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17 Physical Ability Test 2

An army of armed robots marched towards them from behind, each step they took together resonated loudly with a loud....


Fear gripped many of them and some tried to run in the opposite direction but stopped in their tracks as they saw another army of armed robots in front of them.

"Whaaat?! When did they get there?"

Someone screamed,

"We're gonna die!! We're gonna die!!" Another person yelled while running around,

The students were panicking so much that most of them didn't notice that their watches had started blinking.

Green, who had been trying so hard to maintain his cool looked at the blinking watch and almost reeled in surprise as a hologram projected out of it,






PRICE: 1500 STUBS - 75 STUBS (Discount price)




(Discount price)



PRICE: 2000 STUBS - 100 STUBS (Discount price)

Balance: 90 Stubs

'Woah!! There was an online store!!... And it's giving us a 95% discount on the weapons. Sweet! We have a tiny chance at survival'

Green had hardly touched his stubs since he arrived at the school because he had been using most of the free stuff, he had only bought some food earlier but that was all that he had used out of it.

'I don't need to bother myself about the level of advanced technology at this school anymore. It feels so surreal... There's no need to be prudent with stubs since my life is at stake here'

Green thought and selected the hunter's rifle.



"No need to ask"

Green said and selected the affirmative option as the hologram vanished and a rifle fell into his hands out of thin air.

"Let's do this"

Some other students had also purchased weapons from their stores so a good number of them held guns in their hands. However, those students who had spent all their stubs on food began to panic because they held no weapons to use in the battle against these robots.

After what seemed like ten seconds had passed, the robot in front of them said in a very robotic tone,

"Surrender or you die"

'Does he really mean that?'

Green shuddered at the thought of the robots killing armed high school students who didn't even know how to handle a weapon.

"You have three seconds to drop all your weapons on the ground and put your hands on your head"

It said again in it's robotic voice,

No one budged apart from some students who were running around in panic trying to borrow stubs to buy weapons.


It started counting,


One of the students in front shouted and ran forward while blasting the two rifles in his hands.

Other students took his lead and yelled out battle cries as they ran forward while blasting their guns at the robots.

The robots took the hint and opened fire on the students, the boy in front took the first hit and fell to the ground convulsing like an epileptic.

Green heaved a sigh of relief as he realized that the robots were armed with taser guns, he had lost sight of Ryan, Sam and Laura, everyone was running helterskelter.

He walked forward slowly as he gunned down the robots, keeping his head down to avoid stray bullets from hitting him. He looked forward and saw that the students had created a path between the robots and many had begun to run to the escape gate.

Green followed their lead and blasted the head of one robot that tried to block his way, the robots all turned on their tails and chased them.


Each robot had a humanoid shape with silver steel for the body and small red circular eyes and a rectangular mouth, there were also small tyres on the feet to enable swift and stealthy movement.

Green panted heavily as he ran forward, the robots were gaining quickly on him and if he didn't do something soon, he would end up getting tased before completing the quest. He couldn't face all of them by himself and he couldn't run forever either so he decided to take a detour into one of the alleys and hope that the robots do not follow him.

Green suddenly screamed and increased his speed as if he wanted to race forward but he made a turn into an alley just in time as a taser bullet struck where he stood, he was lucky to see some trash cans that he quickly slid behind and hid as the robots passed.


They raced past, without even noticing that he hid, they seemed to be chasing the bulk of the crowd.


Green heaved a sigh of relief and leaned his back on the trash can as the robots still raced past, they were numerous!

'That was close, if it wasn't for the school's virtual store, we wouldn't have survived this... Haha, for a moment there, I thought that I would die'




Green's eyes widened as he heard sounds coming from another turn off the alley, he quickly but quietly crept up to the wall to take a look but what he saw shocked him to his bone marrow.

The boy with the red aura from his class was engaged in a heated battle with robotic spiders that were the size of small cats.

His aura was very thick and his left hand wielded dark red flames while the right hand wielded light red flames, his fire disintegrated the spiders in seconds but he was still being cornered. They were trying to overwhelm him with their sheer numbers, that look of confidence on his face was now replaced with a skeptical look, they had him backed against the wall with no escape path, his impressive fire magic had no impact in this situation.


Green's eyes sparkled as the boy jumped up and hit the ground with his fists sending a wave of flames that disintegrated the robotic spiders around but that didn't still make any difference because the ones at the back quickly replaced the ones in the front to attack him.

'He needs help! I have to help him!'

Green thought,

'But I can't just run out there without a plan, something must be producing these spiders... I got to check it out'

Creeping closer, he peeped and saw the drove of hundreds of spiders that had filled that whole area.

Green looked closer and noticed that there was a huge dormant spider that hid behind the offensive spiders, it just sat there as these smaller spiders came out at tremendous speed out of a hole that was under it's body.

''Found you''

Green whispered to himself with narrowed eyes and burst out while shooting sporadically at the spiders.

Both the boy and the spiders were taken by surprise, the boy looked at Green with wide eyes, he wasn't expecting anybody to be hiding in the alley.

"Cover me!"

Green yelled as he ran forward into the crowd of spiders,

It took a second for what Green said to register in his head but when it did he began to burn the spiders that followed Green at his back as he blasted forward through the spider crowd.

He arrived at the mother spider and raised his rifle to blast her head off but the rifle just clicked, he pulled the trigger again but the rifle clicked again. His watch beeped and a hologram appeared in front of him.



Green barely got the chance to read those words because the spiders around him quickly clamped their metal jaws on his legs,


He yelled out in pain, jumped on the mother spider and held two of her legs. She began to trash around, bashing Green on the ground and walls but he held tight while screaming,

"Blast her!! Blast her!!"

The boy raised his hands to shoot flames but hesitated, if he shoots to kill this spider, the green haired boy behind him will die too,

What will he do?