able to find the refectory and take his meal, he wasn't surprised to find out that the meal at school had more quality and quantity than that of the orphanage. He felt that the school was too benevolent to students who weren't paying a dime to be there.

Finally, after dinner, they were given a free hour before lights out and that was when he decided to spend that free hour by looking at the stars.

The soft breeze blew softly on his face as he leaned on the railings on the roof of the building, looking at the stars that adorned the night sky.

'Now that I think about it, I do not have any ambition in life, all I ever wanted was to leave the orphanage and now that I have done that, what next?'

Green thought

'Well, I hope this school will answer that question for me. For now, I have to enjoy my stay..."

Since the school premises was so large, some parts of the school were left undeveloped so some bushes and short trees grew there thereby attracting some wild animals, the students began to call such areas the 'woods' and the school management had to barricade the areas of the woods to prevent wild animals from escaping and attacking the students.

His thoughts was interrupted as he saw a slit in the sky and two figures fell out of it into the woods behind the building with a loud crash.

"What the hell is that?"


"That man is a beast! How? How? How did he manage to break my battle arena?"

Jack asked himself, there was a gash on his forehead, his clothes were soaked in his blood and his nose was bleeding.

'His movements were so fast and unpredictable, I felt like I was battling with an otherworldly being. If someone as strong as he is existed on this Earth, I would've found out by now, wouldn't I? Or could it be that he's affiliated with the fraternity?...

Ah...man, there are so many questions surrounding his existence, I have to go back to the academy and do some research but first, I have to treat these wounds, for some reason, my body isn't regenerating from his attacks'

"but wait a minute... Where is he?"

He looked around and all he could see was trees, Tenebris was nowhere to be found, he seemed to have escaped as soon as they fell out of the battle arena.

The battle arena doesn't exist on Earth, it exists in a pocket dimension created by it's user but if it is forcefully broken from the inside, it will open on any random place in the world so because of that reason, Tenebris and Jack landed in the Western federation, precisely in Wilhelm Stubbe's high school for the social rejects.

'There's a building there, I better get some first aid treatment'

Jack thought and used his magic to teleport himself into the building.


Green watched in surprise as two figures fell out of the crack that suddenly appeared in the sky, due to his special eyes, he was able to tell that those two weren't your regular humans. Looking closely, he realized that they had thick colorful auras around them, thicker than any he had seen in his entire life.

He continued watching as one of them teleported away as soon as they hit the floor.

"What the hell..."

This was the first time that Green had seen someone vanish into thin air.

The other one sat there for some time muttering to himself and once again, right before Green's eyes, he disappeared into thin air. Green rubbed his eyes vigorously while thinking

'Am I in a dream? Or did I drink alcohol? Maybe I need some sleep because what I just saw here makes absolutely no sense. Imagine telling someone that you saw two men fall out of the sky and both of them vanished into thin air shortly after.... People will think I'm crazy..haha, maybe I'm imagining it.. yes, that's right. This whole thing was just my imagination...'

To avoid seeing more weird things, he decided to go back to his room and sleep but on his way back, he passed a door and paused in his tracks as he felt an intense aura from it.


'What the hell is that?!'

He thought

'I just felt something from behind this door...

No, no, it can't be right? It's just my imagination..'

He was about to turn and leave when he felt it again

'No, this can't be my imagination... Something is definitely behind that door'

He looked at it once again, a white door that had the word, 'Janitorial' boldly written on the face, after taking a deep breath, he held the handle and opened the door.


'Kekeke that guy.... That guy was strong! He didn't even die after taking on some of my magic attacks, this realm is proving to be more interesting than I thought...

But... My body is weak, if I had stayed there any longer, I would have incurred some irreparable damage, for now, I just have to recover and face him again on a later date when I'm stronger.... F*ck Karma'

Tenebris thought as he walked with his head bent to the school's main gate.

"Stop there you! Show your face!"

The security man shouted at him and pointed his bright torchlight at him.

"What a pain"

Tenebris muttered, his head still bent

"What did you say? I said show your face!"

The security man said and walked up to him

"Open the gates"

Tenebris said and raised his face to look at the security man, releasing a tremendous amount of aura and killing intent

The security man was paralysed from the intense pressure that he felt and was shocked to see a very scarred and ugly face

"Y..you..how did you get in here?"

He was about to alert the other guards when he felt Tenebris' voice in his head, though it was rough and coarse, it sounded soothing and relaxing, the longer he stood listening to it, the more he lost control of his freewill.

"Open. The. Gates. Now"

Tenebris repeated

"Yes... Master"

The hypnotized security guard led Tenebris to the gates and opened them for him.

As he walked out, he thought to himself

'For some reason, I felt that killing that guy back then would have caused some problems so I just let him be, maybe someday he'll appreciate me for sparing his life. hehe. For now, I just have to focus on recovering my power to defeat that cocky fool and finding Regina's Power"