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19 Unsealing Green's Insignia

That night, before lights out.

Dressed in a simple white shirt and blue jeans, Green left the White House dormitory and went to the woods behind it, that was where Jack had arranged their meeting.

The air was chilly that night and clouds covered the sky so that the stars and the moon was not visible.

'No stars tonight...'

Green thought ruefully as he arrived at the woods. Though it was dark, Green could still make out Jack's figure standing in front of the trees.

"You're early"

Jack said as Green popped up by his side,


Green replied,

"Are you scared?"

"Nah... I'm actually excited"

Green said with ecstasy,

"Let's start already"

"Don't be in a haste Green, magic is a concept of patience"

Jack advised,

"Yeah yeah, that's what they say. Let's just get it over with"

Green rolled his eyes and began to walk into the woods.

Moments later, Green was lying shirtless on the floor with his back to the ground and Jack knelt beside him with his hands stretched over Green's abdomen.

"This is a very complicated insignia so I just want you to know that it might hurt a bit"

Jack said to him,

"Hey! You didn't tell me anything about pain!!"

Green almost yelled,

"It won't hurt much, just a little. You can endure that much right?"

Jack asked,

"Okay fine... You can begin"


Jack said and closed his eyes as he placed his hands on Green's abdomen,

"Now close your eyes and take a deep breath"

'Okay, here goes nothing'

Green took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

A warm white glow appeared on Jack's hands, it was the first stage of the unsealing process.

'I'll just take this slow since this is a very unfamiliar and complex seal. No hurries"

Jack thought and began to infuse his magic energy into Green's body, the insignia began to glow with a dim green light.

Every normal human being has a limit to how much magic energy the body can endure. If the magic energy surpasses that limit, the person will die so Jack's plan was to infuse Green's body with magic energy to it's limit so that the seal will forcefully unlock itself and create a magic core that will absorb the infused magic.

The feeling started as a warm tingling tickle in his abdomen and after a while, it turned to a very hot and violent feeling. He began to squirm in pain, he even tried to move out but Jack's grip on his abdomen was so strong that he had no choice but to stay pinned down under Jack's arms.

In a few seconds, Green began to convulse violently because his body had reached it's magic limit but the insignia hadn't still unsealed itself.

Jack was awash with apprehension,

'This kid is going to die if I don't stop this. This insignia is difficult to unseal'

Just as he was about to stop, a wisp of green magic energy came out of the insignia and wrapped itself around Jack's arms.


'What's going on? What is this green energy?'

Jack thought as he felt an unfamiliar energy clashing with his own.

He tried to stop infusing his energy but he felt a strange burn on his hands, it seemed that the green energy had taken control of his magic. He suppressed a scream as power filled his body and he felt his magic powers amplify by 500%.

That was a feature of his special left eye called Sunōai, it was an eye that was passed down in the Snow family, the eye grants the user the ability to amplify his magic powers up to 500%, it also grants the user the ability to cast spells with supernatural efficiency, which means that the caster can never miss a target.

His left eye was now pure white in color and there were tiny red veins in it, that was the form of the Sunōai, the energy inside Green's body was trying to draw all the magic energy from Jack's body.

Green's eyes were wide open had a bright green glow and his hair now glowed green, the burns on his body also healed instantly and his whole body was now covered in green energy.

'Yes... Yes, it's working'

Suddenly, flashes of a vision began to appear before Jack's eyes, in the vision was a very tall beautiful woman dressed in a long green satin gown with a beautiful face accentuated by her green hair and green eyes, she bore a very striking resemblance with Green.

She seemed to be saying something but Jack only heard three words,

".... Please... Protect... Him..."

As soon as he heard those words, the vision stopped and he regained control of his body. He quickly deactivated his Sunōai but the moment he stopped infusing magic into Green, a green energy shockwave erupted from Green's body and pushed Jack away.



The mobile phone on Wilhelm's table vibrated with a loud ring. Wilhelm reached out and picked it up, it was Mr Bristene.


"I've arrived at Flake City. I hope my castle is ready"

Tenebris said, his voice had a commanding tone to it.

"Y.. Yes. I've also arranged for a chauffeur to pick you up and take you to the place."

Wilhelm replied with a flinch.


Tenebris said,

"But why do you want to live in that lump of snow? There are lots of warm and beautiful cities in the world?"

Wilhelm asked,

"I didn't come to this realm to seek warmth and beauty, I'm here to destroy someone and find something. The earlier I do that and go back to my realm, the better for me"

Tenebris said and hung up.

"Son of a b*tch"

Wilhelm said loudly and dropped his phone.

"I just can't wait to end this goddamn deal"

On his computer's screen was the record of the amount of money that Tenebris had exhausted in the few days that he stayed in Obsidian City and the ones he had consumed in the few hours which he had spent in Flake City.

Everything amounted to a whooping six million kobos.

*Kobos was the unit of currency in the real world.

"What a..."

His words hung in the air as an unfamiliar wave of energy whooshed past his body, sending goosebumps crawling on his skin up to his neck.

"What the hell was that?"

He asked nobody in particular as he tapped furiously on his keyboard. He activated all the secret magic sensors in the school and a map appeared on the screen in front of him with a red inverted drop shaped icon beeping rapidly at the woods area.

'This... Power, this is something I've never felt before, could powerful people be fighting in the school?'

He activated the cameras at the woods and saw two figures on the floor, it was already dark so he wasn't able to get their identities.

'Are they students? Why are they on the floor?'

To satisfy his curiosity, he grabbed his telephone, dialed a number and said,



The voice from the other end said,

"Send some guards to the woods now!. Bring to me anybody that you find there now"

Wilhelm's tone was urgent so Bernard knew better than to ask useless questions.

"Yes sir"

He dropped the telephone,

'I got goosebumps from that wave, could it be Pablo?'


"Mr Jack! Mr Jack! Wake up!"

Green shook Jack furiously in a bid to wake him up, he had lost consciousness after the unsealing process.

Green looked at his bare aching abdomen, only half of the insignia had disappeared, the other half was still there.

'I don't feel anything so I'm not sure whether it worked'

"Mr Jack wake up!"

Green said and slapped his cheeks, the man was knocked out cold.

WAO!!! WAO!!!

A siren rang in the air, it was the school guard patrol vehicle that was driving towards the woods area with full speed.

"Oh no, we're in trouble"

Green said as he looked at the car that was speeding towards their area.