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15 Announcement


That was all Green could say as he stared at the black and red jacket and trouser that was placed on top of his table.

"This will be your uniforms from now on, you are to wear this for every academic function that will be taking place in this school"

Baron said and left the class with the people who had distributed the uniforms.

The top part of the uniform was a red jacket with the school's badge sewed tight to the breast pocket for males and ditto for females while the lower part was a plain black trouser for males and skirt for females. It just looked too fancy for Green.

'Aish, I can't believe that I'll be wearing this'

Green thought while eyeing the clothes weirdly.

"Do you like them?"

The girl beside Green said in her characteristic low voice.


"Do you like them?"

She asked again with a louder voice,

"Mmm... Not really though, but do I have a choice?"

"Haha right, we don't really have a choice"

She laughed,

Green couldn't help but notice her beautiful gap teeth as she laughed.

"How is it?"

Ryan popped up like an ad in front of Green's desk, he had already worn his uniform.

"Um.. well... It's..."

The truth was that the uniform looked really good on Ryan but before Green was able to finish his statement, Sam cut him off,

"You see what I told you Ryan? Kid can't even think for himself"

She was standing behind Ryan as she spoke.

The boys in the class couldn't help but stare at her voluptuous figure that clung tightly to her uniform, though she was a teenager, he had the sensuos body of a full fledged woman.

"Sam!! Green is a nice guy, just give him a chance"

Ryan pleaded,

"There's no way in hell you're expecting me to be friends with this green haired freak"

She pouted and turned away while trying to drag Ryan away,

"No way in hell that I'm going with you! Give him a chance first"

Ryan stood his ground firmly.

"Are you defying me?"

She turned and looked at him with narrowed eyes,

"N..no hehe"

He chuckled nervously as he followed her,

"Hey Green, I'll catch up with you later"

"She's so domineering"

The girl beside Green said when they had gone out of earshot,


Green said and returned his attention back to his fancy uniform,

"Your name's Green right?"

She asked softly,


He replied without even looking in her direction,

"Mine's Laura"

She said to him,

"Laura Brickfield"

"Nice name"

Green muttered as he continued fiddling with the uniform, a second of silence passed before the gravity of her surname hit him.

"Wait what? You mean Brickfield? As in Martin Brickfield, richest man in the world?"

"Yes, he's my father"

She replied in a low tone with her head hung down,

Green was flabbergasted!

"What on Earth is the daughter of the richest man in the world doing in a school for social defects?"


She laughed sweetly,

"Why else? I'm a social reject"

'What the hell... How would the world react if they knew that Martin Brickfield's daughter is a social reject??'

Surprise was written all over Green's face as he pondered over it.

"But why are you telling me this? Don't you know that this information can cause a scandal if the public finds out"

Green asked,

"The school signed an undertaking, no one would divulge any information about me to members of the public and it's not like the media can waltz into here as they wish"

Laura replied,

"... And if anybody divulges my information, my family will make life miserable for that person"

'Wow... The words of the rich'

Green thought sarcastically but he just said,


Suddenly, every conversation and noise in the class stopped abruptly, when Green looked up, he saw that their homeroom teacher, Ms Shayne had walked in.

Though she was a nice and polite teacher, they still respected her and kept quiet whenever she wanted to address them.

"Hello students"

Iris said as she walked in,

"Hi Ms Shayne"

They chorused,

"There's a new announcement from the management. A games event will be hosted for the first years so that we can determine your physical abilities and know how to handle some of you. It will take place tomorrow in the school's multi purpose stadium"

She reported,

A male student raised his hand up,

"Yes dear, what's your question?"

"Which games are we going to play?"

He stood up and asked,

"You'll find out tomorrow.... Any other questions?"

She said politely as the boy sat down.

Another student raised her hand,

"Won't we get any chance to prepare?"

She smiled before answering,

"You don't need to prepare, it's a one day event, just to determine your physical abilities. It's not a competition"

"Okay Ms Shayne"

The girl said and sat down,

After no one asked any more questions, she left the class and the noise resumed, but this time, everyone was talking about the announcement.


"Argh my head"

Wilhelm said as he woke up bruised and naked on the floor in his office, his head was pounding as if a million drummers were drumming inside it.

"Took you so long to wake up"

A rough voice said behind him,

He jerked in surprise and looked in the direction where the voice came from, someone had rolled the blinds down over the window so the room was quite dark but he didn't need to see the person, he already knew who was there, the man who had just handed his *ss back to him.

"Look Rob, it was an accident, it fell into the wrong hands. I swear it won't happen again"

Wilhelm said and crawled back away from the person sitting on the chair.

"Who's Rob?"

Tenebris said and wheeled around the chair to face Wilhelm who was lying naked on the floor,


Wilhelm stuttered in surprise, he had honestly thought that it was Rob who was sitting there.

"Keep your weak excuses to yourself"

Tenebris sneered,

"I got here as quickly as I could when your minions called me and told me that a man broke into here and vanished into thin air. I assumed that it was that 'battle arena' skill because I don't think he would easily teleport away out of this room so I decided to wait a bit and you suddenly appeared bruised and naked out of thin air on the floor."

"Man... I told you not to destroy that city, now it's causing problems"

Wilhelm complained as he stood up and went to his drawer to get some clothes to cover himself. As he picked the clothes, he saw the damaged door and scowled.

"You never told me anything about any city, worm"

Tenebris argued,

"You know what? Just forget about it, he probably just came to warn me about it. Just try to avoid using that seal carelessly, there are people that could kill you for it"

"Kill me? Pfft! I want to see them try"

Tenebris said as he stood up,

"Well, you're back now so I'll be going back to my suite."

'It seems like this guy has a soft spot, he came for me when they told him about my condition'

Wilhelm thought while smiling weirdly at Tenebris who had stood up,

"Don't get any stupid thoughts, I only came because I can't afford to lose my surest plug at comfort in this realm. And I wouldn't have come if it wasn't for your minions that were bothering me like flies"

He leisurely kicked the damaged door aside as he left to make his exit look cool.


He yelled in his head,

'Why is this door so damn hard? Karma!!'