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29 Fresher's Night

Jason's Room,

The Hell Hounds meeting.

Six students were gathered around a round table inside the room of a third year. The students were Jason, a third year who was a vampire, Drex, a third year who was a werewolf, Penelope, a third year who was also a vampire, Carly, a third year who was a witch, Trevor, a second year who was a mage and lastly, Hyun Jun, a second year who was a power borrower.

They were the members of the Hell Hounds, a lawless gang in the school that perpetuated all sorts of malicious deeds in the school. The Hell Hounds was always passed down sets, whenever the third years approached graduation, they would select potential candidates from the second years to replace them and maintain the club's reputation.

Despite their hot headedness, the school didn't expel them because they helped the school management to carry out the dirty jobs in the school.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of this meeting?"

Penelope asked coldly as she fiddled with her black braided hair, her face was heavily made up with black cosmetics, she was a goth girl.

"The first years are having their fresher's night today"

Jason, who was their leader said confidently.

"Ooh, fresher's huh? I bet they'll have some pretty girls"

Drex said mischievously while stroking his chin,

"Ugh! Womanizer"

Carly said and rolled her eyes,

"You're just annoyed because I f*cked you"

Drex shot back,

Carly's eyes widened and she yelled,

"You bastard! You're not supposed to say that out loud"

"Oops! I forgot"

Drex said and made a mock display of closing his mouth with his palm.

Carly stood up in anger and get chair got knocked back as a result of the force she used,

"You'll get an STD pretty soon d!ckhead"

"Who'll I get it from, you?"

Drex shot back,

"I doubt you can even get it with that tiny d!ck of yours"

Penelope added,



Jason screamed and slammed his fist on the table.

They all shut their mouths but Carly's gaze towards Drex spoke volumes. Trevor and Hyun Jun who were second years usually stayed very quiet during incidents like this.

"I called this meeting so that we can talk about the plan of attack"

Jason said, his voice had regained calmness.

"We're listening"

Hyun Jun added,

"Good, Trevor and Hyun Jun will enter from the front, I and Penelope will attack from the back while Drex and Carly will take care of the escapees"

Jason outlined,

"Is this okay?"

"No... No way! There's no way I'm doing this with Drex"

Carly objected,


Drex asked and licked his lips flirtatiously,

"Just shut up already. This meeting is dismissed"

Jason said finally.


Loud music permeated the air and sounds of laughter and conversations could be heard from the party arena, a large decorated open building with a balcony.

It was finally the fresher's night party and the first year students milled around, walking from pillar to post while dressed in their gorgeous outfits.

The school had permitted them to conduct the party without the presence of the teachers but they still chose to watch them through the security cameras to keep the students on their toes about their general behavior during the party.

Smiles were on everyone's faces as they danced to the upbeat tune that the DJ played for them. Ryan and Laura were quite the center of attraction in the party as they showed off different cool dance moves on the dance stage as their fellow students applauded them.

Ryan looked very handsome and polished in his well ironed black suit which was the dress code for boys and Laura too looked very stunning in her long blue gown with a tiara made out of real diamond on her jet black hair that glowed in the colorful lights of the party arena with a pair of high heeled shoes that made her seem not so short.

The couple caught all the eyes of their classmates when they walked as all the boys stared intently at Laura's bare back and the girls stared at Ryan's cute face and mature demeanor.

'They're quite a pair huh?'

Green thought as he watched them dancing on the stage, Green was dressed in a black suit that he got for 30 stubs at the mall just like the other male students but he sat alone,at one corner of the party arena while, cheering Ryan and Laura as they danced.

'Now that I think about it, where's Sam? I've been waiting for hours and she hasn't showed up. Is she okay?'

Green thought as he sat there idly, fiddling with a cup of punch that was in his hand.

'I shouldn't be here by now, if only Ryan hadn't decided to hurt Sam, then things would've been different... I'm just doing this so that peace can reign among us'


All the students screamed loudly as the DJ played a very popular song.

'Man... I really hate parties'

Green thought.

Suddenly the doors of the party arena flung open and the most gorgeous girl that Green had ever set his eyes on walked majestically into the party. There were "ooh's" and "aah's" as she catwalked into the room, though Sam was just a teenager, she had the voluptuous figure a mature woman.

She was dressed in a tight green sleeveless gown that displayed an ample amount of cleavage, her snow white skin contrasted beautifully with her red hair and made her look like a movie goddess.

Slowly, the students that were dancing stopped and stared at the beautiful girl who walked in and went straight to Green's side.

"Do you like it? I wore the green gown because of you"

She whispered to him as she sat beside him,

Green gulped, he was already feeling hot as they sat together.

'Not me... Ryan'

He knew quite well that Sam was just trying to make Ryan jealous and he played along, but no matter what, he wouldn't involve himself emotionally with her.

After a moment of silence, Sam said,

"Aren't you going to ask me to dance?"


Green was taken aback, he didn't see that coming at all, how would she expect him to dance with her, who was evidently the most beautiful girl currently in the party. He might get targeted in school for that! But it's not everyday a beautiful lady asks you to a dance.

He took a deep breath and offered her his hand,

"Would you like a dance?"


She shrieked with a mischievous smile.

As they waltzed into the dance stage, the DJ switched the music from upbeat music to soft classical music as the two students slid around on the stage. The other students couldn't help but look admiringly at them as they danced and Green could swear that he saw a slight twinge of annoyance on Ryan's face and when their eyes met, he gave a thumbs up with a smile that both of them knew was fake.

Sam was quite a good dancer because her movements were smooth and fluid, Green didn't know anything about waltzing but since he had seen some waltzing video clips at the orphanage back then, he was able to dance manageably.

"Why are you doing this? We both know that you don't like me so please tell me why you're doing this?"

Green whispered into her ears as they danced.


She chuckled,

"You're smart to have figured that out quickly.."

"It's because of Ryan right?"

Green suggested,

She smiled maniacally and replied,


"You have feelings for him"

Green stated matter-of-factly,

Sam paused and frowned briefly before saying,

"What if I do?"

"Then you have to come out clean and tell him, I'm sure he'll understand"

"What do you know about feelings and friendships? Huh?"

She barked at him,

"You know what? Forget all this, I only came here so that you wouldn't feel bad because of what Ryan did to you but it seems that the both of you are seriously sick in the head."

He disentangled from their waltz dance,

"Thank you for the dance"


She called in a very low but deadly tone,

Green turned to look at her and saw that her head was down and her fists were clenched,

"... don't walk out on me"

Her voice became slightly deep and veins began to pop out of her arms.

'Damn.... Don't tell me she's switching with her DID'

Green thought and began to move backwards.

She was about to take a step forward towards him when an explosion rocked the front door and it blew to pieces.