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16 Physical Ability Test

The multi purpose stadium wasn't just am ordinary stadium, it was a structure with many structures inside it. There were stadiums for soccer, rugby, baseball, lacrosse, and many others inside that one humongous structure!

But the structure that they were brought to was one that they knew nothing about.

The 200 students dressed in black track suits that the school gave them gathered in front of a huge gate with humongous fences that rose up to 50 feet in the air. The teachers had brought them here because this was where the games event would take place.

The students were anxious because they didn't know the contents of the event and none of the teachers had told them anything about it.

'What could be behind this gate? An obstacle course? A survival course? A field and track?'

Green pondered nervously, one could never be too sure in a school like this.

He looked around to observe his classmates, most of them had nervous expressions on their faces while the rest either carried a lackadaisical look or just acted unconcerned.

Ryan and Sam were bickering as usual, they didn't even seem to be bothered about the unknown event.

'I won't blame them, they're super DID's'

He thought,

Laura was quiet as usual with that calm expression in her eyes, she just stared forward without even shifting her gaze.


As Green began to observe more people and their interesting features, he felt some of his nervousness leave his body. Now that all the first year students were gathered, he discovered that there were a total of eight students who had the special aura, and each of them had it's own color but the thickest and most prominent still remained the boy from his class with the half dark red half light red aura.

He was still looking around when a loud buzzing sound permeated the air,

They looked up and saw a huge black capsule with tinted glass floating above there heads.

'They already have this sort of technology? Just how advanced is this school??'

Green thought in awe,


"Is that a UFO?"

"Is it here to attack us?"

The students made various comments as the capsule hovered over their heads for some time before a loud voice spoke out from it.

"Good morning students"

It was Baron's voice,

"Good morning master Baron"

They chorused,

"Today, we'll be testing your physical abilities in this test today..."

He said,

'In this test today?? You're not even planning on telling us the contents of the test??'

Green thought fiercely with a defiant look on his face,

"The aim of this test is to determine your physical abilities so that it'll be documented in your school files. The only goal in this test is to enter this gate and cross the arena to the gate on the other side..."

Baron continued,

'Could it be that easy?'

Green thought to himself,

"One more thing..."


Some students jumped in fright as the huge gates suddenly flung open with a loud noise,

"Try not to get killed"

Baron's last statement sent the students into a panicking frenzy, some of them tried to run away but when they turned back, they saw automated robots with huge scary guns behind them.

"I forgot to tell you..."

Baron's voice now had a hard edge to it,

"There's no going back"

The robots walked towards the students, pushing them forward till they crossed the gates and the gates closed with another loud bang, shutting them inside.

The students became scared and some of the female ones among them began to cry. Green was scared too but losing self control in a situation like this would just make matters worse so he decided to maintain his cool and walk forward with the brave ones.

As he crossed the gate, his watch beeped and a hologram appeared in the air from it,






"What the hell..."

Green muttered as he read the contents of the hologram, the hologram also appeared in front of other students.

'Could this be the quests that Master Baron was talking about? A D+ difficulty, since it's D+, it shouldn't be that hard then..'

Green boosted his ego as he walked in deeper with the students.

The games event arena had an abandoned city setting, there were small buildings that were charred black as if it had been burnt, some burnt cars could also be seen around. The city gave off an eerie vibe that made everybody stay on their toes but as they walked in, they realized that the city was empty...


Inside the Black capsule floating above the test arena,

The interior was very dark but the three people inside it could see each other clearly courtesy of their nocturnal eyes.

"Pathetic things"

Dr Gary started,

"If only sir could let me use them as lab rats for my experiment"

"I couldn't agree more"

Iris added, she had a look of disgust on her face,

"Sometimes, I find it difficult to suppress the urge to kill them, fresh blood like them smells so enticing"


Baron snapped,

"Both of you know too well what sir's going to do to you if you touch even a hair on their bodies right?"

"We've been obedient to him these past years, can't he just give us some free hand?"

Iris muttered under her breath,

"But don't you also feel it? The fresh blood running in their veins, the soft thumping of their premature hearts? Don't you also feel that urge to sink your teeth into their soft skin...?"

Iris recited with a sexy, sinister smile as she brought her face close to his face, licked it and traced an invisible line from his throat down to his chest.

"...We can eat them together you know? I don't mind sharing"

"Get off me whore, orders are orders"

He roughly pushed her aside,


She purred with fake sadness,

"My love, you're always so uptight, loosen up a bit, will you?"

Baron closed his eyes and shook his head gently, he admitted that sometimes, his bloodlust was hard to control when he was around the students but as the head of the administrators, he had to lead by example because if he was found to be related to any harm that was to happen to any of the students in the school, his head and career would end up between Wilhelm's teeth.

"It's starting"

Dr Gary's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, he looked through the screen of the capsule and nodded gently.

"Begin documentation"


'Isn't something weird here? It can't be possible that we'll just walk through this arena to the other gate without any obstacle right?'

Green thought,

'Well... It's not like I want an obstacle but something doesn't feel right, this quest just can't be this easy'

They had been walking for almost half an hour now and they hadn't met any obstacle, it was then that everyone relaxed, the girls who were crying earlier were now chatting freely and laughing as if they were testing their conversation abilities and not their physical abilities.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound,


The students instantly kept quiet,

"What was that?"

Someone asked with a shaky voice,


The sound came again as if it was replying the student,

"Everyone be on your.."

Sam tried to warn everyone but her voice was drowned out by the sound,


The sound seemed to be getting closer and louder with each second,

"Behind us! Look behind us!!"

Someone shouted and they all turned to look....