WebNovelGod Mage46.81%

22 Suspicion

PS: do not be offended dear readers. This chapter isn't edited so expect errors

After classes that day, Green left the year 1 academic building in a hurry and headed straight to Jack's office because he didn't want to encounter any of the bullies. Many thoughts ran through his mind as he walked,

'What did Derek mean by I'm now like him?'

'Was it because of last night's unsealing process?'

'What truly happened last night?'

'What was that cold place that we appeared in?'

As he approached Jack's office, he noticed that there was an unfamiliar person coming out of the office, the man had a very wicked grin on his face,

'Uh oh, why do I have a feeling that this man means bad news?'

Green thought and slowed his pace, the man had not seen him yet.

Green was still trying to decide his next line of action when he heard a voice whispering in the air around,


'Huh? This voice... It's Mr Jack's voice'

Green's eye twitched as he recognized the voice.


The voice came again, louder than earlier.

'If Mr Jack says that I should hide then I'll hide, after all, this man hasn't seen me yet'

With these thoughts, Green quickly turned and hid behind some bushes.

Jack's voice stopped speaking and everywhere became very quiet as the man approached the place where Green was hiding. The only sound that Green could hear was the loud thumping of his heart and the soft footsteps of the man that was coming, Green was lying on the ground so he could only see the man's black trousers and brown boots that walked with equal calculated steps.

Suddenly, the legs stopped in front of the bush where Green hid and Green's heart skipped three beats.


'why did he stop there? Does he know that I'm here?'

Green thought in fear,

Bernard raised his nose up and sniffed the air,

*Sniff sniff*

His smile widened,

'What extraordinary luck I have today, the owner of the second scent is nearby, I can smell him... Oh wait, there's something else'

A look of curiosity suddenly replaced the smile as his ears pricked up and his extraordinary feral sense of hearing picked up a sound,

*Ba dum Ba dum*

'Is that a heartbeat I hear? Don't tell me that the owner of this scent is hiding from me...'

Bernard had to restrain himself from saying,

* "Fe fi fo fum, I smell the blood of an intruder, be he alive or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to make my bread"

(Adapted from Disney's Jack the giant slayer)

He took a deep breath and continued moving forward,

'I've already found one, it won't be difficult to find the second one now. At least I now know that the two of them are in this school.'

Green heaved a sigh of relief as the two legs continued walking and went out of sight.

'Man... That was close.. he seems dangerous seeing as Mr Jack told me to hide. I have to go find out'

After making sure that the unfamiliar man had gone, Green came out of his hiding spot and ran towards Jack's office.


"Mr Jack! What's going on!"

Green barged into the office in panic, he was surprised to see Jack smiling while sipping coffee with his legs crossed on top of his table.

"This coffee is really good"

He was nodding his head as he spoke,

"Mi..mi..mister Jack? Who is that man? Why did you tell me to hide from him?"

Green stuttered,

"Oh... You heard it? That was a huge gamble, I saw you on my security feed so I whispered and manipulated the air to carry the words to your ear"

Jack said and laughed heartily,

Green was surprised that one could do such things with magic.

"That man.. is the director of security in the school. He was the one who came to the woods last night and he knows that we were there."

Jack's face now had a serious expression on it.

"How did he find out?"

Green asked and sat down on the chair opposite Jack,

"Well... He knows our scent so it wasn't that difficult for him"

Jack said lackadaisically,

"Our scent? How does he know our scent? Does he have the nose of a feline or something?"

Green was skeptical about Jack's explanation,

"Kinda. He's a werewolf"

"Werewolf!? Are they even real? How are you even sure of what you're saying?"

Green's brain was almost numb from the number of surprises it had received that day, he was starting to feel like he no longer lived in the real world. All he could see now everyday were mages, supers and now... Werewolves? How weird could this school ever get?

"Green, you have to learn to start trusting me. There are many creatures in human forms in this school that you cannot even begin to imagine their existence. The werewolves are one of them and even your principal is a werewolf"

Jack said to him.

"The principal?"

Green interjected,

"Yes... Actually, he's the leader of all the supernatural creatures in this school."

Jack replied,

"What? He's the leader?! What the hell is going on in this school?"

"Your principal has many secrets but I won't tell you all of them now till you're strong enough to protect yourself. Such information can get you killed"

Jack warned,

"How do you know about all this? You're just a new teacher"

Green asked,

"I can't tell you that too, for your own good"

If looks could kill, Jack could have died from the look that Green gave him then.

"Okay fine, What are you going to do about the security director who has our scent? If he snitches on us, we might get kicked out of the school"

Green said,

"I can stop him if I want to, but I want to see the stunt that he and his boss wants to pull. They felt your power last night and now they want it but no matter how desperate they are for it, they can't make any rash advances in the school here"

"This power that I have... Why do they want it?"

Green asked timidly, fear had already started to grip him,

"Look here Green, you're still a child, so you may not understand what I'm trying to say....

In this world, power is everything, if you have power, people will grovel at your feet, countries will fall when you sneeze. Even mountains will move at your command...

People like the principal will give anything to have more power, that is why he's searching for you..."

True to Jack's words, Green couldn't bring himself to comprehend the hunger for power that existed amongst the adults.

"B..b..but why can't we all live equally and happily in peace and harmony?"

Green asked innocently,


Jack laughed deeply at Green's innocence,

"Ego, Pride and hunger for power are man's greatest flaws. Man can never live in harmony, he'll always want to be above his counterparts.. don't worry, as you grow, you'll understand better"


Green was speechless, he never knew that the world was so corrupt, he spent his whole life inside the orphanage so he never really understood the gravity of things in the outside world.

"Don't feel sad Green, that's why I'm here, to teach you how to use this power and defend yourself from these power hungry mongrels and if possible, assist in changing the world. The first step is learning how to use your power"

Jack consoled him,

"But Mr Jack, don't you have power? Why are you teaching in the school of a werewolf?"

Green looked up into Jack's eyes with his two big adorable green eyes.

"I came here to help you so that you won't fall into the hands of the evil people. Don't worry, someday I'll show you how much power I have. For now, you're the highest priority"

He explained,

Green slumped back into the chair, he was so confused. He was just told that he had a power that everyone wanted and that he was in a school that was owned by a werewolf. It was just so overwhelming for him.

Suddenly, Jack remembered the woman that he saw in the vision.



"I know that you're an orphan but by any chance, have you ever seen your mother before?"

Jack asked,

"Oh.. no, I haven't. I've been alone since infancy, no father, no mother. Just a bunch of inconsiderate caregivers at the orphanage"

Green replied sadly,

"Is there a problem?"

"Oh.. no, not at all"

Jack replied,

'I'll have my clone investigate this one'

"Okay, so how are you feeling? Any complications after the unsealing process?"

Jack asked with concern,

"Apart from the fact that all my injuries from the physical ability test have healed, I'm perfectly okay but...."

Green trailed off and raised his shirt to look at the half insignia on his belly,

"But what?"

Jack asked as his eyes traveled to Green's belly,

"The insignia hasn't completely disappeared"

Green said,

"Well, I think it's because your body isn't strong enough to harness the full power inside you so it can't unseal beyond that unless you get stronger...

...Don't worry, I have faith that you'll be able to learn to harness your full power quickly"

Jack said with a motivating smile,

"Well... when do we start training?"

Green asked,

"Anytime you're ready"

Jack shot back,

"What if I tell you that I'm ready now?"

Green said,

A sly smile creeped onto Jack's lips....