WebNovelGod Mage29.79%

14 Wilhelm Stubbe vs Robert Allen

Jack's office was a small room with a desk, computer and chair for visitors. He sat at his chair while Green sat opposite him, on the chair for visitors.

"So first things first.... My name isn't Mr Mage, it's Mr Jack and I'll be your math teacher from now on"

"But how did you do it?"

Green asked curiously,

"Haha, I have my methods. What's your name?"

"I'm Green"

Green replied casually,

"Green huh? It resonates quite well with you though"

Jack said and sized him up,

"So, I know I don't need to tell you but you are quite a special child"


Green stifled a chuckle,

"Don't pull my legs sir, everybody knows that I'm a good for nothing green haired freak"


Jack began to laugh uncontrollably,

"What's funny?"

"Even with your special eyes, you can't even detect your own gift, what a pity"

Jack said mockingly

"What are you talking about? Which gift?"

Green asked,


Jack didn't say anything rather he removed the black bracelet on his wrist, thereby revealing his aura, Green was amazed.

All the offices in the school had sensors and surveillance cameras but Jack had tampered with them such that even if he were to use his full power inside his office, the school wouldn't notice.

"Wait a minute"

He said to Green and placed a finger on his head, expecting to feel that great power that he felt the last time but this time, he felt nothing.

'Huh? Something's wrong'

"Are you sure that you're the one that met me in the Janitorial?"

Jack asked skeptically,

"What sort of question is that? Is there any other student with green hair in this school?"

There was a nervous expression on his face as he asked Jack that question,

Even Jack himself was confused, where did all that power go to? Or was he just hallucinating back then as a result of his battle with Tenebris? The kid in front of him looked perfectly normal at that moment, apart from his eyes that could see and sense magic aura, there was nothing more different about him.

'Man...did I just make a mistake here?'

"You know what, Green?"

He started,


"Go back to your dorm, I'll call for you when I've figured this out"

He said,

"Hah! I told you that I wasn't special, you still haven't shown me anything cool yet"

Green said,

"Just go back to your dorm, I'll call for you when I've figured it out"

Jack insisted,

"Figured what out? You're just playing with me right? You think I'm a child right? You know what? Keep your 'cool thing' to yourself, I'll see you in class"

Green barged out of Jack's office.

"Adolescents... So stubborn"

He said as the door banged shut.

'My sense has never failed me before and I strongly believe that something must be wrong somewhere. It's either I made a mistake, or I'm looking at this from the wrong direction'


[Battle Arena: Dark Side]

Wilhelm felt the environment change, the magic energy radiating from Robert's magic arena was at the top of the roof.

Robert's battle arena, Dark Side was a dark forest with only a single crescent moon on the sky that provided light.

"No need for battle arenas Robert, we can talk this out over some bottles at the bar"

Wilhelm said pleadingly to Robert,

"Over some bottles? Some bottles? You want to talk over some bottles when human lives were wasted??"

Robert's voice sounded deep and hollow as if a furnace was burning inside him.

"When did you start caring about human lives Rob?"

Wilhelm said and took a step back as Robert took one step towards him.

"Look, let's not do this, we can talk this over, there's no need to fight"

Wilhelm said while moving back,


Robert just walked towards him slowly with intense murderous intent in his eyes.

'Man I don't wanna do this but at this rate, I have no choice'

Wilhelm thought,

Wilhem Stubbe was a member of the Stubbe family, a family that bore the werewolf curse in their generation. When Wilhelm was still a baby, a tiger had attacked their village and his father had to transform into a wolf to fight and defeat it, after the vicious battle with the tiger during which he had sustained various critical injuries.

He returned to the village expecting a grand welcome for saving them but rather they ambushed him and killed him in his weakened form because they said that he was a beast living amongst them.

After killing Wilhelm's father, they proceeded to go and kill Wilhelm who was still a baby at the time but an old man stopped them and convinced them that Wilhelm might not have inherited the father's genes. They accepted the old man's explanation with a pinch of salt and left Wilhelm alone but that did not stop him from being discriminated in the village, even unborn children knew that Wilhelm of the Stubbe family was an animal.

His mother died of heartbreak shortly after his father did so he was left alone to face the wicked and callous world. The werewolf curse normally activates on the first full moon that you experience in your 16th year so on Wilhelm's first full moon after he clocked sixteen, he transformed into a rabid white wolf, one of the strongest wolf breeds in the Stubbe generation. It was his first time to transform and he hadn't had anybody to teach him how to control his bloodlust so he went on a killing spree and killed everybody in the village, not one soul survived that night.

The next morning, he woke up and found himself lying naked by the roadside, when he looked around and realized that everyone in the village was dead, he took some money and ran away to the Western Federation where he vowed to work hard and prevent discrimination against 'special children'.

Wilhelm was a natural prodigy in the business world, he bought lots of landed property and finally managed to build the school of his dreams, a school where children that the society despised would have freedom to exercise their rights....

He yelled out as if he was in pain and hairs began to burst out of his body, his bones shifted and twisted to that of a four legged animal and his normal human dentition was quickly replaced by that of a carnivore, his amber brown eyes changed to pale yellow. In less than one second, Wilhelm was now a 5 feet tall ash-white furry werewolf baring his fangs at Robert.

[Flame Ball]

A huge ball of flames shot out from Robert's outstretched hands towards Wilhelm but he quickly dodged it and countered by covering the distance between him and Robert in one swift leap. With one sharp snap of his jaws, he had Robert between his teeth but he quickly realized that something was wrong, it wasn't Robert that he held in his teeth rather, it was a log of wood.

Inside a battle arena, the caster has the ability to substitute himself with any object inside it and that was what Robert did.

Wilhelm turned with a vicious snarl and jumped again to bite Robert but Robert sailed into the air and said

[Spear of Darkness]

A long spear made of dark energy formed on his hand and he threw it to where Wilhelm stood.

A huge explosion erupted from the impact and smoke filled the air making it difficult for Robert to know whether Wilhelm took the hit or not.

He didn't need to look longer because his eye caught a quick movement amongst the trees below, Wilhelm had dodged the spear.

[Spear of Darkness]

[Spear of Darkness]

[Spear of Darkness]

Robert repeatedly threw the spears as Wilhelm ran wildly through the dark forest while trying to dodge the spears like a mad dog, his werewolf speed was top notch as Robert could only see a faint white blur as Wilhelm ran.

'This is pointless, I probably won't hit you if I continue like this.... I have to bring you within range of my attack'

With this thought, Robert dropped to the ground with his two hands on the floor and said,

[Earth splitter]


The ground of the whole battle arena began to shake as cracks appeared on it. As Wilhelm was trying to avoid the cracks, he didn't see the lightning strike that Robert had shot towards him.

[Lightning Strike]


The strike knocked Wilhelm backwards by a few metres.

Robert still couldn't see properly because of the smoke that his barrage of magic attacks had stirred up. A normal mage would've been exhausted after releasing this amount of spells with such gravity inside a battle arena! The magic consumption was much yet Robert still had more than enough magic power to spare.

The smoke cleared a little and a small smile appeared on Robert's lips as he saw Wilhelm standing on his hind legs with extended claws which he had used to block the strike.

"You're quite durable...I guess you're not a member of the fraternity for nothing"

Robert said,

"Look here Rob, I don't want us to fight, we can settle this without fighting"

Wilhelm's voice sounded deeper in his wolf form.

"No, I want to teach you a lesson first.... Try blocking this"

[Lightning Strike: 25%]


A very bright streak of lightning shot speedily out from Robert's hands.

"Here goes nothing..."

Wilhelm said and raised his claws to block the strike, he couldn't try to run away because the lightning was moving very fast and would hit him before he would move so he decided to block it with his claws.

It was only after the lightning had hit him that he realized that he made a mistake but it was too late to do anything.... He had already lost consciousness.