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18 Green's Insignia

"Blast her!! Blast her!!"

The boy raised his hands to shoot flames but hesitated, if he shoots to kill this spider, the green haired boy behind him will die too,

'Fine, since you're so insistent'

The boy thought and released a massive gout of fire on the spider.


The robotic spider yelled as the flames made contact with it and it exploded sending a huge shockwave around that pushed the boy away.

*Cough cough*

He coughed as he stood up and dusted his track suit, the air was filled with smoke and dust and the boy couldn't see anything.

Without saying a word, he walked into the smoke till he saw where Green lay on the floor, unconscious and covered in burns.

"Fuu... I told you"

The boy said and shook his head.


Green opened his eyes to see a white ceiling with lots of bright white lights, he squinted his eyes and tried to use his hand to cover his face before he realized that his hands were plugged to drips and machines. There was a persistent throb in his head and the strong smell of antiseptics in the air worsened matters for him.

"Where am I"

He muttered weakly,

"Oh goodie, he's awake"

A man walked up to him, held his eyelids open and flashed a small torch across his eyes. It was doctor Gary.

"Good, he's awake"

Doctor Gary said and walked up to a computer system.

Green sat up and began to pull out the tubes and drips on his body, he was shirtless with the track suit's black trouser and his head, hands and abdomen were wrapped in bandages,

"What happened?"

"You had an accident during the test"

Green jumped as he heard the voice, he turned back and saw Jack standing beside his bed with his hands folded,


Green said as his head throbbed again, the events of the test suddenly flooded into his head.

"I didn't finish my test"

Green said with a start and sat upright.

"Don't worry, your performance was still recorded yesterday"

Jack assured,

"Yesterday?! I've been unconscious since yesterday? And which performance are you even talking about? I didn't even finish the test"

Green said as he removed the bandages that covered his body, the mild burns had already begun to heal.

"Hey! What are you doing? You haven't fully recovered"

Doctor Gary said and rushed towards Green,

"Hey! Calm down doctor, I'm fine.. Ouch!"

Green said and shifted away from doctor Gary as his hand touched one of his open wounds,

The bandages fell off and Jack went wide eyed in surprise as he saw the insignia on Green's abdomen.

"Meet me in my office about that issue"

Jack said as if he did not notice anything and left the infirmary.

"Which iss... Oh"

Green said as he realized what Jack was saying,

Now that Jack had left, Doctor Gary now had a weird sinister smile on his face,

'Oh my dear lab rat, if I could just give you a shot of tranquilizer that would knock you out again and give me a chance to use you for my experiments... This green hair of yours is so...'

He was so lost in his weird fantasy that he didn't notice that he was staring intently at Green while muttering incomprehensible words.


Green didn't hesitate to assume that the man had ulterior motives so he quickly grabbed his shirt that was dropped by the bed and ran out of the infirmary.

"Kekekeke... Too slow"

The door banged shut and Doctor Gary held up a handful of Green's hair that he had cut out as Green tried to run away, Green was so slow that he didn't even notice that the doctor moved a muscle.


Outside the Infirmary,

Green's mouth hung open as he read the contents of the notification on his identity watch,


'105 stubs! Woah, that's much! I wasn't even expecting anything out of this... Quest'

He thought as he opened his status,

Student Name: Green

Student ID-Room Number: 707120-042

Class: Year 1-A

Dormitory: White Lion House

Balance: 120 stubs

Physical ability: C-

'A C-, well I guess that was expected'

He thought and closed his status,

'Now that I think about it, everywhere seems quiet, where's everybody?'

It was then that he realized that he had been in the infirmary for a day and the other students were in class,

'Well... Let me go and meet Mr Jack about that issue... He seemed to be enthusiastic about something.'

Green finally thought and made his way to Jack's office.


Jack's Office,

"So... Mr Jack, if I'm not mistaken, you seem to have something to tell me"

Green said confidently as he sat opposite Jack,

"Well, you know I was wondering..."

Jack said up and brought out a bottle of bourbon from his drawer,

"Eyes off the merchandise, you're under aged"

He teased,

"Ha! I bet I can drink better than you"

Green challenged,

"Nice try but you still won't taste it"

He poured himself a cup.


Green looked at him with expectant eyes,

"You're a special child"

Green leaned back on the chair and threw his hands up in exasperation,


"But this time, I can prove it"

He put his index finger up in front of Green to send home his impression,

Green looked at Jack with the corner of his eyes, doubt was clearly written all over his face.

"You know, that day I fell here, I sensed great power inside you..."

Green made faces of disbelief to Jack as he spoke,

"...But for some reason, I couldn't sense that power again, after that day, I thought that I had made a mistake and I began to consider leaving this school but today, I realized that I couldn't have been more right when I saw the insignia on your belly..."

"Insignia on my belly?"

Green stopped making faces and quickly raised his shirt up to look at the mark on his abdomen, the mark was the size of a human palm and had the shape of an omega, it was green in color.

"You mean this?"

He pointed at it,

"I'm telling you... This doesn't mean anything"

"Oh yes it does"

Jack countered,

"That is a very complex insignia, one that I haven't seen it's style before in my life and if you have an insignia on your body, it means that whoever made this insignia is trying to secure something inside your body. What else could that be apart from your power?"


"Yes... Like magic"

Jack said,

"I don't have any use for magic, it's not like I'm a magic user or someone big"

Green said in disappointment, he was expecting something like a revelation that he was the unknown son of the richest man in the world.

"Look here Green, there are greater evils in this world. There are people who would go to the extent of destroying whole federations just to get this new power inside you. Even in this very school, it'll just be a matter of time before someone else discovers it so you have to choose between unlocking your power and learning to use it for yourself or you let them capture you and extract the power from you to use in commiting evil..."

Jack said sternly to Green,

'Man... What have I gotten myself into? How on Earth did I even get this power? I was abandoned from infancy and I haven't come in contact with any of these magic users before... What do I do?'

Green now looked thoughtful as he placed his hands beneath his chin,

"It's also okay if you don't want to"

Jack shrugged, raised his right palm up and gathered air in a huge swirling mass on it.


Green shifted back, no matter how much he saw magic, it always seemed to amaze him, as if he was always drawn towards it.

"Will I be able to do that?"

"With magic, you can do anything"

Jack replied,

''It's not like I have anything to lose here,when do we start?..."