WebNovelGod Mage25.53%

12 Super DID

The first three classes before recess was exciting for Green because he got to learn about new things so he was a bit disappointed when the bell for recess rang.

"Alright now, you can now go to the cafeteria for your recess, we'll continue in our next..."

She had barely finished speaking when the students stood up and began to leave the class in ones and twos, the first duo to leave was Ryan and his friend.


She finished her statement to only Green and a few other students who were still seated in the class.

Green took a deep breath before leaving the class, a few seconds after the bell rang. He walked to the cafeteria and met a jaw dropping sight. The cafeteria was chock full with varieties of food and snacks from different places and cultures. He salivated as the enzymes in his stomach jumped in joy at the sight of the sumptuous meals that were been served, he quickly grabbed a tray and entered the queue behind his fellow students.

This joy and surprise was cut short when he arrived at the counter and saw the price tag of the meals there, he almost screamed out in disappointment. None of the exotic meals were less than 20 stubs,

'Outrageous! Outrageous! Of everything in this school, why is food so damn expensive!!'

He thought as his eyes scanned the menu for a cheaper meal. Green wasn't an extravagant person and he knew that it wasn't a good idea to spend all his stubs on the first week of school. If someone buys even the least of these exotic meals for the five school days in the week, that would be 100 stubs down the drain and no one knows when or how they would be given more stubs so they would have to make do with a hundred of it for the meantime.

Green had chosen a simple lunch meal of bread and vegetables and sat at a corner of the cafeteria where he sat to eat quietly. That was when he noticed that a group of male students had all sorts of exotic meals on their desks and they talked loudly while eating it.

'But seeing the type of sumptuous meals on the table of those guys, it seems that they may have found a way to earn stubs'


Ryan said and sat opposite him without an invitation, he seemed to have bought an exotic meal because the food on his plate made Green's food look like trash.


Green replied

"Sorry about earlier, my friend can be a pain in the *ss sometimes"

Ryan said, apologizing about how his friend dragged him away from Green in the class.

"I understand, but why does she treat you like that? You're a guy, you know?"

Green said softly as he gently munched on his lunch

"Ah man, it's complicated"

Ryan said as he began to dig into his own meal with gusto,

Green didn't say more, he had just gotten to know Ryan so he figured that there was no need to try to press information out of him.

Ryan noticed the silence and started,

"Samantha and I have been friends since childhood"


"Yes, my red headed friend"

Ryan said with a smile,

"You see, back then, I was a delinquent and no one liked me or wanted to be friends with me, even my parents always threatened to disown me over every little matter, at some point, they gave birth to more children and stopped taking care of me, the only link I had with them was that I lived in their house. Nobody could understand me and what was going on till Sam came around..."

Ryan's hazel brown eyes sparkled in nostalgia as he spoke,

"Wait.. wait a minute... Why didn't people like you? I mean... You seem like a nice guy"

Green couldn't help but interrupt Ryan's story.

"I may be a nice guy now but I wasn't always like this. Do you know why I'm a social reject?"

Ryan leaned forward as if he wanted to tell a secret,


"I'm a super Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), I have two personalities"

He whispered


Green almost choked as he heard it, he quickly drank a glass of water to clear his throat before asking

"What did you say?"

"You heard me right bro but mine is different from the normal DID's, my other personality has superhuman strength, speed and reflxes. I couldn't even control my body back then because any of us could take over my body so he used that as a chance to wreak havoc and cause chaos. Everyone despised me because of my disorder until I met Sam, who was also a super DID, she was the one who taught me how to control my body and shut my other person away, she saved me..."

Ryan explained, there was admiration in his voice,

"So... If you both can control your 'other selves', why did you come to this school?"

Green asked out of curiosity,

"No matter what we do, we can't completely 'control' our other selves, they can take over in moments where we temporarily lose control of our bodies like when we lose consciousness or when we're distressed or when we're in pain... Things like that can make us lose control"

"Oh, so she decided to bring you to a place where things like that would be properly taken care of"


Ryan said and returned to his meal

"She's really nice, you just have to see past her bossy attitude"


Green trailed off and paused for a moment while looking at Ryan

"...so why are you telling me about your social defect? We haven't known each other for that long"

Ryan put down his spoon with a smile then said,

"I'm telling you because I trust you, from the first time I saw you I knew that we were very much alike, people hate and despise us, but we still stand strong, we face every day with a courage that we never knew we possessed. I'm telling you this because I know that someday, we're gonna be best of friends.."

'Woah, that was deep'

Green thought as he stared speechlessly at the blonde haired student that was smiling sheepishly at him.

"I also know that you won't tell anyone about I and Sam's social defects"

Ryan said, there was now a serious tone to it,

"Like I have anyone to tell it to"

Green chuckled sadly,

"That's good, because if you do, he will kill you"


"You know who"

Green's face went white in fear as he realized who Ryan was talking about,

"Hahaha.... Stop being a scaredy cat, I'm just joking"

Ryan teased


Green breathed a sigh of relief outwardly but inside him, he knew that staying with someone who had another personality that could harm you was a very dangerous thing.

"It seems he even likes you"

Ryan said

"How do you know?"

Green asked curiously

"Remember when we met those seniors after the orientation?"


"I wasn't the one who fought those seniors, he was the one, and back then, for a moment, I think he felt a sort of kinship with you but well.... That was just a fleeting feeling of course, I'm not sure whether..."


The bell for the end of recess rang loudly disrupting their meal.

"Oh man, that was pretty short"

Ryan said and returned to his food, totally abandoning his previous statement,

"We've got to head back to cla..."


The familiar female voice yelled his name and he shuddered in fear.

"Oh boy... I'm so screwed"