WebNovelGod Mage23.40%

11 Year 1-A

After breakfast at the refectory that morning, Green headed for his class, Year 1-A, when he arrived, he realized were already a few students in the class that were talking to each other, he paused for a while as he scanned the classroom for a suitable position where he would sit. After a few seconds, he found one that was close to the window and sat there, the students that were already in the class didn't even notice him when he walked in because he walked in quietly and sat down.

His quiet cover was blown when Ryan burst loudly into the classroom

"Green my man! How are you?! I didn't see you at the refectory today"

'But I did.... You were with the redhead'

Green said in his thoughts

"Oh... Is that so?"

He said with a forced chuckle,

"I'll be sitting here, right next to you"

Ryan said with a smile and sat down on the empty seat beside Green.

"Oh okay, no problem then"

Green said, he didn't really care whether he sat there or not

"So... You're excited right? Today's our official first day in high school"

Ryan chattered excitedly

"Yeah, I guess"

Green wasn't really excited about going to high school, his goal had been to leave the orphanage and now that he was finally out, he didn't know what else to focus on. Getting good grades or being popular just felt too cliché and stressful to him so he was quite apathetic for the meantime.

"You don't sound like it"

Ryan said as he looked at Green from the corner of his eye.

Suddenly, Ryan's red haired friend walked into the classroom


'Jeez... She's in this class too??!'

For some reason that he didn't know, Green was quite scared of her.

"Oh boy, I'm so busted"

Ryan muttered under his breath as she yelled his name,

"Ryan! How many times have I told you to not leave me in the refectory!"

She said angrily as she walked up to him,


He muttered while looking away in embarrassment,

"Eh? What did you say? And why are you sitting with this rude kid? Get out of there"

She dragged him out of the seat and pulled him to the other side of the class where they sat together,

'Who's she calling a kid?...'

Green thought as she scolded Ryan without an ounce of mercy on the boys poor soul.

The students were talking to each other and walking around, it was then that Green saw the actual 'social rejects', it seemed that this school was the hub of weirdos because there were students that had an eye on their forehead, extra fingers, snake-like tongues, frog-like tongues and many more, any normal human being would freak out or go into shock if the person spends a minute in that classroom.

The sight of the socially rejected students talking freely to each other looked quite ironical to Green because he imagined that if this was a normal school, they would all stay quiet and keep to themselves to avoid insults and discrimination from the normal students.

'It's a cruel society that we live in'

Green thought

He was deep in his thoughts as he observed the students that he didn't notice when a short black haired girl that was wearing red rimmed glasses stood in front of the empty desk beside him.

"Is this seat taken?"

Her voice was so soft and low that Green didn't hear what she said the first time, he was so engrossed in the students before him

"Is this seat taken?"

She said with a louder voice that still sounded soft but Green heard it and turned,


"Mind if I sit here?"

Her voice relapsed to the low tone.

"Sorry? What did you say?"

Green said and shifted his head forward so that he could hear her properly, the class was noisy because a lot of people were talking at once.

"Mind if I sit here?"

She repeated,

"Oh, suit yourself"

He said and turned away.


She muttered and placed her bag on the desk before taking her seat.

Green took another look at her from his peripheral vision and noticed that though she looked nerdy because of the glasses, she was beautiful, she could even contend with Ryan's friend in terms of beauty. Her long black hair was tied in a bun and her snow white skin contrasted beautifully with her teal eyes and she had pink shapely lips that looked very soft.

The only evident flaw that Green could see on her was that she was short, so short that if he hadn't seen her in the high school class, he would think that she was a middle school student.

'I wonder what would make her attend this school. Could her height be her own flaw? That can't be possible right? I guess I just have to wait and see...'

Green thought,

But apart from her short height, her behavior was very mature, she sat calmly with her smooth hands placed on top of her desk, and her eyes carried the maturity of an adult, Green couldn't help but be oppressed by her maturity, he felt like a child beside her even though she was the shorter one.

The noise in the class stopped abruptly as the teacher stepped into the class, everyone recognized the teacher immediately, it was Ms Iris Shayne, one of the teachers that organized their orientation.

"Good morning students"

She greeted with a cheery smile

"Good morning Ms Iris Shayne"

"Good morning Ms Iris"

"Good morning Ms Shayne"

"Good morning ma"

They chorused different replies and the room became noisy for a while but her reaction to their rowdiness surprised many of them and they kept quiet immediately, she just chuckled sweetly and said

"You kids are so cute"

Green looked around and saw some of his classmates blushing brightly with red cheeks, he was quite confused,

'Why would they blush because of a simple remark?.... Weird'

"Just call me Ms Shayne, sweethearts"

She added

"Good morning Ms Shayne"

"Good... I will be your homeroom teacher for your first year in this school, that means that I will be in charge of everything concerning this class, so if you have any report or whatsoever about anything and anyone, feel free to meet me privately..."

She enunciated the last word with a lilt and licked her lips coquettishly.

Green gulped,

'Something is terribly wrong with this woman'

As she continued talking about first days and protocols, something caught Green's eye by the corner, it was that special aura that he could see but this one was something he had never seen before, it had one color but was neatly divided into two shades, the right side was light red while the left side was dark red, it was then that he realized that he had seen that aura in the bus the day he left the orphanage but he was too distracted to notice the color shades.

Looking down at the person that bore the aura, he saw a boy that looked not more than 16 years old with black eyes and spiky black hair that hung over his face as bangs. He seemed to be uninterested in the teacher's address as he was busy fiddling with something on his desk with a bored expression on his face, he looked like the sort of student that would have be complete apathetic towards school activities. The boy seemed to notice that someone was watching him and he turned to look in Green's direction but Green noticed and quickly averted his gaze making it seem like he wasn't watching at all.

'Damn.... That was close'


Dark clouds covered the sky as if it wanted to rain and crows could be seen circling around in the sky. The environment gave off a gloomy vibe that made it seem like it was mourning the poor innocent souls who died in Sodom City. The caws of the crows sounded like a dirge to the ears of a haggard looking man who stood at the shore of Obsidian City, watching the damage that had been done to Sodom City by the tsunami that had occured earlier.

The man had thick, black bushy hair that looked like it hadn't been cut in years and there were scars all over his thick, muscular arms that poked out of the sides of his black tattered coat, he held a small radio to his head as the newscaster gave her report,

"...Over 300,000 people have been killed as a mysterious tsunami razed Sodom City, the causes remain unknown as many factions have produced various explanations, the religious faction claims that it is the end of the world, the scientific faction claims that it was caused by the aftermath of the earthquake that occured in the area some years ago while the occultic faction claims that the tsunami has mysterious reasons. However, none of these rumors have been confirmed as the government researchers are still trying their best to discern the reason behind the sudden, mysterious tsunami. According to the last report from the rescue team sent into the city, no survivor has been found yet as they continue to search diligently, this is Dana, reporting from Obsidian City, Channel 2"


The radio that he held in his hand went off as he pressed the switch.

"I know of only one reason that can make a tsunami out of nowhere"

He bent down and picked a golden colored cigarette stick.
