WebNovelGod Mage44.68%

21 This isn't an advice, it's a warning

A first year student who looked way bigger than normal first year students towered over Green. His amber brown eyes and his spiky red hair added to his menacing look and made him look like a villain to Green, it was Ken the bully.

"Hey there... Hero"

He enunciated the last word in a way that made Green know that he was in big trouble.


That was the only thought that entered Green's head as he turned and ran away from Ken who already wanted to grab him.

"Hey! Get back here!"

Ken screamed and chased after him,

Green tried to run into the cafeteria but he noticed that there was someone grinning maniacally in front of the door, the person was obviously one of the bullies who wanted to catch him.

Green quickly veered off the hallway to the cafeteria and tried to run to the stairs but another bully was standing there.

'Damn! They planned this out, they've got me cornered'

Green thought as he entered the only free hallway which was the hallway to the restroom, he quickly ran into the restroom.

"You can run but you can't hide!!"

Ken's voice boomed in the hallways. The bullies were now advancing towards the restroom with wicked intentions.


The door to the restroom flung open and Ken was surprisingly amused at the sight he met. Green was standing in a fighting stance with a huge wrench that he got from God-knows-where.

"Don't come any closer. I'm going to hit you!"

Green barked at him while aggressively brandishing the wrench in front of him.


Ken's deep laughter echoed throughout the empty restroom.

"I'd love to see you try"

He took one step towards Green and Green likewise took one step backwards.

"Hee hee, scaredy fish! Scaredy fish!"

The bully with the psychological defect was screaming while jumping in glee.

Ken took more steps forward and Green took more steps backwards till his back touched the wall.

"I thought you said that you would hit me if I came any closer"

Ken teased,

"This is your last warning! Don't come any closer"

Green's hands trembled as he held the wrench in his hands, he knew that Ken was obviously stronger than him so saying these words were just a futile attempt at trying to scare Ken away.

Ken took another step forward and the wrench went flying to his head, he quickly raised his left hand to block it and it rebounded with a clanging sound. Green gulped in fear as Ken wrenched the wrench out of his hands and flung it away.

"You're screwed"

The tall lanky one among the bullies said in a mocking tone.

Suddenly, they heard the gurgling sound of a toilet flush from one of the toilet stalls.

None of them didn't even attempt to look at the person who was coming out of the toilet.

...Green was thinking about how he would get his butt kicked by these bullies,

...Ken was thinking about the numerous wicked things he would do to Green, his right arm was already raised to punch...

....the tall lanky bully was excited to know what Ken would do to Green,

.....the stupid one was thinking about fish.

They all turned in surprise as a hand gripped Ken's raised arm. A Caucasian blonde male stood behind them with Ken's arm held tightly in his grip.

'Ryan! What are you doing here?'

Green looked at him with fear in his eyes, there was something very wrong with the Ryan standing before them, his hazel brown eyes now had a dull red color that carried a very cold and hostile expression.

'Oh no... The DID'

"Who the hell are you?"

Ken barked and forcefully pulled his hand out of Ryan's grip.


In one swift movement, Ryan raised his left leg and kicked Ken into one of the stalls on his right hand side, the kick was so powerful that Ken crashed through the door and landed roughly on the toilet seat.

Seeing their leader who had been kicked like a football, the other two decided to slip by Ryan and run away but Ryan slapped their faces with his palms and slammed their heads to the ground.

They lost consciousness immediately because of the force of the impact. Ryan walked slowly towards Green who had begun to shiver in fear.

"R...r..Ryan? Are you there?"

Green stuttered,

"Ryan isn't here"

He replied, even his voice was different from Ryan's.

"T..then who are... You?"

Green turned away from the piercing red eyes.

"My name is Yarn and I'm Ryan's DID"

He walked up to Green, held his chin to face him and looked straight into his green eyes.

"For some reason, I see greatness within you and that is why I'm saving you. Go and get stronger, that is the only way you can protect yourself from scumbags like these. This isn't an advice, it's a warning because the next time I save you. I'll join them to beat you up. Understood?"

Green was so scared that he was only able to mutter an inaudible reply.


Yarn yelled,

"Yes! Yes!"

Green jumped in fear with that reply.

"Good. Now get out of here and let me clean up this mess"

Green slipped by him and ran past the bodies of the bullies, out of the restroom. Ken had already stood up when he left and from the hallways he could hear sounds of screams and blows.


Green thought.


'Okay, so next on the list is Mr Jack Jameson, math teacher for the first years... He has a pretty clean profile and he's also a new teacher...but it wouldn't hurt to check him out though'

Bernard held a tablet in his hands as he walked from one teacher's office to another, he was trying to sniff out the people who were at the woods the previous night, so far he hadn't found any.

Now, he was just a few metres away from Jack's office.

Jack saw Bernard coming from the security camera video feed installed in his office.

'Hm... This guy... Why is he coming here?'

*Knock knock*

Bernard delivered two short knocks on the door.

"Come in"

Jack had barely completed the words when Bernard walked in briskly, Bernard's intimidating stature was enough to make anybody behave but Jack's stature wasn't too bad either.

The moment Bernard stepped into Jack's office, his exceptional feral sense of smell instantly picked up one of the scents from the previous night.


He thought as a maniacal grin appeared on his face.

"Good day Mr Jameson, I'm Mr Bernard, director of security."

He extended a hand to Jack who stood up to welcome him.

"Good day to you too. Have a seat"

Jack said with a fake smile,

"Oh no... Thank you, I do not need a seat, I'm just here on a survey that the school management ordered me to carry out."

The smile on Bernard's face was that of one who had just caught a chronic thief or a serial killer.

"Oh okay, so what's the survey about?"

Jack now had a serious tone, he had begun to suspect that something was amiss with the way Bernard was smiling.

"Oh, that. An intruder was discovered in the school grounds last night and the management suspects that the intruder is a member of the school system. Would you mind telling me where you were and what you were doing last night?"

'Hmmm... It seems that he was the one who almost caught us last night and he may also be suspecting me. I have to play my cards well with this guy'

Jack thought quickly before replying,

"I was at my quarters... Watching a movie"

'So you chose to lie huh?'

Bernard thought,

"Mm..at his quarters... Watching a movie"

Bernard muttered as he typed something into the tablet,

"Which movie was that again and when were you watching it?"

'Damn... An obvious trap'

Jack knew that Bernard was trying to know whether he was actually at home watching a movie or not. If he made a random guess right now, it would be used against him, he was in a bind.

"The Fiend Slayer, starring Steven Heracles by 9:00pm"

Another evil smile appeared on Bernard's face and he made another note on the tablet.

"Thank you for your time"

"You're welcome, I hope you find the intruder soon"

Jack replied with a fake smile of his own,

'Oh thank you. I assure you, we will'

Bernard left the room and closed the door, he brought out his mobile phone and dialed Wilhelm.

'One down, one more to go'